Death Guns In Another World

Chapter 332: Awakening 2

Chapter 332: Awakening 2

2After the explosion occurred, the young man with golden eyes appeared; he was smiling.     0

''So, you rats are here. No, there are two missing rats. Huh!?"      

The young man stopped talking; his eyes caught sight of something; it was the floating cocoon in the air. Using his senses to analyze the cocoon, the man's face darkened.      


He launched an attack on the floating cocoon as he couldn't let what was inside it to awaken.      

BANG! Boom!      

Alex counterattacked, offsetting the man's attack. Sera readied her black sword. The young man frowned; just before he could open his mouth, the cocoon exploded, and a naked Pandora descended into a crouching position.      

Her hair reverted to its natural green color, however, more vibrant, her ears sharper, her skin white and smoother. Still in crouching position, Pandora looked in Alex's direction, heterochromia eyes locked against heterochromia eyes; one of her eyes was pure green while the other was pure black.     

''Master, I have come back. Thank you for saving me. From now on, I will be your sword.'' Pandora (Meera) said, her eyes were full of devotion.      

Although Alex had many things to retort about, I know that now wasn't the time. First, he must point out something obvious.      

Before Alex could tell Pandora (Meera) to dress up, she flicked her fingers, and a blue-green dress appeared on her body; Alex was shocked; the girl in front of him was at least Rank 11.     

Clap! Clap! Clap!      

A clapping sound interrupted Alex's thoughts.      

The young man clapped; he looked at Alex's group with an amused grin on his face, although he got surprised since Pandora (Meera) was back, not less powerful; the man was not worried because he still has the advantage.      

''You surprised me again. To think you will know how to use that stone. However, it doesn't change your final fate. Didn't you wonder where Alice is?"      

This question alarmed Alex and Sera; Pandora (Meera) raised an eyebrow.     

''No good. She must have gone after them. Meera, please-"      

Before Alex could finish his words, Pandora (Meera), who tried to leave after receiving Alex's command, got blown away; she glided across the air before landing on the other side.      

The young man crossed his arms as if he hadn't anything.     

''Nobody is going anywhere. We shall wait here for them to come back. Well, I can't guarantee if they will be in one piece, though.      

Alex's face turned dark; without hesitation, he launched his right eye unique ability, time freeze, pouring MP into his eye, he prayed, and it worked. The young man froze; using this opportunity, Alex shouted at the two girls.     

''You two go.''      

Alex suggested this because Alice is strong, stronger than Sera, and has a weird ability. Having fought her once, Sera might be able to deal with her; this will be possible with Meera tagging me; as for the young man, although he was not his match, Alex believes he can hold on for a while.      

After giving one last glance at Alex, the girls disappeared; at the same time, time resumed.      

The young man's face changed.     

''What happened? What did you do?" He asked.      

Alex's answer was a bullet aimed straight at the man's head.      


Unexpectedly, the man caught the bullet flying towards him at incredible speed.     

Alex was not disconcerted by the fact that the man could catch his bullet in the air; he attacked again; however, this time, his attacks were more tricky.      

Alex executed a triple shot, meaning he aligned three bullets on top of each other, the result was a supersonic bullet, the young man was unable to catch the bullet this time, he tilted his head sideways to dodge the bullet; however, he still felt a burning sensation on the left side of his neck.      


Alex shot forward like a cannonball; he sent his right leg covered in wind element (A/N: Sleipnir unique ability) toward the man's head.      

The man caught his leg while his head was still tilted sideways; he lifted Alex, intending to slam him against the ground. To stop him from accomplishing his goal, Alex fired a Phantom bullet at the man's hand; he quickly let go of Alex's leg; however, the young man opened his mouth, and a white light beam was shot out of his mouth, going straight to Alex's head.     

Alex knew he couldn't fire another bullet in time as this beam was extremely faster, even faster than his regular piercing bullet.     

He waited, just as the white light beam was about to touch his head, the young man was smiling; however, this smile soon vanished from his face because at the last moment, Alex vanished, and the man took his place. Unexpectedly, Alex had used Shadow Shift to switch places with the man.      

And now, the young man was going to face his attack; he was momentarily surprised; however, it was just that, stretching his hand, the man caught the white light beam and crushed it. Then he disappeared.     


Alex immediately used his domain, half of the fourth floor was under his control; Sleipnir's unique ability seemed to have fused with his domain, enabling him to locate even the ant crawling three meters north of his position.     

When the young man reappeared, his hand launched toward Alex's neck; he was met with a bullet, the hand got deflected. The man didn't say anything, he disappeared again, he decided to accelerate, he was so fast that he left afterimage behind that transformed into clones. These clones seemed to have a will on their own; they launched attacks on Alex's from different angles; generally, with more than ten clones attacking him, Alex should have a hard time dealing with them; however, it was the opposite, nobody saw when Alex's left hand moved, not even the real young man saw it, all he and his clones saw were rain of bullets.      

[Bullet Requiem]      

Bullets appeared from all sides, even from the ground, and struck the clones; the young man who was hiding was forced to come out, his left sleeves were gone, there were some red marks on his left-hand proof that bullets had stuck there.      


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