Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



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The next day, Zhang Xiaohua came to the company early.     

For now, the Ling Feng incident was over. Even if Ling Feng wasn't reconciled, he could do nothing in the short term. The news that Ling Qitian had been admitted to the hospital had already spread. It was said that the Jinsheng Group had become a mess.     

As for news on Zhang Xiaohua, his donation for building a school for the village had spread throughout the country. He had been greatly appreciated by the public and it greatly enhanced his and the company's image. He had also received great attention from the government.     

Arriving at the company, Zhang Xiaohua held a meeting.     

In the conference room, the company's top management were all gathered.     

Yesterday, Zhang Xiaohua had stayed in the police station for nearly a whole day. The company's business was run by Xu Fengnian for the meanwhile.     

"Did anything happen while I was gone?" Asked Zhang Xiaohua.     

Xu Fengnian's face was filled with joy. Apparently, his heart was delighted with the good news. He reported: "We have officially put Miss Ling's concert specials on QuoDuo yesterday and all of her songs were placed into the music zone. QuoDuo also took the initiative to open a special section for Miss Ling. So far, the total number of downloads for Miss Ling's songs have surpassed more than 28 million and the download count of the concert special is at 43 million. As for the income situation, Manager Mi can explain."     

Mi Jia nodded and opened the account book: "The download price of each song is 25 yuan each time. The download price of the concert special is 100 yuan each time. There are currently 30 companies advertising in the section. The adverts have been placed. So far, the total sales amount is 400 million yuan. The agreement was of a fifty- fifty split which means our turnover is 200 million yuan."     

After listening to Mi Jia's report, there was a burst of noise in the conference room.     

This turnover was enough to inspire people and give them hope for the future of the company!     

Zhang Xiaohua was expressionless, quietly leaning against the boss' chair, his fingers tapping on the table, sinking for a moment, and opening: "Tell QuoDuo to raise the price of the concert footage to 200 yuan."     

Mi Jia frowned: "Suddenly doubling the price, I am afraid that it will cause public dissatisfaction. If we really want to raise the price, we can gradually increase it over time. If we insist on a substantial increase, I am afraid QuoDuo won't agree."     

"Improving the price of the product means that the profit will increase. QuoDuo aren't fools. How can they not agree? There is a cooperation between us, so no matter how much money we make, we have to share half with them."     

"Now Ming'ers concert is only priced at 100 yuan on the Internet while the price of the album is 200 yuan per unit. If the fans can download it online, who will spend an extra 100 yuan to buy a physical record? If no one buys a record, what do we earn? What do the villagers of Sparrow Village eat?"     

When Zhang Xiaohua said this, everyone suddenly realized.     

Zhang Xiaohua was right. Since it was a cooperation between the two parties, then all the benefits obtained on the Internet by HuaXiang Entertainment must be divided equally with QuoDuo. The records, however, fully belonged to HuaXiang Entertainment.     

However, if they wanted to sell the records in parallel, they had to first make the price of the online download equal to the price of the record.     

Xu Fengnian nodded and said: "I will personally go and discuss the price with them as soon as possible."     

Zhang Xiaohua sighed and said to Emma: "While Manager Xu and QuoDuo are negotiating, your department should spread up hype on the Internet saying that Ming'ers concert special price will be increasing soon. People nowadays love cheap deals, that should increase the number of downloads in the meantime. "     

"Did that Yang Kun sign the contract yesterday?" Zhang Xiaohua asked Yuan Datong.     

"Yes, yesterday when we opened the doors, he was outside straight away." Yuan Datong absent-mindedly answered. He still didn't care much about Yang Kun.     

Not only Yuan Datong, but the other people had little to no hope for Yang Kun. Thinking about his voice, that was hoarse and cracked, everyone shuddered!     

However, Zhang Xiaohua insisted on signing Yang Kun and you could imagine how eager Yang Kun was to sign the contract with HuaXiang Entertainment.     

"Has Yang Kun come in today?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.     

"He didn't leave." Emma answered with a smile.     

"What do you mean?"     

"He said that he has no money left and he has no relatives here, so he has no place to go. After signing the contract yesterday, he has been staying in the company. Manager Xu set him up temporarily in the reception room. He is still waiting in that room as we speak."     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said to Emma: "Call him over."     

Emma nodded and then got up and left the meeting room. Soon, she brought Yang Kun in.     

Zhang Xiaohua carefully looked at him and saw that Yang Kun was still wearing the clothes of the day before yesterday.     

"Welcome, I heard you officially became a member of the company. I hope that you will perform well in the future, don't let me down." Said Zhang Xiaohua.     

Yang Kun hurriedly nodded his head and had a well-thought-out attitude: "I also ask boss to rest assured that I will perform well. What Wang Jingwen and Ling Ming can do, I can do as well."     

"Oh, you only need to do what Ling Ming can do. As for the things that Wang Jingwen does, you can just leave them be." Zhang Xiaohua euphemistically warned Yang Kun.     

Yang Kun nodded his head hurriedly and then stayed in the same place like a kitten, waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to make arrangements.     

Zhang Xiaohua thought for a moment. He said to Yuan Datong: "You should first arrange a place for Yang Kun to stay. You're both to meet at the studio at 8:00 tomorrow morning, so we can start recording songs for Yang Kun."     

"Record songs?"     

Everyone collectively exclaimed, and they all cast doubtful looks on Zhang Xiaohua, but soon everyone was relieved!     

For Zhang Xiaohua's abnormal music creation ability, they had all learnt to get used to it.     

From "Broken Hearted Woman" to "Can I Hold You?" and all the others songs created by Zhang Xiaohua during this period, they all seemed effortless.     

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