Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

True Love

True Love


Zhang Xiaohua thought for a long time, but he couldn't remember who this Mary was in the end. He could see that Yuan Datong attached great importance to this girl; otherwise, he wouldn't be so generous as to give her half a million. Even the loan slip wasn't written; he just gave her the money straightforwardly.


According to Zhang Xiaohua's speculation, this girl couldn't be anything good, or why would she ask to borrow money as soon Yuan Datong got one million?

It seemed that things weren't that simple!

Afraid that Yuan Datong was deceived, Zhang Xiaohua had to remind him of what he was doing. Otherwise, he might just get conned for half a goddamn million.

However, in order to avoid embarrassment, Zhang Xiaohua did not directly ask Yuan Datong about this Mary, but euphemistically sets up his words: "Big head, you wouldn't be raising a woman outside, right? So, do you like women or men? If you had to choose one, would you choose Mary or me?"

Hearing this, Yuan Datong couldn't help but laugh out loud, but a moment later, he seriously said, "I don't have time to joke with you. Mary is waiting for me to send her the money."

Zhang Xiaohua immediately pulled down his face and put his arms on his chest and continued to speak, "You mean, in your heart, Mary is more important than me?"

"That's obvious. I worked so hard to convince Mary to be my girlfriend. You don't know about this, but I started to like her when I was in junior high school. Unfortunately, she moved houses after graduating from junior high school. I thought that I would never see her again, yet I did not expect that she would be the one to contact me. She also said that she would like to be my girlfriend."

At this point, Yuan Datong's face was covered with happy smiles and he stupidly enjoyed himself for a while. He continued to say, "She made a promise to me before she went to study in the United States, saying that when she graduated from school, she would marry me. For me, she also deliberately gave up her favourite major and chose to study music production in order to help me take care of the studio in the future. But now, she does not know that the studio has been changed to a company. I decided not to tell her yet. When she returns, I will give her a surprise."

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaohua finally got a clue.

It seemed that this Mary should be a big girlfriend, and Zhang Xiaohua was even more certain that this was absolutely not simple, because even a fool could imagine it. One was a poor musician, the other was a college student studying abroad. Her family's situation could be clearly seen from the fact that she could afford to study abroad. Their living conditions were worlds apart. If both of them could develop a relationship, unless there was true love between them, then she must be scheming against him.

What made Zhang Xiaohua feel helpless was that if this woman said anything, Datong would believe her instantly. He would not even bother to consider her motives, he only ever saw the best in everyone.

Maybe that Mary didn't go to study abroad at all. She just opened an account in a foreign bank and used an excuse to deceive him for his money. This wouldn't be the first time someone did so; he had heard thousands of such stories back on Earth.

"Of course, I know. You love Mary, but you don't need to give her so much in one go..." Zhang Xiaohua reminded him in good faith.

Yuan Datong was not happy as understood the meaning behind his words. This kid was doing nothing more than calling his Mary a fraud. However, Mary was a girlfriend who had been in office for more than two years, yet this kid actually wanted him to treat her like a criminal.

Yuan Datong was frustrated. He gave Zhang Xiaohua a glance and said, "Can you not associate all the girls with Cao Feifei? Mary is not that kind of person. I know her, and I believe she will pay me back sooner or later."

Saying this, Yuan Datong's eyes were a little different. While staring at Zhang Xiaohua, he said, "Brother, don't be influenced by Cao Feifei. Not all women are the same, okay? I think you should see a psychiatrist. You can't allow her to traumatize you."


Zhang Xiaohua felt frustrated; he kindly reminded this idiot, but he wasn't appreciated, and this kid even poured salt into his wounds.

No wonder everyone says that 'love is blind'!

Obviously, this guy was already blinded by love!

"I'm too lazy to bother with you anymore." Zhang Xiaohua simply gave up, and at this moment, Yuan Datong had already sent the money to Mary's account. Even if Zhang Xiaohua wanted to stop him, it was too late.

"It's useless. We often tried to persuade him over the past two years. He just doesn't listen. All the time, no matter what demands that 'Mary' have, he will try to meet all of them. It can be said that Marry basically lives off him. There is no way, Yuan Big Brother is too loyal. I really do not know whether to say if this is his strength or weakness." Emma looked helplessly at Yuan Datong and whispered to Zhang Xiaohua.

"It doesn't matter. Truth can't be hidden forever. When he realizes the truth, he will turn his back on her. Not to mention that the world is not without true love. Maybe this Mary really does have feelings for him. In the end, we can only wait and see, and be there for him." Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile.

"True, it can only be this way." Emma nodded helplessly.

"Go inform Wang Jingwen that the money she deserves has been sent into her account, ask her to check it, and tell her to come record the songs." Zhang Xiaohua suddenly told Emma.

"Songs?" Hearing this, not only Emma, but ​​Yuan Datong and the rest all became spirited and gathered around Zhang Xiaohua.

"Did you really write thirteen songs?" Yuan Datong's face was astonished, waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to answer.

Zhang Xiaohua nodded and gave a positive answer.

Zhang Xiaohua was not idle this month. Almost every day, he was desperately using his brain, trying to recall all the songs of Faye Wong.

Realizing the difficulty in which he struggled, he immediately started to record all his memories of popular songs, movies, tv shows, and anything he thought could be useful in the future, just in case he forgot. As for those he couldn't remember clearly, like movies as he naturally couldn't recall perfectly every actor's lines, but he knew the plots and main scenes, so he made a plan in the future to either hire writers to complete them, following his guidance, or just directly find the original owners of the works and give them the 'inspiration' for the story, so they could complete it for him.

But that was all in the future, for now he had successfully written the lyrics for thirteen songs last night. Recently, he had learned how to compose, and as such, he also composed instrumentals for the songs.

They were called:

Red Star


Empty City





I Am Willing


Wings of Light



Moon Time

These thirteen songs, plus the previous seven songs, meant they would have twenty songs, enough capital to host a concert.

However, before the concert, they had to first do a recording, after all, selling records brought in a lot of income. This was an opportunity to make more money, so Zhang Xiaohua naturally would not let it go.

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