Take My Breath Away

So Much Time With Wesley

So Much Time With Wesley

0"Okay, I see." Blair talked with Wesley for a while longer before hanging up.      2

The next day, Megan showed up at their apartment with her luggage. When Blair came back home from work, the girl was already inside sitting idly on the couch, watching TV.     

She didn't even say hi. Instead, she took out her phone and loaded up a game as if Blair wasn't even there.     

Blair changed into her slippers, turned off the TV and asked Megan coldly, "So, it's just you and me. Why did you ask Wesley if you could move in?"     

Megan raised her head and smirked. "No reason. I just want you to know that Wesley cares about me. He never turns me down. Observe." She gestured at the room.     

Blair found her ridiculous. "Seriously? What do you think will happen? Aren't you afraid that I'll sneak in your room and kill you in the middle of the night?"     

Megan cast her a wary glance. "Damn, you're violent. Wesley told me you weren't very girly."     

"Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment. I have no reason to hold back around you. And just so you know, Debbie already knew Mr. Huo was alive; she's back, and has become quite the pop star. Rich, powerful...I'd think twice before messing with her."     

Everyone knew Debbie returned to Y City. The city was abuzz with gossip about it.     

Carlos wouldn't let a thing like amnesia or a car accident keep him down. He was back to work, the current general manager of ZL Group. Only problem was, he didn't remember Debbie. Stephanie was the woman on his arm. Debbie was trying everything in her power to win him back.     

Of course, Megan knew about it, too. She bit her lower lip to hold back an angry retort. "Thanks for the info, but it's none of your business. Debbie won't lay a finger on me. Carlos can't remember anyone, not even Debbie. But he remembers me. Besides, Wesley's taking care of me. I don't care who hates me. You, Debbie. Wesley won't let you guys hurt me."     

Blair sneered, "We'll see about that."     

Afterwards, Blair hadn't said another word to Megan during her stay in their apartment. The drama queen had deliberately made a mess of the place to piss off Blair, but the young translator just kept silent, reining in her anger for Wesley's sake.     

After a few days, Megan grew bored of her game and moved out. Blair hired a maid to clean and tidy the whole apartment.     

She didn't tell Wesley about it. Megan tried her best to be a nuisance, but Blair wouldn't take the bait. She just let it roll off her back.     

Too bad Wesley didn't return the favor. He came back from the border much earlier than he was supposed to, but the first thing he did when he got back was visit Megan.     

The girl called Blair to brag about it, and it was only then that Blair knew he was home.     

To add fuel to the fire, Wesley was gone for two days after he got back in the city.     

Then on the third day, Wesley took Megan to his hometown. The girl called Blair again, but Blair rejected her call. When she was about to blacklist Megan, Blair got a text from her. "I'm staying with the Li family now. Aunt Cecelia is really nice, and I get to spend so much time with Wesley. I tried to get you on video chat, but you wouldn't answer. Afraid of what you'll find?"     

Blair ignored her text and kept on working.     

On the fourth day, finally, the soldier called her. She picked it up, but said nothing, not even a "hi." Wesley checked his phone—the line was connected. So he spoke first. "Hey, I'm out visiting with my family. Want to come? I'll pick you up."     

'So he really is there.' She said coldly, "No."     

Wesley could tell her mood was not a happy one. "What's up?"     

"Nothing. Hey, I'm slammed at work. Call you later. Bye." She hung up at once.     

Wesley was stunned. He looked at his phone, completely confused.     

'Is she mad at me? Why?     

Maybe because I didn't go straight home?' he wondered. The truth was, he rushed back to the city because Megan was in great danger. Things were so urgent that he didn't even get a chance to rest. When he could catch a breath, he had one of his men get a hold of Blair but her phone was busy.     

After ending the call, Blair couldn't focus on her work anymore. The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. It wasn't a good idea to just let Megan stay there with Wesley. So, that night, she booked a flight ticket and flew out there the next day.     

Freda, the maid, opened the door for her when she arrived.     

Blair asked Freda, "Is Wesley in?"     

Freda replied with a smile, "Welcome home, Mrs. Li. Yes, Mr. Li's back. He should be with Miss Lan now."     

"I see. Thanks." Blair changed into a pair of slippers and stalked upstairs, holding her purse.     

The second floor was quiet. No one else was home, so Wesley and Megan were alone there.     

When Blair walked past a room, she heard a soft voice speaking. "Uncle Wesley."     


Megan stood in front of the window, her face pale. "Are you busy? If you are, I can get Aunt Cecelia to do it. Please don't worry."     

Wesley paused, then he nodded, "Okay. I'll head back to Y City tomorrow afternoon. We can see the doc in the morning." He had to handle this as soon as possible so he could explain to Blair.     

"Okay... Ugh..." The girl suddenly coughed heavily.     

Wesley strode towards her, took out a box of pills from her pocket and got her to swallow one. "Just lie down in bedroom. Don't go out. You need your rest."     

"Sure." Megan nodded. "Uncle Wesley, I can't walk. Can you carry me?"     

Blair's heart tightened. She silently took a few steps forward to get a better view of the room. She peeked through the half-closed door.     

Wesley didn't see Blair. But Megan knew she was there. This was great fun!     

Blair watched Wesley carry Megan in his arms and tuck her gently into bed. He treated Megan so tenderly, as if she were a fragile glass doll. Blair was livid.     

When Wesley was just about to walk away, Megan suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed, "Didn't you and Uncle Carlos take care of those guys? Why are the thugs still after me? Who told them where I live? Help me! I'm scared. Boo...hoo..."     

Wesley furrowed his brows deeply. He pried her hands away and tried to keep his distance. He stood by the edge of the bed and explained, "Those gangsters were part of larger crime families. Don't worry. I'll handle it. I'm also trying to figure out how they found you. You can rest here and be safe."     

"But... I want to go back to Y City with you. How about I move in with you? Only you can help me feel safe."     

Wesley was baffled. "You're better off here. I have to go to work, so I can't be around you all the time. Trust me, this is better."     

"It doesn't matter. I'll stay in your apartment. Just bring me food every day, and that's enough. Or are you worried that Aunt Blair won't like it? I'll ask her myself. Is that okay? If she says no, then... Ahem..." She coughed again, struggling to breathe.     

Wesley calmed her down. "Don't get all worked up, now. Blair has nothing to do with this."     

Megan steadied her breath and emotions before speaking again. "But Blair told me that Debbie was back and both of them hate me. I'm really scared of them..."     

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