The Bloodline System

Universal Merge

Universal Merge

2Author's Note: Unedited Chapter     


"Take the offspring and leave," The smiley faced death angel commanded before turning to face the incoming threats.     

Vikrush Insa nodded and grabbed Falco's body before turning around to head in the direction of the five hundred feet large dark hole up ahead.     

Meanwhile, a bald figure had headed in the direction of Angy's catapulting figure. He turned into a three headed silver and golden scaled dragon.     


He arrived before a building and caught Angy in his bossom the moment she blasted through one of its walls.     

Her entire face was coated in thick scarlet liquid which kept dripping down and a finger sized hole could be seen on her forehead.     

Her neck along with half her body had dark marks on them and she continuously writhed in pain.     

"Gustav, its bad," He voiced like he was communicating with someone.     

Close to the edge of the second disk where the dark hole was located, a battle had ensued.     

Vikrush Insa leapt forward. His figure flew towards the hole which was now only a few feet away.     


A black bolt suddenly streaked through the air...     


One of the Death Angel's body which was used as a projectile. collided heavily with Vikrush Insa'a figure, sending him flying.     

He subconsciously let go of Falco's unconscious body as he and the dark angel spiralled across the air with loud cracks ringing out.     


A figure blurred and appeared below Falco's unconscious body which was falling from the air. He caught it in his grasp, holding Falco in a princess style format.      


His voice boomed thunderously with anguish as his glowing red eyes further intensified the tension in the vicinity.      

The smiley faced death angel turned around as he felt the blistering sensation behind him.     

"You cannot..." He was about speaking when Gustav's figure blurred and reappeared before him.     

"Perish!" Gustav voice caused the entire vicinity to tremble as his glowing fist tore through the chest of the ten foot tall death angel.     


His fist exploded with a burst of crimson energy, blasting the smiley faced death angel across the air.     

"Take Falco to the spacecraft. You all leave now," Gustav voiced while handing Falco over to E.E.     

"Are you crazy? You can't go against all of them by yourself," Matilda yelled.     

"How long do we have Endric?" Gustav inquired.      

"Around ten minutes," Endric answered.      

"So long as we all leave this galaxy, things should be fine right?" He inquired once more.     

"Yes, the anomaly will vanish after consuming this planet," Endric answered.      

"Good, everyone leave now!" Gustav commanded once more.     

"You must be crazy if you think we're leaving without you," Matilda voiced once more.     

"There is no time for this. Someone has to hold them back and none of you have a chance. I can get to the spacecraft instantly so I'll be fine. You all get to it now and move, I'll get there the moment it takes off!" Gustav yelled before charging forward.      


He instantly collided with the smiley faced death angel up ahead.     

Bang! Bang!     

Gustav's left fist was stopped by the death while his right hand was wrapped around its left arm, preventing it from slashing him.     

The grounds quaked immensely as they seemed to be in a stalemate.     

'E.E, make sure everyone gets to the spacecraft safely,' E.E who initially wanted to stay back to help Gustav got this message in his mind and paused.     

He let out a sigh as he opened a massive reddish vortex above the group.     

"What the fuck!"     


"E.E you bastard!"     

Some of them yelled as they got sucked into the vortex.     

"I am actually a bastard though," E.E shrugged.     

The MBO officers and General were reluctant to leave after hearing Gustav would be staying behind.     

"We are the ones that should face those monstrosities! We are the ones that should sacrifice ourselves for the future generation!" The MBO general yelled as he resisted the suction force of E.E's vortex.     



Gustav headbutted the death angel before him, causing it to spiral across the air forcefully.      

The Jiko Hakai Katana appeared in his grasp and he proceeded to fling it forward.      

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!     

The hilt of the katana slammed into the MBO officers and general, pushing them into the vortexes.     

A massive golden and silver scaled dragon descended with Angy in his grasp.     

"Take care of her," Gustav's spoke with a calm voice but rage was building up inside of him.     

The draconic heads nodded in response and got sucked in.      


Two Death Angels suddenly appeared by Gusta's sides at this moment brandishing their claws.     

"Gustav!" E.E and Aildris yelled at the same time.     

A wave of blue silvery energy spread across the air at this same moment and holes appeared in the chests of both death angels before they claws could reach Gustav.     

Endric's arm was outstretched as he walked towards Gustav and flayed his hand up.     

An unfathomable energy lifted both death angels into the air and their bodies split apart.     

Aildris and E.E witnessed the scene of the death angels limbs tearing from their bodies and grey eyes bursting out of their sockets.     

They heaved sighs of relief and got sucked into the vortex as well which vanished afterwards.     

At this moment, Gustav and Endric were the only ones left from the group.     

Gustav had allowed Endric to stay behind because just like him, Endric was someone who could get away in time when the moment to leave arrived.     

Also, he felt Endric was more capable than everyone else.     

"Big brother," Endric voiced while arriving at Gustav's right hand side with his forehead emitting a bright green glow.     

At this point all five death angels in the vicinity began surrounding them from all directions. The bodies of the ones Endric      

The sixth death angel on the second disk which was the smiley faced angel could be seen flying towards their direction from the north at very high speed.     

"Let's do this," Gustav voiced.     

Endric nodded as his pupils emitted a silvery blue glow.     

"Foolish Outworldly! You will meet your end here!" The smiley faced death angel uttered as swept downwards while slashing out.     

Fwwwhiii~ fwwhii~     

Gustav swerved sideways a three massive dark lines tore through the ground, destroying everything in its path and causing it to cave in.     

Buildings disintegrated as the air twisted in despair.     

He narrowly dodged the charge of the smiley faced death angel but he didn't manage to get a second of breathing space as two had arrived before him in the next instant.     

Gustav stretched his right arm out and the Jiko Hakai Katana which was laying on the ground about seven hundred feet away from his position, levitated.     

Just as the death angel with a laughing expression was about to take a bite of Gustav's head, the Jiko Hakai Katana streaked across the air and landed in his grasp.     


With a fluid motion of his right arm, the Death Angel's head got instantly lopped off.     

As if that wasn't enough, Gustav went on to swing his arms a thousand times in just a single second.     

Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~ Slash~     

The rest of the Death Angel's body was hacked to a thousand little black pieces by the Jiko Hakai katana.     

Gustav didn't stop there, he leapt over the other death angel with a poker expression and landed on his back.     

Swinging his arm sideways, Gustav sliced off the dark wings of this death angel, causing them to crash to the ground.     

A crater was instantly formed as they dragged across the ground for a couple hundred feet more.     

However, at this moment, the Smiley faced death Angel managed to take Gustav by surprise.      


A dark line streaked across the air as it appeared out of nowhere. Its hooves like legs crashed into Gustav's face, causing fresh blood to spill as Gustav got sent hurling across the air.     

By the other side, Endric was busy with the other three Death angels.     

The one with a frowning expression tried to claw into his back after he sent the first one flying across the air with a telekinetic wall.     

Endric blinked and reappeared behind the super fast death angel.     

"Universal Separation,"      

This was the last thing the death Angel heard before a sharp telekinetic surge, divided the world before him.     

All the death angel noticed was one side of its vision tens of feet away from the other. Its entire body had been split in half along with everything on the second disk.     

Endric was currently at full power so his Universal Separation split the entirety of the second disk in half.     


The grounds trembled and part of them caved into the split part as the second disk separated due to the immense power of this attack.     

The second disk was at least five hundred times larger than the earth, yet Endric's attack had wreaked havoc upon it.     

"Universal Merge!"     

Not wanting the second disk to be reduced to ruin yet due to Gustav and Miss Aimee still being here, Endric joined his palms together and activated another ability.      

"Universal Merge!"     

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