Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



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After a few more minutes of ass kissing, Director Li finally took his leave up to the VIP room that Zhang Xiaohua had prepared for him.     

Looking at the back of Director Li's frame, Zhang Xiaohua snorted full of frustration, this encounter had just cost him thousands of yuan!     

It's no wonder that everyone wants to be an official.     

Xu Fengnian took the chance to pat Zhang Xiaohua's shoulder and say: "Some things are better just accepted for the company's development. It is mandatory for us to have a good relationship with those in power."     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled helplessly.     

"Since we are going to play this game, may as well do it well." Zhang Xiaohua said with a sigh and called over a waitress.     

After enjoying his meal, Director Li started to head out with his team when a waiter came up to them and said: "The Boss of HuaXiang Entertainment has asked me to hand this to you, it is a VIP Card. The time limit is one year. Within one year, Director Li can use this card to come to eat or stay over in the hotel free of charge. Boss Zhang also asked me to give you his thanks for all your hard work and your contributions to society."     

Director Li was stunned at first, then his face burst into a smile. He nodded to the secretary and signaled him to accept the card.     


A week later, the music videos for 'Indifferent' had been edited and processed.     

According to the company's practice, the first song of a newcomer would be put online to attract attention and build a fan base.     

But now, with the reputation of HuaXiang Entertainment having been established, Zhang Xiaohua decided to make some slight changes. The song was still placed onto to attract attention, but they placed it behind a paywall and the price was even higher than that of Ling Ming's. The price of online viewing was 10 yuan and for downloading the price was 50 yuan which was twice the download price of Ling Ming's single.     

As a partner, QuoDuo immediately opened up a new section for Yang Kun and the song 'Indifferent' was also placed in the premium music area. They also placed a head-banner on the main page: [HuaXiang Entertainment's Newest Singer].     

The song broke 20,000 downloads in only half an hour and the comments section blew up.     

With the continued popularity of 'Indifferent', the downloads were rising like crazy, from 20,000 to 50,000 and from 50,000 to 100,000. In just a day, the download volume had already exceeded the million mark. The viewage numbers were even more exaggerated, many fans chose the cheaper option of just watching the music video over downloading.     

The next day, QuoDuo ushered in representatives of more than 20 companies, eager to advertise in Yang Kun's music section, the advertisement spaces in his section were instantly filled.     


HuaXiang Entertainment.     

In the office, at this time, Zhang Xiaohua was sitting leisurely in front of the computer. He opened the QuoDuo net, and took a look at the results of "Indifferent". Although the results were heaven-defying, no expression could be seen on Zhang Xiaohua's face, just like an ancient well that had no waves, there were no signs of change in his heart.     

Because this achievement was just as he expected, so he had already prepared his heart, it was nothing worth making a fuss over.     

Opening Yang Kun's music area, a confused look flashed over Zhang Xiaohua face, he then clicked back and opened Ling Ming's music area. Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but frown. The layout of the two were exactly the same. It wasn't unreasonable to look at, but there were still plenty of space for more advertisements.     

"Why are they wasting so much space? We could be earning so much more..." Zhang Xiaohua whispered to himself, he leaned to forward picking up the phone: "Emma call and ask QuoDuo which idiot designed the advertising layout and ask them to quickly improve it, there is more than enough space for 5 more ads... This is money we are losing!"     

"Okay, I will consult with QuoDuo Network." On the other side of the line, Emma hang up and quickly dialed for QuoDuo.     

An hour later, Emma rushed into Zhang Xiaohua's office with Yuan Datong following.     

"Is it done?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.     

"Boss, you won't believe, which company is responsible for the advertisements on QuoDuo?" Emma mysteriously said with joy, a smirk ran across her face.     

Zhang Xiaohua shook his head confused, he had no interested in who designed the page, he just wanted it improved. He wanted more interests, whoever designed it wasn't important.     

Emma smiled and continued: "All the advertisements on QuoDuo are handled by Eternal Advertising, including the page layouts. In fact, QuoDuo is their largest client, the food and butter they live off."     

Zhang Xiaohua was stunned, then he burst into laughter.     

"Are you sure it's them?"     

"Yes, when I inquired earlier, they stated that Zhu Yuncai's company was responsible for the advertising designs." Emma gave a positive answer.     

"QuoDuo is their biggest client?"     

"They're their bread and butter." Emma repeated.     

"Perfect, just perfect." Zhang Xiaohua once again burst into laughter.     

"Boss, you look so treacherous right now!" Emma laughed.     

"Xiao-Hua, so what's the plan?" Yuan Datong asked curiously.     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled slightly and said: "Immediately inform Manager Xu and ask him to contact the editor-in-chief of QuoDuo. I want to talk to him about changing advertising companies."     

"Well." Emma immediately took out her mobile phone and contacted Xu Fengnian and conveyed the meaning of Zhang Xiaohua.     

Xu Fengnian did not delay after receiving the notice. He contacted Zhu Xiangyang, the editor-in-chief of, but didn't explain the specific situation to Zhu Xiangyang. He only said that Zhang Xiaohua wanted to talk to him face to face...     

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