Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 368: The Plan

Chapter 368: The Plan

1''Sky Wolf Group with me.''     

The leaving adventurers were surprised that a group, in particular, was called; however, this didn't stop them from continuing, they were more concerned about getting prepared for the defensive battle than trying to know the reason behind this group call, and like this Alex's group was not bothered they followed the guild master to the upper floors.     

Soon, they arrived at the guild master's room; Conrad and the twins had left, leaving only the elf with glasses and Silver.      

The moment they entered the room, Silver sat down; the Elf stood behind him and started giving him a shoulder massage.     

''Please sit.''     

''Y-yeah, just right there.'' Silver moaned.     

The moment Alex and the girls sat, he raised a question.     

''What do you want to tell us, Guild Master?"      

''Ah! As Stella said, you're the straightforward type. I like that.'' Silver said and stopped the Elf.     

''She also said you're too cunning, never take you lightly or else I will suffer. Although I want to know what you did for the stingy Stella to be wary of you, I won't ask as I believe we have more urgent things to talk about.''      

Alex nodded.     

Suddenly, the atmosphere around Silver changed, his expression turned severe, unconsciously he released a bit of his strength, Alex was able to know which Rank he was at, like him he is Rank 11, however, with higher level.     

''You know the real reason behind this sudden unexpected second wave, don't you? I mean, smart as Stella portrayed you to be, you must have speculated. Am I wrong?" Silver asked; the Elf standing behind him gaze turned sharper; Alex was not shocked to see that she was stronger, a Rank 10; she is the Vice guild master after all.      

''Yeah, it's because they want to use the monster's wave as cover to successfully complete their goal, which I bet is the same as at Elesim.''     

Alex didn't hide his thoughts as he saw no need for that, saying this much would let him stay in a strategic position other than getting assigned to the frontline, the real stage is this city, inside the city because demons would try to infiltrate the city during the monsters wave, during this time most force assigned for the defensive battle would be stationed outside giving the culprit behind the forced monsters wave the time to execute their real goal.      

''I see, you even though that far. This helps us a lot. I have talked with the City Lord, and he agreed with me that you will be stationed inside the city with the Flame Prince and the Tornado twins.'' Silver announced, although he was curious about why the twins he had seen are called Tornado twins, he stopped from asking, if he remembers correctly from their clothes he could tell they are mages, probably Wind element user, from there it's not hard to speculate why they are being called Tornado twins.     

Alex threw those nonsensical thoughts to the back of his head and looked at Silver.      

''I understand.'' He said he had no reason to refuse; however, he knew it was not the end. Silver still had something to say.      

''Stella said your group is stronger as Rank 8. You will be stationed inside while your companions, Mio and Elsa, will be stationed outside.'' Silver said what Alex had expected.     

Sakuya and Lilith acting as Mio and Elsa, respectively, didn't see anything wrong with this decision; they nodded.      

''Great, let's talk about reward then.'' Silver clapped his hands.      

Thirty minutes later, Alex's group could be seen leaving the guild; they were on their way to find an Inn to stay.      

''Normally, the demons should have known that after falling last time, the empire will be prepared again for their next attempt. So, I don't understand why they would try attacking at this moment. If it were me, I would wait until things have calmed down before making a move.'' Sakuya exposed her confusion about the demon's move.      

Lilith was the one to answer her, ''Normally yes, that would be the case. However, making a move now will let the other party think you are reckless. Let's say that all remaining five cities getting attacked at the same time; no matter how well prepared the empire is, there is bound to be a flaw somewhere, exploiting this flaw to complete their goal no matter what is the cost successfully is their goal. Be sure that among the five remaining cities, one might fall; it can be Celesta or Panam or another city.''      

''What Lilith said is not wrong. I have the feeling that something bad will happen. If it's possible, I would like to go see the Duke and talk with him about countermeasures; however, I can't do that with my current appearance. If I were traveling as Alex, the honorary knight, it would be easy to have him listen to me; however, as an adventurer, even with our accomplishment, it won't be possible. I might even get detained as a spy for the demon.'' Alex said with a pensive look on his face.     

''You have been acting strange since we enter Celesta. Better discuss with us your thoughts to see if we could offer any help as three brains are better than one.'' Sakuya, who had been watching Alex, couldn't help but say this; Lilith nodded her head to say she also does share the same feeling.     

''Hahaha, you girls. Okay, I understand; let discuss once we find an Inn.'' Alex could only give in; the two girls smiled as if to celebrate a victory.      

Soon, they found an Inn, Celestial Inn.     

After booking two rooms on the upper floors of the Celestial Inn, the three joined for a meeting in Alex's chamber after eating dinner.     

''So, it's how it is,'' Alex explained to them about his bad feeling the moment they entered; he didn't tell them that it was Nyx's warning; he just said it had something to do with his right eye.     

''I see. If it's like that, we must think of a plan. Any idea?" Sakuya asked as she looked at the two.      

Nobody said anything for a while before Alex stared at Lilith.      

''Lilith, is there a way to use illusion with rune magic?'' He asked; he didn't forget what she did want; he was using the Eye of Truth on her; it was obviously rune magic.     

Lilith was surprised as she could guess what Alex's plan was about.      

''Yeah, it's possible.'' She responded.     

''Great. I know what to do. Let's call Artemia to perfect the plan.'' Alex said with a smile; at the same time, he took out the communication stone to contact Artemia; although surprised, Sakuya decided to wait and see.     

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