Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Just You Wait

Just You Wait


Zhang Xiaohua was not a fool. With the shares in hand, it showed that they were still part of the company. These shares were very important as they owned a tipping share and without their shares, no one could take control of the business. In this way, it would be easier to win back the company in the future. 1

But once they sold their shares, it meant that the company wouldn't even have a single cent to do with them. In this case, even if they have the ability in the future, it would be near impossible for them to get it back.

What's more, today they had been bullied by his father's so-called sworn brother's family and they had to fight back.

So how could they do so without any bargaining chips?

The Buddha fights for a scent of incense, while people fight for wealth!

How could one build a fire without any firewood?

So, no matter what, he had to keep this 4% shares.

But at this time, Zhang Shaofang was shocked, she knew the purpose of Cao Dequan's trip from the beginning, but she never expected that this Cao Dequan would threaten them.

How could he say this? Cao Dequan and Zhang Xiaohua's father were sworn brothers who grew up together! 

Decades of feelings lied between them.

Although Zhang Xiaohua's father wasn't here, before Zhang Xiaohua, Cao Dequan was still an elder. However, today, he actually threatened a junior and his sworn brother's son at that.

What a disgrace!

Zhang Shaofang could not help but release a sigh, so this was what would end the two decades of friendship between their families.

She said, "Brother Cao, ah, the child is still young, you don't have to behave so harshly towards him. What Cao Feifei said was correct, we will be one family sooner or later, so why bother with this affair?"

Hearing that, Cao Huahua was not happy. Zhang Shaofang looked across to Cao Dequan eyes and he didn't avoid her gaze, just staring straight back, unaffected by her plea. 

He bluntly said, "You misunderstand. I mean, I'm rich but we are naturally still family. But now look at your family's situation… You are so poor. Yet you still insist that I marry my daughter to your son, is that fair? Just look at how your son has just spoken to me!" 

After saying that, he shot a glare at Zhang Xiaohua, his face immediately showed a look of hate and ridicule, "What a disappointing second-generation. Though your father is dead, he still left behind debt for you, and instead of accepting help, you talk back and act so arrogantly. Marrying into this kind of family would be a waste and may even cause me to die from anger!"

Zhang Shaofang couldn't resist becoming enraged, she stood up from the couch, tearfully saying, "Yes, our family is not as good as it used to be, but you also seem to forget to think about who gave you money when your family was having a hard time. Step back and think, if Xiao-Hua's father didn't bring your Cao family to do business, would your Cao family have such achievements today?"

Having said that, she sat back down, her tears had already started flowing out unconsciously wetting her cheeks. Her eyes had gone reddish and her face pale, she was trembling as she started to speak again, "For the company, my husband almost became bankrupt and died from stress, and now you have even come to swallow the remaining 4% of the shares? That's what Xiao-Hua's dad left to him as his inheritance and it's our legacy. When did you become cold-blooded to this point? Won't you even leave us orphan and widow a chance to live?"

With a face full of tears, Zhang Shaofang could no longer continue to speak. Not only did this family of three not show her the slightest sympathy at this time, but they didn't even bother to look at her. 

Three stone hearts were clearly revealed.

Cao Dequan, in particular, seemed completely unbothered by the duo's confession and outcry. He continued staring directly at Zhang Xiaohua as if he had already regarded him as a prey that he must have.

After a brief silence, Cao Dequan spoke, "I'll warn you, boy, you don't know what you are doing. Why don't you sell it? Well, I'll hold a shareholders' meeting tomorrow. If you choose not to accept the carrot, I'll use the stick. If you don't believe it, wait and see."

In the face of Cao Dequan's threat, Zhang Xiaohua snorted in disgust and said, "So you mean to unite with other shareholders and unanimously remove my equity. Oh, so you dare?"

"And so what if I dare?" Cao Dequan waved his hand and shouted.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and sniffed, always maintaining a calm attitude, "If I remember correctly, those shareholders in the company were brought in by my dad. Those employees, my father trained them from when they were rookies. So if you dare to come at me, I can promise you will gain nothing but an image as a greedy old fool. Then I would like to see how you will remain as the chairman and work for the company."

Speaking up to here, Zhang Xiaohua hummed and bowed his head, seemingly too lazy to look at Cao Dequan, as if talking to himself, "Moreover, according to the relevant regulations, unless I take the initiative to sell or violate the law, no one has the right to occupy or dismiss my shares."


Cao Dequan suddenly became speechless, his eyes turned bloodshot and he looked like he was about to throw up blood. 

Indeed, Cao Dequan came here to handle the situation privately as he couldn't afford to do it publicly due to the potential backlash from the shareholders and employees, many were still loyal to the Zhang family. He was afraid of carrying such infamy and being removed from the Chairman position, so he was willing to shamelessly come over to find Zhang Xiaohua and discuss. But now, it seemed that it wasn't enough to scare the kid and force him into submission.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually gained the courage to talk back to him, regardless of IQ or eloquence, this kid seemed to have transformed completely, as if he was a whole new person!

At this moment, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly looked down and raised his voice, hoping to chase them out: "Today, I have decided, within five years I will come to get back everything that belongs to me, including the things you owed to my dad that year, I want you to have nothing, I want you to live on the streets, I want you to pay the heaviest price for today's behaviour. This is what I, Zhang Xiaohua, promise you."


"I, I, I, what?" Zhang Xiaohua got up from the sofa and wiped his mother tears with one hand. He supported her up with his arms and smiled as he said, "Mum, I will deal with everything. You don't have to worry about it. You should be tired today, so I'll bring you back to your room."

"Liu Yan, help me to send out the guests!" 

After that, Zhang Xiaohua carefully looked at his mother and helped her towards the staircase, about to send her back to her bedroom on the second floor.

Reaching the stairs, Zhang Xiaohua stopped suddenly.

Turning to look at the three uninvited guests, Zhang Xiaohua indulged in the moment, followed by him speaking up in a serious tone saying, "Almost forgot one thing. You should remember that today is the day I broke off the marriage contract with your baby daughter, not the day you abandoned me, Zhang Xiaohua, because this is my home. Afterwards, don't come back here anymore and I hope that, in the future, you don't attempt to contact me to reconcile. Take care!"

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua saw Cao Dequan's pale complexion and his breathlessness.

Cao Dequan had it all planned out, he thought that if he managed to secure his victory today, he would certainly be able to swallow the rest of the shares from those investors. 

Cao Feifei was also feeling a bit guilty. She felt that today's Zhang Xiaohua was not the same as yesterday's, it seemed that overnight he had grown up becoming sensible, mature, and filled with courage and intelligence, even attaining eloquence. It was a tremendous change and, to be honest, it was impressive!

However, Cao Feifei was the kind of girl who would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle.

The heart wants what it wants and she really wanted to marry someone rich not a nobody who had nothing at all.

Fortunately, regardless of who first released the marriage contract, this marriage was finally gone, Cao Feifei also considered her wish fulfilled, so she left feeling pleased.

"My husband, the little animals insist that they won't transfer the shares to us. What should we do?"

"What else can we do?" Cao Dequan could not help but feel troubled and angered, "That kid is a famous prodigal son. He won't survive without the money. When he squanders all his money, he will come running back to me, then he will see if I even give him 10 yuan, let alone 2 billion."

In fact, other than waiting, Cao Dequan had no other way, but he firmly believed that Zhang Xiaohua sooner or later would have to ask him for money and that was when he would get his revenge, along with those shares.

At this time, the servant Liu Yan slowly went to the front of their family of three and then she indifferently requested them to leave.

Under a guilty conscience and embarrassment, the three rushed out of the door and got into their Porsche Cayenne, the driver closed the door in one go and the car disappeared quickly around the bend. 

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