The Magus Era



3Ji Hao's heart was in utter confusion.     

Ji Hao could explain the full metal armours which were worn by the Jia Clan warriors with his previous life knowledge, but these three incomparably exquisite and agile walking metal spiders were completely beyond Ji Hao's imaginations.     

"Haha, you southerners are really ignorant. I bet you've never seen anything as terrific as this. Hm, once we sell you at a good price, us, the 'Blood Fang', can purchase another two best quality 'Sword Edge Spiders', then it'll be even more convenient for us to travel around the Southern Wasteland Jungle."     

The Jia Clan warrior with shield and sword sensed Ji Hao's astonishment and confusion, he pointed at the metal spiders and boasted, "Hey, little guy, these are Sword Edge Spiders, fighting puppets crafted by Xiu Clan master craftsmen. They run very fast, has good defensive quality, and... we're very satisfied with their large-scale lethality. They're the most suitable equipment for traveling in this rough mountainous area."     

"Toba, you talk too much." Along with a metallic friction sound, a metal ladder stretched out from the metal spider's body. A young man, who was tall and thin, wrapped a cloak around himself and slowly walked down the ladder.     

Ji Hao looked at the young man, popped up his eyes.     

The young man was only two-fists-long shorter than the Jia Clan warriors. He had an extremely slim body shape. At first glance, his waist even was no thicker than the Jia Clan warriors' arms.     

The young man's skin was as white as the best mutton fat jade[1]; his face was like an exquisitely carved sculpture, breathtakingly beautiful but had a slight trace of evilness. Ji Hao even felt that this young man was too pretty to the point of being unable to look like a human. The purple cloak he was wearing was also extraordinarily ornate. Ji Hao recognised the texture of the cloak; it was the best quality silk. On its surface, there was a complicated pattern embroidered with multicoloured silk threads by using a complicated embroidering process.     

In the Southern Wasteland, people mostly use hides to make clothes; even the most primitive self-woven linen was very rare. Abruptly seeing a luxurious cloak like this, Ji Hao got a strange feeling of having traveled in space and time once again.     

More astonishingly, on the forehead of the young man was an erect eye located between his eyebrows. The erect eye was a circle bigger than his other eyes, and was rolling agilely in his eye socket; circles of looming blue lights was flashing in the erect eye.     

"Three...three eyes?" Ji Hao was stunned, gazed at the young man.     

"Hm, what's wrong with three eyes?" All three eyes of that young man narrowed down simultaneously, and looked at Ji Hao coldly then said. "As my captive, little guy, your attitude should be more respectful. For example, if you kneel down right now, I can make you suffer less."     

The young man then frowned and continued, "What's with that look? Do you think I'm a freak? To me, you people are the freaks, monsters, barbarians, dirty and stupid savages! Stinky jungle apes!"     

"Toba, Toao, what are you waiting for? Just tie this kid up. We can use him to treat his father later... His father is different from those two new Senior Magi. You don't want to deal with a powerful Senior Magi with over forty awakened Magus Acupoints, do you?" The young man then twitched his mouth corners downward and showed a face of disgust, waved his hands and said.     

The 'Sword Edge Spiders' were really a high-speed equipment; they got into the Cold Stream Valley in only a span of a few breaths after they walked out of the jungle. Until the three-eyed young man showed up in front of Ji Hao, a troop rushed out of the jungle.     

There were over two hundred of sturdy men with fierce looks in the troop. All of these men were over two-meter tall and wore simple metal armours; their skins were as dark as iron; their right hands held heavy shields and their left, held swords and other types of weapon.     

These men were walking swiftly and orderly; they separated into groups of three and moved alternately and covered mutually. Every move that these men made left Ji Hao an 'elite troop' impression. They followed the metal spiders and got into the Cold Stream Valley, started to tie those injured Fire Crow Clan warriors with vines and gave commands to those Savage warriors.     

The three-eyed young man heard the troop, subconsciously taking a glance back and loudly giving an order, "Kill all old, sick and disabled people! It's a shame to waste food on those garbages. Tie all the strong warriors and slaves up. This time. we're gonna make a good price."     

Toba and Toao had also been distracted by the troop for a moment.     

Ji Ying and Ji Lang were severely injured, and Ji Hao was merely a Novice Magus. Though Toba and Toao have always been very cautious, they presently dropped their vigilant state.     

Ji Hao took this chance. He dropped Ji Ying and Ji Lang who were still coughing up blood from time to time, and chanted the 'Nine Secret Words' in a whisper. Once Ji Hao's voice faded, the ground under Toba and Toao's feet suddenly became a pool of slurry. Toba and Toao shouted out, fell into the slurry pool unprepared and was soon submerged in the slurry pool.     

The three-eyed young man turned his head back when he heard the noise, and stared at Ji Hao as if he had seen a ghost.     

Three 'Sword Edge Spiders' eyes emitted a piercing red light; they then leaped high into the air and speared toward Ji Hao's chest with their long metal legs. The 'Sword Edge Spiders' moved fleetingly, Ji Hao couldn't even see them move clearly.     

Luckily, Ji Hao had no need for defense. Mr Crow enlarged his body into his real size in the blink of an eye; streams of fire darted out from every single feather on his wings; he then flapped his enormous wings towards those metal spiders thrice. Instantly, cracking sounds emerged from within the metal spiders' bodies; all three of them were then sent flying by the fierce air flow.     

The metal spiders were sent flying miles away, and fell hard to the ground. Their bodies were still wrapped by a blazing fire then soon became glowing red, finally turning into a puddle of iron melt.     

Mr Crow then flew high into the air and grabbed toward the three-eyed young man's head with his huge sharp claws.     

The three-eyed young man raised his head panickedly, blue light flashed across his erect eye; then a sharp gust of cyan wind emerged out of his erect eye. The cyan wind quickly formed to thousands of feet wide and started rotating rapidly.     

The cyan wind wrapped around Mr Crow's body and rotated him high into the air. Numerous sharp wind knives struck his steel-like hard feathers, creating sparks from its collision.     

Wisps of hot blood dropped from the air. Mr Crow was harmed by the wind created by the three-eyed young man's erect eye.     

Angry roars came from the slurry pool. Toba and Toao tried everything to get rid of the slurry; however, there was nothing to hold or step onto in that pool. It seemed that they couldn't     

get out of that slurry pool for a while.     

Ji Hao found out the weakness of the Jia Clan warriors - They had enormous physical strength but knew nothing about magical power and witchcraft.     

Going from one extreme to another. If the Jia Clan warriors only had physical strength, then what about the three-eyed young man? Ji Hao thought.     

"Kill!"Ji Hao let out a growl. His body then transformed into thousands of fire sparks and appeared behind the three-eyed young man in the next moment. He interlocked his hands together, casted a spell then his palms struck on the three-eyed young man's back with all of his power.     

All three eyes of the young man nearly popped out of his eye sockets. A stream of blood spurted out from his mouth; he even felt as if his internal organs were about to fly out of his body through his mouth.     


Toby and Toao finally sank to the bottom of the slurry pool. They stomped hard on the bottom and leaped high into the air, heavily landing on the ground beside the slurry pool.     


[1]Mutton fat jade: Creamy white Chinese nephrite is referred to as 'mutton fat jade', and most of it is found near the city of Hotan in China.     

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