Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



4After eating lunch, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.     

At this time, everyone was full of food and drink. Director Liu was also satisfied.     

After Xu Fengnian sent Director Liu back to the TV station, Zhang Xiaohua and Yuan Datong were chatting at the hotel entrance.     

"Xiao-Hua, if I am not mistaken, the girl before was Liu Yi, right?" Yuan Datong asked curiously.     

"Yes, how well do you remember her?" Zhang Xiaohua was curious. Yuan Datong often came over to their house as a guest. He might have some clues about why Zhao Zilin hated him so much.     

"I remember her vaguely, I used to see her several times when I came around yours." Yuan Datong answered truthfully.     

"Well, as you can see, she seems to hate me for no reason."     

Yuan Datong cast a displeased look over to Zhang Xiaohua and said: "What do you mean 'no reason'? To be honest, you were rude to her, you used to shout abuse at her and order her around. To get you water, give you a massage and everything. It's a good thing you have seen the light, cause you used to be an outright bully."     

"....." Zhang Xiaohua was depressed, the former Zhang Xiaohua truly was scum of the earth.     

Zhang Xiaohua complained in his hear     

Turning to look for a waitress, Zhang Xiaohua asked: "Is Zhao Zilin back?"     

The waitress shook her head and said: "Not yet."     

Zhang Xiaohua sighed softly and said to several people and Yuan Datong: "You can all go back."     

"What about you?" Yuan Datong asked.     

"I going to wait here for her to come back." Zhang Xiaohua felt that he had no face to see anyone, but he didn't expect that the former Zhang Xiaohua was actually such an asshole. Bullying a girl, what kind of man was that?     

"Don't get hang up on the past, you've changed." Yuan Datong said with a slight smile, raised his hand and patted Zhang Xiaohua's shoulder with relief.     

"Thanks!" Zhang Xiaohua also patted Yuan Datong's shoulder.     

"Now Liu Yan is in the hospital, so you mustn't bully her daughter." Emma reminded him.     

"I really hope that Liu Yan can recover as soon as possible!"     

Listening to everyone's words, Zhang Xiaohua solemnly nodded, since he was living as Zhang Xiaohua, he had to take responsibility and make up for all the mistakes made by the former Zhang Xiaohua.     

After Yuan Datong and the rest left, Zhang Xiaohua took out his phone and called Xiong Zhuang.     


On the road opposite Xinglong Hotel, in a black Passati, Zhang Xiaohua and Xiong Zhuang sat waiting for someone.     

Two hours later, as the sky gradually began to dim, a familiar figure appeared in Zhang Xiaohua's vision. It was none other than Zhao Zilin.     

Although the hotel owner had promised that Zhao Zilin would become a manager, this was all arranged by Zhang Xiaohua.     

Zhao Zilin was eager to get a good job, but she would never accept Zhang Xiaohua's charity, so she would never take the position, she might even quit.     

Half an hour later, Zhao Zilin returned to the dormitory to change her clothes, then packed her belongings and left the hotel with her suitcase.     

The hotel owner, seeing Zhao Zilin tried to persuade her to stay as the manager of the reception department for fear that the entire hotel's business would be affected.     

Zhao Zilin's mind was decided though, and the enthusiasm of the hotel owner did little to nothing to change her mind. Brushing past her, she walked out.     

Seeing Zhao Zilin coming out, Zhang Xiaohua, who had been waiting for a long time opposite to the hotel, said to Xiong Zhuang: "That's her, remember her face. Your job is to follow her, find out where she lives and where she goes, and report to me. Also protect her safety, don't let people bully her. Do you understand?"     

Xiong Zhuang nodded affirmatively. Tracking and protecting the safety of others was his strength.     

Getting out of the car, Xiong Zhuang carefully followed behind Zhao Zilin, the two gradually disappeared into the night.     

With Xiong Zhuang at the side of Zhao Zilin, Zhang Xiaohua finally felt relieved.     

Stepping on the throttle, he headed back towards the hospital.     

Walking into his mother's ward, Zhang Xiaohua was stunned to find that she wasn't in the bed.     

Going up to the duty room, Zhang Xiaohua asked the nurse on duty: "My mother?"     

"Oh, Mrs. Zhang said that she was bored in the ward, so she asked Nurse Xu to push her out and around the ward to distract her." The nurse said to Zhang Xiaohua: "You can rest assured that Ms. Zhang has recovered very well."     

Zhang Xiaohua understood his mother's mood. She had been cooped in the ward for weeks on end. Now, she had almost recovered, it wasn't a bad idea to let her out.     

Since his mother wasn't here, Zhang Xiaohua turned around and headed towards Liu Yan's ward.     

In a short while, when Zhang Xiaohua approached Liu Yan's ward, he suddenly froze his whole person was stuck in the same place. Although his face was sluggish, his heart was constantly accelerating and a drop of cold sweat was running along his forehead.     

Looking around, he saw that Zhang Shaofang was already in front of Liu Yan's ward, sitting in a wheelchair, staring through the glass window, looking into Liu Yan's ward, her face was covered with tears.     

Looking at his mother who was crying, Zhang Xiaohua was lost as to how to comfort his mother.     

He wanted to continue the lie that Liu Wei was fine, but now the facts were already in front of his mother, even if he told lies, what was the use?     

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