Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



4Cao Dequan calmly sipped at his tea until it was finished then he nodded with satisfaction and said: "Good tea!"     

Afterwards, he turned his eyes to Niu Qingshan, he didn't talk nonsense. He went straight to the heart of the matter: "I heard that Chairman Ling made his will here. My purpose here is to see this will. I'm sure Lawyer Niu can guess why?"     

"This...." Niu Qingshan's smile faltered slightly, this was a matter he had to carefully consider.     

Seeing Niu Qingshan was hesitant, Cao Dequan immediately showed an impatient expression and suddenly stood up and launched a psychological offensive against Niu Qingshan.     

He said coldly: "Since this matter seems too difficult for Lawyer Nui to handle. I won't force you if your reluctant. I was too anxious today sorry for disturbing you today. Goodbye."     

After Cao Dequan's words, his two followers also responded. They suddenly closed the two briefcases filled with cash and were about to take the money away.     

Seeing this Niu Qingshan got up in a hurry and pressed his hand on the two cases saying "Since Chairman Cao has come already, please sit down for a while. We can still discuss everything and come to a solution.     

"What solution would that be?"     

Niu Qingshan's eyes turned to look at the two bodyguards, the meaning was obvious.     

Cao Dequan re-settled down in the chair, and waved his hand at the two men gesturing for them to go out. After that, he waited for Niu Qingshan to continue.     

But instead Niu Qingshan quickly went to the front door, sneaked out like a thief and looked around after confirming that there was no abnormality, he closed the door tightly, then returned to his desk, opened the drawer and opened the small safe inside. He retrieved out a yellow envelope.     

Looking at the envelope in the hands of Niu Qingshan, Cao Dequan's eyes were straight, and he seemed to want to grab it.     

However, Cao Dequan became curious, he thought that this matter would be troublesome. After all, Ling Qitian's will was sensitive, it involved the handling of hundreds of billions in assets, and the fate of the entire Jinsheng Group, so his will was a very important thing. He never thought that this Niu Qingshan would be so easy to convince, just 10 million and he handed it over.     

The smoothness of things had far exceeded the expectations of Cao Dequan.     

But no matter what, the purpose of this trip had basically been reached.     

"According to the regulations, only after the death of Mr. Ling, would his testament be made public. However, seeing Chairman Cao's sincerity, I will not hesitate to make an exception." Qingshan put the envelope in front of Cao Dequan and said: "This is the will of Mr. Ling, but Chairman Cao can't take it away, so I ask Chairman Cao to look at it here. As for its contents, I believe Chairman Cao understands the importance of it not getting out or it will be troublesome for the both of us."     

Cao Dequan nodded his head swiftly while hurriedly opening the envelope and took out the document from it. He fixed his eyes and saw the black and white words on it. It was clearly written, especially the word 'will', which was even more striking.     

Cao Dequan concentrated on the goods and carefully examined the contents of the will, but the more he looked down, the more his face became dignified and sullen.     

The 'will' was only half a page long, the number of words didn't even number more than two hundred words, the contents were clear at a glance.     

It stated that:     

Ling Feng must take on Cao Feifei as his a legitimate wife. However, after the marriage, Cao Feifei wasn't allowed to participate in any duties and things of the Jinsheng Group.     

The Cao family was to be prohibited from entering the Jinsheng Group and interfering, otherwise it would violate Ling Qitian's last wish and all the assets under his name would be automatically transferred to a charity foundation, and the control of Jinsheng Group would be automatically assigned to the major shareholders of the group while Ling Feng would retain the shares he inherited, he would have no voting power to make decisions.     

Looking at the contents of the will, Cao Dequan's eyes were bloodshot, he was filled with anger.     

He had never imagined that Ling Qitian was so guarded against him. The old man had never put the Cao family in his eyes. The only reason why he would let Ling Feng marry Cao Feifei as his wife was entirely because of the original 'prophecy'.     

This was a clear warning to him.     

He just wanted to use Cao Feifei to resolve the bloody disaster of his baby grandson.     

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of Ling Qitian, Cao Feifei was only a tool that could help solve his grandsons disasters. As for Cao Dequan, he was worthless.     

Cao Dequan was very puzzled. Ling Qitian's will seemed to be only for the Cao family. Regarding his property distribution and the inheritance rights of Jinsheng Group, including what Ling Feng would obtain in his inheritance rights, not a word was mentioned.     

Was this... really the will.     

Surely this couldn't be the entire will?     

Thinking about this, Cao Dequan turned his chilly eyes to Niu Qingshan in front of him, and asked with a harsh voice: "Are you sure, this is the entire content of Mr. Ling's will?"     

Niu Qingshan nodded positively.     

"I dare to guarantee this with my life. This is the will that Mr. Ling set up with us. The contents are all true. In addition, Mr. Ling told me that after his death, unless the Cao family really interfered with the Jinsheng Group's internal affairs, I wasn't to disclose the will. However if you did so it would be made public."     

Cao Dequan who was already infuriated became even more angry, and began ripping up the will.     

Although the testament stated that Ling Feng must marry Cao Feifei as his wife, but it was now useless to Cao Dequan.     

The ultimate goal of Cao Dequan was to use Cao Feifei to enter the Jinsheng Group, and divide the property in half maybe even take over the entire Jinsheng Group, so that this huge commercial empire came under his name.     

However, Ling Qitian wrote clearly in this will, refusing all of the Cao family entry into the Jinsheng Group.     

Seeing that Cao Dequan tearing up the will, Niu Qingshan became frightend stupid, and tried to stop Cao Dequan, but it was too late.     

"Chairman Cao, you... what have you done?" Looking at the confetti on the floor, Niu Qingshan wanted to cry and put those paper scraps together.     

Now, Cao Dequan finally understood why he was so eager to compromise. The contents of this will were related to some trivial things, this wasn't the complete will of Ling Qitian.     

"Lawyer Niu, I have already said that I'm here on behalf of the Ling Family and this will, just won't do for the things that Ling Feng has in mind. I believe you now the current situation of the Ling Family with Ling Qitian incapacitated and likely 'never to wake again' Ling Feng is in charge. With this in mind I'm sure you can understand the current situation and do whats best for everyone" Cao Dequan said coldly to Niu Qingshan.     

Niu Qingshan naturally understood the meaning of Cao Dequan. He wanted him to let him dictate the content of Ling Qitian's will, and shield everything that was unfavorable to Cao Dequan.     

However, doing so not only violated the professional ethics of a lawyer, but also constituted a crime.     

"There are many more 'gifts' to come if you help us out. After all the Jinsheng Group isn't short of money and neither am I. So take these two cases as a cheer to our cooperation." Cao Dequan said pointing at the briefcases full of cash.     

"We either succeed together or we die together." Finishing Cao Dequan stood up.     

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