Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Control - What is 1 + 1?

Control - What is 1 + 1?

4"Precision?" Chris asked.     

"I think the time when I swiped his button is still on his mind." I thought to myself.     

"Haha, are you answering or asking?" I replied.     

"Umm, ah, precision..." he still said half-reluctantly.     

"That's right. In my own words, it's what you need to have over these weapons, control. You could be the strongest one or the fastest one but if you don't know how to control your own body to perform the commands from your brain that you want to achieve, it's all useless." I said.     

They gave pensive looks and I continued, "For example, let's say you could throw a basketball from end to end easily, how are you confident in controlling it in a way that it always lands in the hoop? How many shots from a gun could you fire continuously and have a grouping that is only a few centimeters apart? Look, we could go on and on about the examples. What I'm trying to say is control trumps everything else. I'm not downplaying your strength or how fast you are since those are important too. There are many more variables to consider here aside from speed and power. Control is- Mark? I'm seeing you scrunching your eyebrows, have a question then?"     

"My head is a little woozy from the explanation, can you explain it in a simpler term?" Mark replied.     

The rest were giving me the same look.     

"Okay, what is 1 + 1?" I said.     

"..." everyone else.     

"I'm not mocking your intelligence guys, answer properly. What is 1 + 1?" I asked again.     

"2..." they all said with furrowed brows.     

"That's right the answer is 2, why didn't we answer with 3 or 1 though?" I said.     

"Because it's just the right..." Mark was about to say something more but he stopped. A look of realization was on his face same with everybody else while a few in the back nodded from the simple revelation.     

"I think we've covered this topic now, it's very similar with math problems, right? Let's have a more physical demonstration." I said as I brought out a pineapple and knife.     

"..." everyone else.     

"What?" I said to them.     

"Nothing..." everyone replied.     

"Weird, huh?" I said back.     

Everyone had just a look that was saying that I've read their minds.     

"Let's start with a kitchen knife first. Watch me remove the skin from this one." I said.     

I meticulously removed some of the leaves on top first, held it diagonally, and then I started on removing the skin. I made the slices as precise as possible and I finally made diagonal grooves across the pineapple to remove the eyes then I placed it on top of the chopping board.     

"Tada~!" I said.     

"..." everyone else.     

"Umm, Sky, are you teaching us on how to prepare a pineapple?" Tatiana from the audience asked.     

"Well, sure, you could call it that. This is just more of a demonstration in knife control. Watch this though." I said as I swiped the knife horizontally without bracing the pineapple.     


They were looking attentively but then I raised a very thin slice on top of it and ate it.     

"What the..." Russel trailed.     

"Cool, huh?" I said then I flicked my hand several times as they watched in wonder.     











I made 10 successive and quick slices and the pineapple didn't even topple over. The slices were still on top of it and all were even in thickness. When I picked them up and laid it on the table like poker cards, they were all staring in shock.     

"Have a bite, it's sweet." I said with a smile.     

They approached the table and carefully examined the slices.     

"Holy shit!"     



"How did you do that?!"     


A few of them tried to do the same thing I did but they failed miserably. Tatiana also tried but she failed to do it as well. The pineapple toppled when Russel tried it though I managed to catch it since it would be a waste of a good pineapple.     

"It's better to make a show of strength first to get their blood pumping." I thought to myself.     

They all ate their slices and I said, "This sharp and thin knife also helped but this is one example of perfect control. In the future, I hope that you would be able to reach this standard or something close to it. From our theory earlier, being able to do this is like answering 100 on a 1 + 1 question."     

"More like 1 million bro. This is fucking too much." Russel said.     

I chuckled and said, "All right, my goal here in teaching you guys is not how to prepare pineapples but to protect yourselves from those things outside. I'd like you to learn how to use melee weapons properly just enough to reach the answer of 2 in the 1 + 1 question. Any questions before we start with the exercises?"     

"Earlier in the gas station, why did you just chop the arm off the zombie instead of going straight for the head?" Russel asked and Tatiana's head also perked up.     

"Oh, that time. I saw Tatiana just standing on a stance from my peripheral vision and I figured that she didn't use her knife at first because of its short reach which will only give an answer of 1 to the 1 + 1 question; the hands of that zombie would claw us first if we do that since it was also charging towards us. So, I made her encounter much easier to accomplish by removing one obstacle, making a 1 + 1 question into a 1 + 0 question so that her answer of one would be correct." I explained.     

"Oh, uh... I think I'm kind of getting your explanation..." Russel said while squinting at me.     

"Now, grab a bokken that you're comfortable with or similar to the weapon you have and we'll practice with the basic movements first. Can you help me with this Tatiana?" I said.     

Tatiana obliged and we taught them the proper way of holding them first. I made a few simple drills like swinging it in a cross pattern first and then switching to an 'X' pattern next. She also gave some of her insights and then the class eventually concluded. I looked at my watch and it read 7:32 PM.     

"I have a lot more that I wanted to do but I have so little time. I'll just do my daily routine later after the meeting. It's irritating to not be on schedule." I thought to myself while I scratched my hair.     

"Something wrong?" Kaley asked.     

"Oh, I'm just irritated that my schedule is a bit off, I'd like to do more things but time is not enough." I said.     

"Huh? We got all the time in the world now, don't we?" she said as she bumped me with her shoulder.     

I smiled and looked at her, "Shit, you're absolutely right. How's the class though? Did I manage to teach you something?"     

"Well, of course! I didn't even manage to utter a word since I'm listening to every word you said." she said while we headed to our room.     

"Right, I remember you when you focus. You don't even make so much as a squeak when you're taking things in." I said.     

"Well, there's one thing, that makes me not as quiet when I... take it in." she said as she began to grab that 'thing'.     

She was looking at me seductively and I just let her do what she wanted. Her hands were now inside my pants and it was starting to rise.     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

"Bro? A moment please?" we heard from behind the closed door.     

We quickly made it look like nothing has happened then I opened the door and saw Lois.     

"Yeah?" I asked.     

"Jay and his group said that they would like to move into the house at the end of the road at the canal system. They told me to ask you." he said.     

"Tell them it's okay, I'll let them borrow a car to move their stuff but tell them to stay for dinner first and the meeting after yeah?" I said.     

"Sure, bye." he said as he walked down the stairs.     

I locked the door once again and she looked at me while she was laying on the bed in an erotic position.     

"Where were we?" Kaley smiled as she removed her bra while still wearing her shirt. She was starting to massage her breast while her nipples were starting to protrude from the shirt that she was wearing.     

I was about to turn the lights off then we heard the door again.     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

She covered herself with the blanket and I could see the irritation in her face.     

I opened the door once again and I saw Russel.     

"Yeah?" I asked.     

"Can I have the pineapple?" he said.     

"Sure..." I almost attacked him.     

"..." Kaley was speechless.     

"Thanks!" he said as he went down.     

I locked the door once more and she removed the blanket. She looked frustrated from the disturbances but she had already removed her pants and she was just wearing her cotton panties and her shirt. I took my shoes off and when I was about to remove my shirt...     

*knock* *knock* *knock*     

"Damn it!" I whispered as I hung my head low. I looked at her and Kaley was now looking very frustrated when she covered herself with the blanket again.     

"I swear if this is Russel again, I'll shove that pineapple up his ass like what happened to that nazi in hell." I thought to myself.     

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