Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

End of the Road

End of the Road

1At this time, Yuan Datong also rushed over, but because the corridor was too narrow and he was running too fast, there was no time to brake. He directly hit Zhang Xiaohua in the back, causing Zhang Xiaohua to tumble out of his hiding place.     

Hearing the commotion, Wang Jingwen followed the sound and saw Zhang Xiaohua. She suddenly stopped, her face was full of embarrassment, her mouth squirmed twice and she stopped talking. She seemingly wanted to talk with Zhang Xiaohua, but she did not know where to start.     

Yuan Datong stared at Wang Jingwen. If his eyes could kill, it was estimated that Wang Jingwen would have died over a thousand times.     

Facing his hateful gaze, Wang Jingwen was speechless. Silently lowering her head, she wanted to find a hole to hide herself inside.     

She clearly remembered the many words she said in the past: "Zhang Xiaohua is absolutely nothing without me!!"     

It seemed that the opposite was true now.     

Without Zhang Xiaohua, she really didn't have anything left!     


Wang Jingwen found the courage to speak, slowly looking up.     

Zhang Xiaohua moved his head to the left and to the right as if searching for someone, looking puzzled. Then, he pointed at himself and asked Yuan Datong: "I seem to be hearing someone calling me boss, who could it be...?"     

"You got it wrong, no one is calling you, now New Century is her boss, she works for the Cao's now." Emma took the opportunity to ridicule Wang Jingwen.     

Wang Jingwen's face was red, and she lowered her head silently again. At the same time, crystal clear tears fell from her face to the ground.     

Today's failure had allowed her to fully understand one thing: New Century Entertainment—currently Huaxia's 'entertainment giant'—would have a new challenger in the future.     

HuaXiang Entertainment was a true star-making factory. At least this was the case in Wang Jingwen's heart.     

But now it was too late for regret, Zhang Xiaohua wouldn't accept her back again!     

"Hahaha, I don't know why, but my mood seems to be particularly good now." Yuan Datong's face was that of someone who was enjoying the show: "The villain has received retribution. I am very happy today, I will treat everyone tonight, choose where you want to eat!"     

In Yuan Datong's view, this situation tonight was the result of Wang Jingwen's own actions. If she was still a HuaXiang Entertainment person, then even if her performance today was not so good, everyone would still be with her in the same boat. Advancing or retreating, at least they would do it together and help each other out.     

Unfortunately, she chose the wrong team and took the wrong road. It wasn't worthy of sympathising over it.     

"That's enough. Head back, go and eat. I plan to start work early tomorrow morning." Zhang Xiaohua spoke up. After he turned around, he left. Yuan Datong followed closely.     

Emma hurried to Ling Ming's side, pulling her by the hand to follow. But then, she turned back to Wang Jingwen, sighing.     

Emma turned to look at Ling Ming next to her, before looking at Wang Jingwen and saying seriously: "By the way, let me introduce you, this is our company's new signing singer, her name is Ling Ming in case you forgot. She will be the star of tomorrow, the person who is destined to replace you!"     

After that, Emma smiled and dragged Ling Ming away, following after the rest of the group.     

Only Wang Jingwen was left, still standing there alone with a heart full of regret!     

Unfortunately, time couldn't be reversed and there was no medicine for regret. Today, she could only bear the heavy consequences of her previous stupidity and arrogance!     

At this moment, Wang Jingwen, the superstar who was once looked up to by countless people, had fallen!     


Early in the next morning, at New Century's Conference room.     

Wang Jingwen had received a notice last night saying that the general manager had asked for her to come to the meeting this morning.     

In order to perform well, Wang Jingwen arrived very early, but since the moment she stepped into the company's door, she was ignored by everyone, no one had volunteered to say hello to her and no one took the initiative to help her like in the past.     

Obviously, her status in this company was now even worse than a cleaner.     

But Wang Jingwen didn't want to give up. She loved the industry. She loved to sing. She wanted to be noticed, but she knew that she had nowhere else to go except this company, because she was now notorious. Those other entertainment companies wouldn't accept her any longer.     

It wasn't until 10 am that Cao Feifei arrived.     

Walking up to Wang Jingwen, Cao Feifei said nothing, directly throwing a folder in front of Wang Jingwen, then she just stood there with her hands folded in front of the conference table, condescendingly looking at Wang Jingwen.     

Wang Jingwen was confused, wasn't this a meeting? Why was Cao Feifei alone? What about other senior staff?     

Although full of doubts, Wang Jingwen did not ask, just opening the folder: "What is this?"     

"This your contract cancellation agreement, you just need to sign it." Cao Feifei also did not beat around the bush. The kind, generous attitude from their first meeting at the tea-house was gone!     

Although she was psychologically prepared, to suddenly hear that New Century really wanted to cancel the contract made Wang Jingwen feel a lot of pain.     

What she didn't want to happen the most, happened!     

In fact, this was the last resort of New Century. If they cancelled the contract with Wang Jingwen, then even if Wang Jingwen didn't make a penny, the company would have to pay her 50 million yuan. This was the agreement between the two parties. It was stated in the contract.     

Wang Jingwen had already suffered a loss at New Century in the past, so this time in order not to repeat the same mistakes, she proposed a cancellation fee of 50 million yuan, that is, once New Century Entertainment unilaterally decided to fire her, then New Century Entertainment would still have to pay her 50 million yuan.     

Therefore, even if the contract was cancelled according to the contents of the agreement, Wang Jingwen would have enough to live the rest of her life comfortably.     

Looking at Cao Feifei's indifferent and ruthless face, Wang Jingwen knew that something was up.     

Wang Jingwen carefully looked over the agreement, but the more she looked down, the uglier her face became!     

After reading all the contents of the agreement, Wang Jingwen suddenly stood up and stared at Cao Feifei with anger. Pointing at the agreement, she questioned: "Why doesn't this include the cancellation fee and why the hell do I owe you 20 million yuan for damages?"     

Upon hearing Wang Jingwen's scream, four security guards immediately rushed in from the outside and quickly stood by Cao Feifei's side. Obviously, Cao Feifei was prepared.     

Even Lawyer Wu rushed in. He still remembered Wang Jingwen embarrassing him, but back then Wang Jingwen was the star of the company so he never found the chance to get revenge against her.     

Now that Wang Jingwen had fallen from her podium, it was time to retaliate.     

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