Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3After tossing and turning about in the bed for a few hours, Zhao Zilin stretched out and got out of bed. After another uncomfortable cold shower, she got ready while shivering, the hotel's heaters seemed to be barely working. After getting dressed, she walked out of the hotel.     

Unconsciously, she found her way to the Municipal People's Hospital.     

Zhao Zilin walked into the hospital and walked to Liu Yan's ward.     

Through the glass window, watching her mother, Zhao Zilin's mood oddly became calm.     

She had so many questions that she wanted to ask her mother.     

Zhao Zilin sat down against the wall, her hands clasped her knees and she placed her head into her knees. She drifted into thought and then slowly into sleep.     


Zhang Xiaohua, worried about Liu Yan, left his mother's ward and walked straight to Liu Yan's ward.     

Arriving in front of Liu Yan's ward, he saw Zhao Zilin sleeping on the floor against the wall. Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but be stunned.     

This girl was so contradictory, clearly she was concerned about Liu Yan, but she refused to show it. She would rather sneak here in the middle of the night to check up on her mother than let others see her caring.     

Zhang Xiaohua slowly crouched down and reached out, intending to wake up Zhao Zilin. If she kept sleeping on the cold floor, she was bound to get ill.     

But seeing how tired she looked, Zhang Xiaohua pulled his hand back, he couldn't bear to wake her up.     

Just then a nurse walked by.     

Seeing Zhao Zilin sleeping on the floor, the nurse was about to wake her but Zhang Xiaohua rushed up and signaled her not to disturb Zhao Zilin.     

"She will catch cold sleeping on the floor." The nurse reminded him kindly.     

"Is there a room we can put her just for tonight? I will pay for it." Zhang Xiaohua asked the nurse.     

"This... I'm not sure if we can do that. But I can check for you." Said the nurse, displaying a difficult expression and walking off to find a superior.     

She returned quite quickly: "It's 5,000 yuan for a night."     

"Okay." Zhang Xiaohua didn't want to waste time and directly agreed.     

"Come with me." Said the nurse.     

Zhang Xiaohua cautiously picked up Zhao Zilin into his arms, only to find that Zhao Zilin felt very hot. She seemed to be burning up.     

Under the leadership of the nurse, Zhang Xiaohua took Zhao Zilin to a private ward that was empty.     

Gently placing down Zhao Zilin onto the bed, Zhang Xiaohua carefully helped cover her with the quilt.     

Zhang Xiaohua put his hand on Zhao Zilin's forehead and said to the nurse: "She seems to have a fever."     

The nurse took out the electronic thermometer that she carried with her and gently touched it on the back of Zhao Zilin's hand, it showed that her body temperature was 39.5 degrees. It was indeed a fever.     

"You have medicine to treat fevers right?" asked Zhang Xiaohua.     

"The hospital has regulations that patients must be seen by doctors before a prescription is given out. All the doctors are currently unavailable." The nurse said helplessly.     

"I will give you another five thousand for the injection now." Zhang Xiaohua took out a bank card and handed it to the nurse. He said: "There is 10,000 yuan in this card. The password is 147852. You gave her treatment and the card is yours."     

The nurse took the bank card from Zhang Xiaohua's hand and said: "Helping those in need is the duty of those in the medical industry. Look over her while I grab her prescription."     

The next moment, the nurse gave Zhao Zilin a shot but Zhao Zilin didn't even respond, it seemed like she had fainted, instead of falling asleep.     

The nurse was not stingy, she brought a pot of warm water and new towel: "If she still have a fever after half an hour, wipe her forehead with a wet towel until she begins to cool down."     

Zhang Xiaohua quietly waited at the bedside. After half an hour, he measured Zhao Zilin's body temperature. Seeing that her high fever continued, Zhang Xiaohua wetted the towel according to the nurse's statement and began to wipe Zhao Zilin's head.     

Time ticked by….     

Looking at the time, Zhang Xiaohua got up, found the nurse and asked her to help wipe down Zhao Zilin completely. Of course, money was inevitable given out once again     

The nurse readily agreed and Zhang Xiaohua went outside and waited. Half an hour later, the nurse came out and said: "I helped her cool down. At present, her body temperature is still stable, let her get some rest."     

Zhang Xiaohua nodded and sneaked into the ward.     

At this time, Zhao Zilin was naked, but her body was covered with a quilt. Her clothes were stacked on the bed beside her.     

Realizing she was naked inside the ward, he immediately turned and left the room.     

Early in the next morning, Zhang Xiaohua asked the nurse to check on Zhao Zilin. The results showed that everything was normal.     

Zhang Xiaohua then went to buy breakfast and placed some beside Zhao Zilin's bed for when she woke up.     

Zhang Xiaohua finished up and was about to leave, when Zhao Zilin suddenly tossed and turned about in bed.     

She comfortably stretched out, obviously she had gotten a refreshing sleep.     

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