A Valiant Life



0In the end, Lin Fan gave the programme's precious clues to Tang Ying. The six of them bid goodbye to Master Lin, then, with the scallion pancakes in their hands, they happily ate while looking for the next destination. Meanwhile, Li Muze and Lu Daoren followed behind, cursing in their hearts.     

How can someone be like that?     

They were feeling very embarrassed. Everyone else had scallion pancakes except the two of them. Then, they thought to themselves that they must get the director to cut out this part. It could not be broadcasted. If it were to be broadcast, they would get laughed at and mocked.     

But the good thing was, they could finally leave this troublesome place.     

Lin Fan sat there leisurely with a face full of smiles as if he wasn't bothered by this matter at all.     

Zhao Zhongyang came over and said, "F*cking awesome! What you did was even harsher than scolding them. Even I feel embarrassed for them."     

Lin Fan laughed, "What's there to be embarrassed about? Isn't it normal? I'm being the bad guy here to add to the show's attraction."     

Zhao Zhongyang said, "That makes sense. I think Director Hu should give you a proper thanks."     

Wu Youlan asked, "Hey, I'm very curious. Could it be that you took a fancy to that Tang Ying and that's why you were so good to her?"     

Lin Fan looked at Wu Youlan and said in a grave manner, "That's a very deep question. I need to think for about ten years before getting back to you."     

Fraud Tian laughed as he smoked his cigarette, "I think you must have been a eunuch in your past life, kid, for you to not even have a single girlfriend."     

"Pi*s off, what do you know? This is called being self-responsible and also responsible for others. How could I just casually find a girlfriend?" said Lin Fan.     


Time passed very quickly and when it was close to nighttime, the programme finally ended.     

"It's finally over. Tomorrow will be very tiring. Thirty scallion pancakes! I could lose half of my life!" Lin Fan sighed.     

Fraud Tian said, "I really want to hit you. Complaining about being tired when you're just making thirty scallion pancakes. Sigh… think about when we just started this business. You used to be a man who sold a hundred servings a day!"     

Lin Fan waved his hand. "I'm getting old. I'm no longer as glorious as I used to be."     

At that moment, Zhao Zhongyang stood at the entrance and shouted, "It's bad. That guy is here."     

Lin Fan asked curiously, "Which guy?"     

"Li Muze!" replied Zhao Zhongyang.     

Lin Fan looked afar and indeed, Li Muze was with his agent as they were walking over fiercely.     

The programme filming had ended and Li Muze was very displeased. The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He wanted to find this Master Lin and settle the score for treating him like that during the show.     

Li Muze said, "Why did you target me during the show? Give me a satisfactory answer!"     

The female agent stood by his side and said with a cold expression, "What has our Muze done to you? Don't you know that acting like that during the show affects our Muze tremendously?"     

Zhao Zhongyang tried to mediate, "It was all for the show. Our Master Lin…"     

"I don't like your face," said Lin Fan bluntly.     

Before Zhao Zhongyang had finished his sentence, Lin Fan interrupted aggressively. Zhao Zhongyang was stunned. There wasn't anything wrong with his reason. It was perfect and it had solved everything.     

"Right, our Master Lin doesn't like your face. This answer is satisfactory, right?" Zhao Zhongyang was on Lin Fan's side. Since Lin Fan had already said it like that, as his teammate, he had to be a good teammate. So what if it was a celebrity? They had to take him out in one go.     

Li Muze's chest was puffing as he pointed at Lin Fan. "You…"     

Lin Fan looked at Li Muze with an annoyed face. "What 'you'? You wanted the answer and I gave it to you. Let me tell you once more. I don't like your face, that's why I targeted you. If you're unhappy with anything, then say it."     

The female agent pulled on the rash Li Muze and said, "Muze, don't argue with him. You're a superstar, he's just a normal person. Don't stoop down to his level."     

The agent was rather composed. She knew that Li Muze was a public figure and he couldn't engage in a conflict with this person. They had only come here to question Lin Fan because Li Muze was upset.     

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Superstar, I see that you're very unhappy. Do you want to smash my shop? I have a hammer here. If you smash up my shop, you will surely be satisfied."     

Zhao Zhongyang was helpless. Master Lin was trying to piss someone off again and this time, it was a superstar. But if this superstar destroyed the shop, he would vomit blood.     

"You think I don't dare?" Li Muze was furious.     

Lin Fan nodded. "Yes, I think so."     

Those challenging words and that look of disdain instantly caused Li Muze to burn up on the inside.     

Lin Fan was filled with anticipation. He thought to himself. Hurry up and smash it up. After that, I can have a good rest. But it was a shame because that female agent pulled Li Muze back.     

"Hmph. You think I don't know what you're planning? You want our Muze to destroy your shop so you can make a big deal out of it. Stop dreaming. Muze, let's go. Don't get tangled up with this kind of person any longer. This kind of person has no right to talk to you," said the female agent.     

Lin Fan pursed his lips, then said, "Stop speaking nonsense. If you don't dare, then scram off. I even prepared the tools for you but you still don't dare to destroy my shop. It really can't be helped. What time is it?"     

Zhao Zhongyang looked at the time and replied, "It's six o'clock."     

Lin Fan nodded. "My dear superstar, It's already six o'clock, are you going to smash up my shop or not? If not, we're going to close up."     

Li Muze glared at Lin Fan as if he was about to explode. This guy had really pis*ed him off. Li Muze had an almost unbearable urge to kill Lin Fan.     

The agent kept pulling on Li Muze, telling him to calm down.     

Li Muze gritted his teeth as he glared at Lin Fan. In the end, he stamped his foot and turned around. He walked away while saying grudgingly, "You win…"     

"Hey hey, don't leave! Even if you leave, don't stamp your foot like a sissy!" yelled Lin Fan.     

Li Muze had given in. This was the first time he had felt that his identity as a superstar was a disadvantage. He couldn't do what he wanted. If he didn't have to care about his public image, he wouldn't have resisted the urges.     

Lin Fan yelled at Li Muze who was already far away, "Pu*sy! Losing your courage so easily."     

The female agent glared at Lin Fan for a moment, then left as well.     

Lin Fan laughed, "Close up the shop. Time to go home and sleep.     


The female agent caught up to Li Muze and went into the hired car.     

In the car, Li Muze kept on cursing, "Despicable. That guy is really despicable…"     

The female agent said, "Calm down. It's not worth it at all to argue with this kind of person. I'm going to give Director Hu a call now and tell him to remove some parts of the show."     

Li Muze nodded. "Mmm."     

The call went through.     

"Director Hu, could you cut out some parts of the recordings with our Muze inside?"     

Director Hu: "Why must we cut it? I think it looks pretty good."     

The agent said, "No, Director Hu, look at what happened between our Muze and that Master Lin. Could you cut it out? If it's broadcasted, it would affect our Muze greatly…"     

Director Hu: "How would it affect him? It won't affect him. I have things to do. I'm hanging up."     

The agent was speechless. "…"     

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