Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Here It Comes

Here It Comes

05 pm, HuaXiang Entertainment.     4

Zhang Xiaohua was sitting in front of the computer and concentrating on writing songs for Ling Ming.     

Although she already had two albums, they only added up to a total of ten songs, but she would need quite a few more for the concert.     

One of the songs he recreated was 'Kangding Love Song', and it left him reminiscing.     

In 1946, while studying vocal music in Sikang Province, the Quanzhou native Wu Wen-ji had collected a bunch of local folk songs. While teaching at a Kuomingtang military academy, Wu Wen arranged the scores and renamed the song as Kangding Love Song, after the capital of the Sikang Province. The song was then spread to the rest of China after being performed by then popular Soprano Yu Yixuan.     

In Zhang Xiaohua's view, with Ling Ming's skills, she would definitely be able to add more flavor when she sang this one.     

Yuan Datong laid a flat mat under the eaves, sitting around and playing cards with the rest of the gang, whoever lost tonight had to treat everyone to a meal.     

At this time, Yuan Datong's phone suddenly sounded.     

Picking it up to take a look, he saw an unknown number, Yuan Datong frowned and pressed the answer button, there came a familiar voice: "Datong, are you free tonight? I want to invite you to dinner, before you say no, it's just to talk so please give this old classmate some face."     

"Cao Feifei?" Yuan Datong wondered, why the hell did Cao Feifei want to invite him to dinner?     

"Since old classmates are meeting, I'll invite Xiao-Hua. We all old classmates after all," said Yuan Datong with a tentative approach.     

Cao Feifei was obviously playing at something.     

"Well, to tell you the truth, I want to ask for a favour. In addition, this is a private matter between me and you, so I don't want to let others know, I hope that since we are old students, you can give me this face." Cao Feifei said from the other side.     

Yuan Datong was famous for his enthusiasm. As long as someone asked him for help and he could help him, he would certainly not refuse. Cao Feifei just took a fancy to his weakness and made up this plan.     

Cao Feifei then added: "In fact, you can bring Zhang Xiaohua and those people under your hands. But let's discuss it alone first. After we talk about it, you can tell Zhang Xiaohua. It won't be too late and there is nothing to lose."     

Yuan Datong understood Cao Feifei's intentions. She just wanted to draw him and his brothers out, but Yuan Datong really wanted to know what conditions Cao Feifei would offer.     

"Time and place." Yuan Datong whispered, while looking through the window at Zhang Xiaohua, his face showed a sly smile.     

"At 7 o'clock tonight, Star Hotel. I have arranged people to bring you up outside the hotel." Cao Feifei's voice was smug, obviously she had arranged everything already, fully expecting Yuan Datong to agree.     

"Okay." After Yuan Datong hanged up the phone, he told Emma's and co about the meeting. Then, they continued to play.     


7 pm,     

Zhang Xiaohua finally finished writing five more songs for Ling Ming. Including the two albums, she had a total of 15 songs, so now they would have no problem opening a concert for those enthusiastic fans and charge high fares.     

Standing up, he shook his neck and twisted his waist. After stretching his stiff bones, he discovered that the sky had darkened and his stomach began to protest strongly. He was hungry as hell.     

"Everyone, let's go eat." Zhang Xiaohua habitually shouted out, but no response came.     

Looking around, he found the place abandoned.     

Zhang Xiaohua wandered around, going up to the studio upstairs and everything, he still couldn't even find a shadow of the others.     

Taking out his phone, Zhang Xiaohua called Yuan Datong's phone, but the call went straight to voicemail.     

Zhang Xiaohua became more and more confused, and repeatedly called the phone numbers of the others but got the same result, straight to voicemail.     

"Damn it, they probably went to eat without me." Zhang Xiaohua showed a look of resentment, while his stomach rumbled again. Due to working the whole day, he was already physically and mentally exhausted, so he was too lazy to go out for dinner. He went to the refrigerator, took out some instant noodles and simply dealt with it.     


Yuan Datong led everyone else to the appointment and they stood at the doors of Star Hotel.     

But unlike the first time they came. The doorman did not stop them, but instead looked at them with envy.     

In front of the hotel, there was also a middle-aged man with a suit and a charming face. It was none other than the lobby manager — Manager Wang.     

Seeing the arrival of Yuan Datong and co, Manager Wang rushed to make a petition: "Welcome, General Manager Cao told me to wait here for you, please come with me."     

Yuan Datong felt disdain towards Manager Wang's attitude. Just like last time, Yuan Datong still wore a white vest and shorts worth less than fifty yuan. He had pair of plastic slippers on.     

"Can we wear this inside? Or do we still have to go back,change clothes and come again? It doesn't matter, now we have money, we can afford clothes."     

Speaking of it, Yuan Datong and co had appeared in the newspapers briefly being praised by the major media stations as the youngest and most talented musicians in the world. They could also be considered celebrities in their own right, enough to qualify for dining at the most luxurious hotel in Tianjing.     

The most important thing is that Cao Feifei had already explained to Manager Wang, that these people were all her VIPs. For this reason, Manager Wang naturally didn't dare to neglect them.     

In the case they really left to go change and Cao Feifei blamed him for delaying her meeting, then he would be forced to leave the hotel.     

He quickly brightened his my smile and said: "You shouldn't feel embarrassed by me. General Manager Cao is still waiting for you. Last time I didn't see the light, please don't blame me too much I understand my faults now."     

"Hahaha, it seems that being rich is pretty enjoyable! At least it is much more comfortable than being worse off." joked Emma.     

Manager Wang's old face became red, but he just bowed his head.     

Yuan Datong was not like Zhang Xiaohua. He didn't have much a taste for taunting others. Since Manager Wang already admitted his faults, Yuan Datong didn't continue to cause him trouble.     

However, compared with the first time, Yuan Datong had obviously gained a lot of self-confidence. His performance at the moment is like that of a high-ranking person who was used to the big scenes. He said: "Lead the way."     

Manager Wang, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and quickly made a gesture with a smile, leading the road ahead.     

Taking the elevator all the way to the front of a high-end VIP room on the top floor, Manager Wang politely knocked on the door and got permission from inside, then Manager Wang opened the door and made another gesture, saying with a smile: "Please enter, I will tell the kitchen staff to serve you, please wait a moment."     

Yuan Datong waved his hand with a blank expression, indicating his disregard.     

Walking in, Cao Feifei entered their line of sight along with the luxurious environment around the room.     

Seeing her VIP's enter as scheduled, Cao Feifei became more confident in her heart, smiling as she personally greeted him: "Old classmate, long time no see!"     

"Indeed it has been a long time. If I remember correctly, when we met last time, it was also here. At that time, I was ignored by you." Yuan Datong laughed at the irony, but for Cao Feifei, this was indeed true satire.     

Seeing Cao Feifei's embarrassed face, Yuan Datong face showed a broad smile and turned to Emma next to him: "I remember an idiom someone always says about us, how did it go again?"     

Emma smiled and reminded: "Better to be born lucky than rich."     

"That's it, being born at the top is no fun anyway, plus from the top—the only way is down."     

"Hahaha, the tone of your speech is becoming more and more like someone." Emma smiled and said to Yuan Datong.     

"Don't mention that kid, all he does everyday now is boast about having the Midas touch." Yuan Datong's face changed, he was muttering full of unhappiness.     

Seeing this, Cao Feifei figured that Yuan Datong had a dissatisfaction with Zhang Xiaohua. She thought that this was natural after all, since he had gained more recognition and confidence nowadays. No one wants to be under someone forever. It seemed that it wouldn't be too difficult to make these people leave Zhang Xiaohua and switch to New Century. She just had to raise up that desire in them.     

So, thinking about it, Cao Feifei immediately put on a friendly smile, and warmly said: "Well, such unhappy things... let's not mention them today. Come here, everyone come in and let's eat. Don't hold back on my account, have your fill."     

Yuan Datong nodded in favour and led the group to their seats. Afterwards, they began to chat with Cao Feifei.     

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