Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Pack of Three

Pack of Three

1Everyone broke into chatter and complaints. Only Zhang Xiaohua stayed silent.     

"Xiao-Hua, will we really have to compensate Huaxia Central 50 million yuan. Paying them for the breach of contract I understand but they literally only began advertising the concert so why must we pay for damages." Yuan Datong said with an aggrieved face.     

"The issue is that Huaxia Centrals influence is too great. We can't afford to offended them and can only meet their conditions." Zhang Xiaohua said helplessly.     

The conference room fell into silence, everyone was discouraged but knew his words were true the atmosphere gradually heavy and depressing.     

Just as everyone was downcast, Xu Fengnian's cell phone rang again.     

This time, it was the energy drink company. Needless to say, Xu Fengnian already knew the other party's intentions. He couldn't help but look at Zhang Xiaohua. Zhang Xiaohua nodded at him and signalled him to answer the phone.     

Xu Fengnian sighed and answered the other party's call. It was just as he had expected.     

Ten minutes later, Xu Fengnian hang up the phone only to have it ring again.     

This time it was Tianren Pharmaceutical. After the call ended Xu Fengnian broke into a series of sighs.     

"How much did they want?" Zhang Xiaohua slowly asked Xu Fengnian.     

"Tianren Pharmaceuticals want 10 million. As for the drink company, their request is too much, they want us to compensate them for 50 million in damages, otherwise they plan to take us to court, they even threatened to 'expose' us to the press." Xu Fengnian said in anger.     

If they agreed to the conditions set by Huaxia Central, Taiwan, Tianren Pharmaceutical and Reckless Drinks then the company's assets would be cleared out in an instant they would struggle to even pay employees' salaries, then the company would face bankruptcy. All their efforts would be wasted.     

"Huaxia Central 50 million, Reckless Drinks 50 million, Tianren Pharmaceutical 10 million hahaha..." Zhang Xiaohua smiled.     

They had their backs up against a wall.     

This time he was too confident, now the entire company was at risk.     

But since things had happened, they would just have to face and solve them.     

Zhang Xiaohua turned and asked Mi Jia: "How much funds does the company have available?"     

Mi Jia reported: "In addition to the company's existing fixed funds, plus Yang Kun's payment to us, the company still has 70 million in funds available."     

Zhang Xiaohua asked Xu Fengnian: "How long did they give us to pay?"     

Xu Fengnian said with a bitter smile: "They have all given us a week."     

After some pondering, Zhang Xiaohua finally made a decision and said: "We will make the full compensation according to their requirements."     

"Xiao-Hua, this is no good, we can go to court with them, we can fight this." Yuan Datong said with dissatisfaction.     

"What do you think will happen to our reputation if we decide to sue the biggest telecom company in the country. That's just asking to have our reputation smeared." Zhang Xiaohua explained.     

"Boss even if we manage to scrape enough together this will push the company into bankruptcy..." said Mi Jia frowning her face was full of bitterness.     

"We won't be using the companies' money; the money will come from me. After all, this occurred due to my inability to analyse the situation." Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile.     

He still had over 100 million yuan in his account. Over these past few months he had barely touched his money.     

"How did we not think of this, this is a great idea I will donate as well." Emma resolutely said.     

"The 10 million for Tianren Pharmaceuticals I will take care of it. I have earned a lot recently 10 million is nothing." Yuan Datong said with a generous expression.     

"Count us in as well me, Haozi, Jimmy and Jack will also pay up." said Xiaohai.     

"You guys..."     

"Since this is a company issue, let us solve it together. Besides Liu Yan is still in hospital if you go bankrupt, what would Liu Yan do?" Yuan Datong laughed and interrupted Zhang Xiaohua's words.     

"I've already decided; the money will come out from my account. If the company is making money after, I will get more kickbacks anyway. As for the 60 million from Yang Kun's cancellation fees add it to the companies account. Try keep the staff from hearing this news." Said Zhang Xiaohua     

Glancing at Yuan Datong, Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said. "And you, don't always be so frugal. You're a millionaire but you haven't even got a car. What good is money if it's sleeping in your bank account?"     

Under the leadership of Zhang Xiaohua, Yuan Datong and the rest had indeed made a lot of money recently but other than some changes in their clothing none of them had spent much they hadn't even gone out and bought cars.     

Zhang Xiaohua understood them. They were used to living frugally. Even though they had money now, they were still maintaining their former lifestyles. It was a habit.     

However, Zhang Xiaohua's concept was completely opposite to theirs. To make money you have to spend money. After spending it, you will earn it again. So when you earn it, why not treat yourself.     


"I have already decided, so don't." This time Zhang Xiaohua interrupted Yuan Datong's words: "Even without Yang Kun, we will survive. The issue is making those who betrayed us to pay a heavy price."     

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Xu Fengnian: "No matter what method is used, we have to sign Du Chengyi within one week."     

Xu Fengnian unconsciously nodded.     

"And from now on, Tianren Pharmaceutical, Reckless Drinks plus Huaxia Central are all on our blacklist." Zhang Xiaohua said with anger.     


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