Take My Breath Away

I'll Always Trust You

I'll Always Trust You

4"Awesome. You've finally come to terms with the fact that you're my wife. Yeah, you're right. It was our mom," Sheffield smirked.      3

Frustrated, Evelyn closed her eyes. 'Tricked me again!'     

"I have a question for you," Sheffield said. After sitting in his car, the smile on his face vanished. He swiped his phone a few times, then showed her a photo on his screen. "Care to explain this?"     

Evelyn took his phone. She saw a photo of her and Calvert.     

The pic was taken at an odd angle. It looked like they were kissing.     

Calvert was really good at starting shit. He sent pictures of him and Evelyn to Sheffield and sent the pictures of Sheffield and his ex-girlfriend to Evelyn. He wanted Evelyn for himself, and wasn't above a little trickery to get her back. He just wanted to mess up their relationship. He figured that this was the best way to do that.     

Evelyn deleted the picture. After handing Sheffield his phone back, she asked, "Who do you trust, me or him?"     

Sheffield tucked the phone back into his pocket and started the car. "I trust myself." He trusted his own judgment. The woman he loved would never cheat on him.     

They say seeing is believing, but he didn't believe it for a minute.     

Not satisfied with the answer, Evelyn asked anxiously, "You don't trust me?"     

Sensing the implication behind her question, he sighed inwardly. How could he not trust her? He winked at her and said, "Tell you after you kiss me."     

Evelyn was astonished. 'Can't he just drive carefully?'     

But it was just a kiss. Without a word, Evelyn leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.     

Sheffield wasn't completely satisfied. "Just the cheek? That's not good enough. How about on the lips?"     

Evelyn lowered her head in frustration and ordered, "Stop the car!"     

Her tone was stern. Sheffield thought that Evelyn was mad at him because of his joke, so he apologized immediately. "I'm sorry. I was just joking. No need to get all hot under the collar like that."     

"You gonna stop the car, or do I need to pull the e-brake?" Evelyn asked.     

She did sound mad. And imperious. This woman frustrated and excited him all at the same time. He pulled the car over, rather than stopping in the middle of the road.     

As soon as he pulled over, Evelyn unfastened her seat belt. "Evelyn, I'm sorry," he said anxiously, holding her hand.     

Evelyn shook off his hand and flung the seat belt aside. Despite his anxiety, she got closer and closer. She put her hands around his neck and pulled him to her.     

Sheffield was confused. 'What's she doing?'     

Before he figured it out, Evelyn pressed her lips to his and kissed him.     

'Now that's more like it, ' he thought. He gathered her in his arms and responded enthusiastically.     

After a long time, Evelyn let go of him and panted. "Like that?" she asked.     

If he said no, she really wouldn't know what to do.     

With their foreheads pressed against each other, Sheffield confessed in an affectionate manner, "Remember, honey, I'll always trust you!"     

Trying to calm her racing heart, Evelyn snorted, "If you trusted me, you wouldn't have asked me about the pic."     

Sheffield yielded without a second thought. "Yeah, it's my fault. I should have deleted it as soon as I got it."     

"Damn right!" Evelyn pushed him away, straightened her clothes and told him to focus on driving.     

Like usual, he managed to calm her down. Looking at her, he pleaded, "Can we get back on the road later?"     


"I want to sleep with you..." He wanted her.     

'Here?' She looked at the busy street and shook her head immediately. "Not now."     

"Evelyn, you're doing this on purpose!" He leaned over the steering wheel in frustration. She got him all hot and bothered and then backed off.     

Raising her eyebrows, Evelyn asked him, "You asked me to kiss you. I did. But you weren't satisfied and asked me to kiss you on the lips. I did that too. Are you trying to say that I'm a tease?"     

He was feeling uncomfortable, but she was right. He had nothing to say back. He murmured, "Fine. I was wrong." He shouldn't have teased her. In the end, he had shot himself in the foot.     

Evelyn tittered and touched his head, saying, "Okay, let's go now! To your place!"     

To his apartment? When they got to his place, he could do whatever he wanted with her. Suddenly, Sheffield felt a lot better. He turned the car back to the main road, started the engine and roared away.     

That evening, Evelyn was too exhausted to even lift her leg to kick him. But the man was still as energetic as ever. He even took her to the balcony to have sex with her there.     

The end of the year was approaching, and everyone was busy with their work.     

Two weeks. That was how long it had been since they saw each other. During this time, Evelyn went on a one-week business trip. They only texted each other.     

On the night of lunar December 23rd, at the Huo house     

Everyone was there except Matthew.     

Debbie cleared her throat and said to Carlos, "Honey, I have an announcement."     

Carlos, who was eating, raised his head to look at Debbie. "Don't say it," he said with a bad feeling in his gut.     

Despite his unwillingness, Debbie continued, "There is this kid, an orphan. Spring Festival is just around the corner, when families all come together to have dinner. And he'll be all alone. Poor thing. "     

All the other people present were smart enough to figure out who she was talking about, so they all shifted their gazes to the stunned Evelyn.     

Carlos' face darkened. "He's not a member of our family. Uh uh. No way."     

Miranda and Debbie looked at each other. Miranda shook her head disapprovingly and told Carlos, "Carlos, I think Debbie's right. I feel bad for the boy. Why should he have to spend the holidays alone? After all, he's not an outsider. We can invite him to dinner. We only need to prepare one more pair of chopsticks."     

Carlos wanted to say something, but Debbie interrupted him, "Mom has a point. It's just one more pair of chopsticks. What good is all this money, Mr. Huo, if we can't do anything good with it?"     

'Mr. Huo?' Hearing the way she addressed him, Carlos knew that he had to think twice before he continued. Shaking his head, he said, "That's not the point. He's not one of us. He's not a relative. Not a friend of the family—"     

"I'll take him as my godson now!" Debbie put down her chopsticks and acted like she was going to leave the table.     

Hadn't Evelyn been through enough? Her three ex-boyfriends had died one after the other. Finally, she had met someone she loved very much, and Carlos wouldn't let him anywhere near her. Besides, it was only dinner. Why the big deal?     

"This is complete B.S.!" Carlos grunted. 'Doesn't she have enough godsons already?' Carlos' best friends' kids all called Debbie "Godmother" happily every time they saw her.     

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