Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



2The next morning, with the assistance of Xu Fengnian, Zhang Xiaohua completed the contract for the acquisition of the Sparrow Company.     

Zhang Xiaohua didn't like to drag out his tasks. He had only one principle: to do things fast and efficiently.     

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiaohua drove along with Xu Fengnian to the Sparrow Company.     

Zhang Xiaohua's acquisition of the Sparrow Company meant that the staff of the Sparrow Company would become people of HuaXiang Entertainment from now on.     

As the boss, Zhang Xiaohua had to personally go to Sparrow Records to swear sovereignty to the employees.     

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiaohua arrived with Xu Fengnian at the village. But Zhang Xiaohua couldn't even see a figure, the villagers seemed to have disappeared.     

Driving up to the company building, Zhang Xiaohua looked around and saw that the doorway was already crowded with people. Seeing him arrive they set off a group of firecrackers, the atmosphere exploded into a festive scene.     

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but smile. It's no wonder that they didn't see anyone along the way.     

There seemed to be around 3,000 people present, they were all here just to welcome them.     

Zhang Xiaohua remembered that when he came last time, the total number of villagers in the village was no more than 2,300 people. Now, the team had become so strong.     

As the car slowly approached, the villagers gradually dispersed around, opening a way for Zhang Xiaohua, and gave him a warm applause.     

At the doors of Sparrow Records, Zhang Xiaohua stopped the car and Zhou Yi helped open the door. Then, he stepped back two steps and applauded. He said, "Welcome, Boss Zhang!"     

Zhang Xiaohua swayed his hand in moderation. These folks were always so polite, Zhang Xiaohua felt a little embarrassed. He thought that he was not the only one who was dedicated to putting up a facade. These folks seemed so joyful every time he saw them.     

Zhang Xiaohua first waved his hand with the folks, and thanked them. Then he took two steps and asked Zhou Yi: "How come there are so many more people today?"     

Zhou Yi smiled and explained: "It's cause the announcement of you building a school for all the poor villages nearby went out yesterday. Naturally, the villagers are full of gratitude to Boss Zhang. Today, when they heard that you were coming, the villagers in the nearby villages also came to welcome you and express their gratitude."     

"Oh, I built the school for the children, not for admiration. Thanks to them, now I feel a little embarrassed. Let everyone disperse, don't mind me." He said with a smile.     

"Brother Zhang is too modest." Zhou Yi said seriously: "We are just a bunch of remote villages and there are very few resources worth developing around here, so we have never been given attention by the government. Look at all these people here, many haven't been to school since their ancestors moved here. Now, due to your blessing, the children of this generation can finally learn. For these folks, Brother Zhang is undoubtedly everyone's benefactor!"     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled helplessly and was about to say something. But at this moment, a white-haired old lady suddenly rushed out of the crowd, holding Zhang Xiaohua's hand tightly and holding a basket of corn on her arm. In the turbid eyes, tears were swaying, gratefully staring at Zhang Xiaohua as she trembled: "You're a great man, this old lady isn't good with words but I thank you from the bottom of my heart, thanks to you my grandson will be able to go to school. We haven't got much but please take this corn from our farm!"     

Zhang Xiaohua was really flattered this time. He quickly returned a basket of corn to the grandmother. He smiled and said: "Grandma, I just did what I had to do. It's really no big deal. You should never be so polite. Keep the corns for yourself."     

The old lady was even more anxious, seeing Zhang Xiaohua rejecting the corn she explained in a hurry: "The corn is supper fresh straight of the stalk, not even peeled yet, you can take it home rest assured."     


Zhang Xiaohua was helpless.     

Zhang Xiaohua took the basket full of corn, and used the sleeves of his shirt to gently help the old lady to wipe away the tears in her eyes. She smiled and said: "Well, I have said my piece. I need to hurry back and cook lunch."     

But she still held onto Zhang Xiaohua's hand tightly. It was as if she had just reunited with her long lost grandson. Her line of sight unwilling to move away from Zhang Xiaohua's face for a moment.     

Zhang Xiaohua also continued to hold on to the grandmother, always smiling, looking innocent.     

Here, Zhang Xiaohua saw the simplicity and honesty of these people and felt inexplicable warmth. It was as if these folks were his relatives. Zhang Xiaohua always felt a sense of security from his heart when he was here.     

At this time, the villagers flocked and Zhang Xiaohua was surrounded in a moment. Everyone had a basket in their hands, filled with eggs, flour, rice, fruits and other foods, and pleaded with Zhang Xiaohua to accept it. For these villagers, this was the only way they could express their gratitude to Zhang Xiaohua.     

Since it was the mind of the villagers, Zhang Xiaohua could only greet them one by one. Zhou Yi and several villagers helped Zhang Xiaohua put the things on a big truck and finally, when it became full, their car was brought up, ready to help Zhang Xiaohua transport back all the items.     

Looking at the cars full of food, Zhang Xiaohua smiled bitterly.     

"Children, come give Boss Zhang a hug."     

It was unknown who shouted it out, but suddenly the children rushed forward and hugged Zhang Xiaohua, swarming him.     

Zhang Xiaohua was freed after a while, he then took a long breath and raised his voice:     

"You really don't have to be so polite. In fact, it should be me saying thank you,     

I'll be counting on everyone's help in the future to help develop the company. Building the school is only the first step. I hope to continue investing in the villages and expanding the scale of the company. If you really want to thank me, then work hard. I can't guarantee that everyone will become extremely wealthy. But I'm still confident that ten years from now you'll all be enjoying life comfortably!"     

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