The path of the lustful demon

Author apologises for the hiatus

Author apologises for the hiatus

1I want to apologise for not releasing any chapter. I was extremely busy with life.     3

You see, i am a university student who majors in medicine. Also, i am in my last years so it became extremely hard to even breath from the work overload. In the last few months, I had mandatory training in one of the hospitals and i was treated like an intern. So, i was like a sheep between a pack of wolf's.     

I couldn't even find time to spend some time with my family because i had to do shifts...a shit load of shifts to say.     

I am extremely ashamed as i couldn't keep my promise with you, readers. I apologise for my silence as i didn't want to promise you with something i couldn't achieve.     

I can't promise you to write chapters daily as i might only be able to write a single chapter in one week. Still, i have a small break for now and i will upload four chapters today.     

Thank you for your understanding.     

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