Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅹ)

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅹ)

1"Go, protect the children, and fulfill our destiny!"     

Yang Yi pulled Ding Bell's arm to shout.     

Ding Bell subconsciously grabbed than their own children are still small, a pair of hands are still trembling, very young.     

Suddenly, I feel that I am full of incomparable strength and courage.     

"Uncle, don't worry!"     

She puffed out her chest and swore to the two Union soldiers with all her strength, "I promise that I will escort them safely to the mining technical school. Not a single hair will be missing!     

"I, Ding Dong, will use my life to accomplish my mission!"     

Two Union soldiers should have heard her vow.     

Because their faces are blooming than the blood is even hotter, more brilliant than the flowers smile.     

Then the Blind Union and the one-armed union jumped in front of a concealed point of fire.     

The two men joined forces and fired their shotguns, ready to pour the last of their anger and pride into the overwhelming tide of beasts.     

Yang Yi pulled Ding Bell and three children, in the monster run rampant in the city.     

Above them, a gleaming crystal battleship roared across the burning sky.     

It was an old-fashioned hammerhead class light patrol boat.     

The hull was covered with patches, crisscrossed with claw marks and corroded with monster acid.     

It could be seen that after at least 30 or 50 years, the performance parameters and structural strength were no longer suitable for the frontline troops, and they were sent to shuttle between the cities and crystal mines in the wilderness, a patrol fleet protecting the crystal track and the caravan.     

In a hurry, the first thing the union could muster were these tattered patrol boats.     

However, when this old patrol boat plunged into the city and the overwhelming tide of animals in a suicidal manner, it still glowed with the glittering and majestic quality of the spirit and the friction of the crystal, like a golden sword just out of the oven, over the heads of thousands of monsters.     

The monsters that occupy the city become ants on the hot pot.     

Several gryphons roared toward the patrol boat, immediately trapped by the ripples emanating from the defensive array and blown to pieces by the crystal magnetic cannon.     

Some monsters that couldn't fly but had long-range attack capabilities raised their necks and opened their jaws as they sprayed fireballs, acid, and poisonous mist at the patrol boats.     

The old patrol boat is like a veteran of a hundred battles, it seems to be loose under the flesh, is a thousand tempered steel bones, just a minor injury, do not care.     

More Monsters Smell the danger of war.     

They growled restlessly and gathered, regrouping into a wave that devoured and destroyed everything.     

The roar of the crystal battleship was the signal.     

In addition to Yang Yi and Ding Jingdang, there are many survivors, have jumped from the shelter, toward the direction of the mining technology school.     

Most of them are children.     

For my lord -- the cultivator, the Union army, and the able-bodied common man -- have mostly died protecting them in the heat of battle.     

Not dead, but also seriously injured, unable to move forward, only with the most dazzling flame and the loudest battle roar, for the children escort.     

Suddenly, it seems to be suppressed by the Beast Tide, silent on the ruins of the city in the middle of the night, once again lit up the sparkles.     

The Pride of mankind, like the stars shining, will this bloody hell, reflected incomparably bright.     

Ding-dang led the children and ran ahead regardless.     

From time to time around there are monsters or demonized plants appear, open the mouth of the pelvis, issued a creepy roar.     

But always in the next second, was hidden in the dark human point of fire hard knock off.     

And the human firepower spot also thus exposes, becomes more monster dauntless to die, flocks to, covers and devours the target.     

In the end, it is often the human in the firing point who detonates the crystal bomb, turning himself and the enemy into a ball of shining fire.     

However, as the children move forward, there will always be a new human point of fire in time to roar, light up the light for them to guide the direction of escape.     

Ding Jingdong looked back, just to stay in the firepower point, has disappeared in the depths of the overwhelming animal tide.     

She didn't catch the names of the two uncles after all.     

Only that they were called the Union Army!     

"Look out!"     

Yang Yi heavily pulled her A.     

Ding bell in front of a debris, suddenly collapsed down, exposing three or four meters deep sinkhole.     

The little girl turned pale and realized that she had almost made another big mistake.     

She always seems to make mistakes along the way.     

Fortunately, so many adults, are unconditionally tolerant of her, help her, save her.     

Yang Yi A will ding bell carried to his back.     

But his face became very ugly.     

The number of resistance was too small after all.     

There were only three of the first wave, all old-fashioned patrol boats, which could not cover all areas.     

A large number of monsters have been aware of human intentions.     

The Ghost Wolf, the fierce flaming rat, the black armor scythe beetle, the Great Horn Demon Pig, and the Scorpion Griffin. All kinds of hideous and terrifying monsters approached them when they heard the children's sobs and smelled fresh flesh.     

There are seven or eight ghost wolves in front of the road.     

On the left is a black mudslide of fiery rats and giant horned pigs.     

Between the ruins of the right wing, you can vaguely see the blade of the Black Beetle, reflecting a cold light.     

There are two above the head of the Griffin, a soul-stirring screech, eager to try, ready to dive.     

And several points of fire around, are monsters locked, covered, devoured.     

Yang Yi had no choice.     

Can only ignore the injury, overdraw life again, will spirit fire to the limit, burst arrow gun left and right open bow, blow out two thunderbolt-like fire line.     

Ding Jingdang also holds a blasting arrow gun, and Yang Yi fight side by side.     

This time, she was not blown away by the recoil.     

Even if the tiger mouth, teeth and eyes, were recoil crack, shake out the winding blood, the little girl still Tiger Eyes Wide Open, unyielding.     

"Don't be afraid!"     

As she opened fire, she growled, not sure if it was for herself or for the three little guys curled up into meatballs behind her, "So many uncles and aunts have sacrificed their lives just to let us live, so we must live. This is our mission!"     

The firepower of the two men increased.     

The monsters that fell at gunpoint piled up like mountains.     

But it also attracted more monster's attention.     

In all directions, surrounded by monsters, like layers of waves, simply to devour the whole world.     

Just when the two men were running out of ammunition again, they were ready to replace the Blaster with a chainsaw sword.     

In the sky finally came the special human long roar.     

"Uncle Yang, Look!"     

Ding Bell Eyes Deep, six streams of light across the sky.     

Those were the six flying swords launched by the crystal battleship, which precisely locked onto the area around them where the monsters were most concentrated and stabbed them down.     

Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish, Swish!     

The six flying swords pierced deeply into the earth, and the mysterious and complicated spiritual lines converged into a sword formation with killing intent.     

The arc-shrouded Sword Shadow Flash, sword formation enveloped the monster body, more than a way through the body of the cracks.     

Monster Eyes of the fierce flame instantly frozen.     

Then, under the push of the pressure in the body, all the monsters burst out along the sword marks on the body!     

Following the six flying swords, six paratroopers broke through the air.     

As six flaming meteorites, heavy bombardment in Yang Yi and ding bell around the earth, blown out six pieces of explosive dust.     

Before the dust settled, they blasted out powerful fire at the monsters that were scattered around them by the sword formation.     

Only military commandos are qualified to carry a six-barreled, rotating gun that is several times more powerful than an ordinary blaster.     

Only six points of fire, but set off an overwhelming momentum, will be ready to move the Beast Tide, temporarily fought back.     

Yang Yi and ding bell this just see clearly, six airborne troops, the leader is wearing crystal armor of the cultivator.     

The other five men also carried the most advanced gliders and offensive magic weapons, body up and down, short and long guns, like five mobile arsenal.     

"338 Special Forces Brigade Thunderbolt Commando Major Lieutenant Wu Yi, you are Ding Bell?"     

The first cultivator raised his wrist and glanced at the Crystal Brain, striding toward the Ding Bell.     

Yang Yi Mind Electricity, know that the other must be through Ding Bell Crystal Brain positioning chip in order to lock coordinates, come to meet two people.     

Rush forward, introduce the identity, explain the situation.     

"You are Yang Yi, officer Yang, who escorted Ding Ding Ding all the way here?"     

Major Wu Yi was stunned for a moment. He looked Yang Yi up and down. "Okay, then we welcome officer Yang to join us and escort the children to the mining technology school. Xie, give officer Yang a gun!"     

Yang Yi originally wanted to say, his body was seriously injured, psionic exhaustion, unbearable re-war.     

But the thought of the one-armed and Blind Union soldiers, and all the civilians, soldiers, and Vanishing Point who had come all this way to fight to the end, rolled in my throat three times, i just couldn't bring myself to say it.     

Wu Yi couldn't help but say that he took out Yang Yi's empty clip of blaster gun and stuffed a six-barreled rotating mortar into his arms. He ordered his men to evacuate first with the children, while he and Yang Yi stayed behind.     

"The cultivator, of course, should stand in the most dangerous place!"     

Wu Yi is both like to Ding Bell explanation, but also like to say to Yang Yi listen.     

The Beast Tide came again.     

Yang Yi had no choice but to fire with Wu Yi.     

Another thrilling bloody battle.     

The animal tide comes again and again, shatters again and again, retreats again and again.     

It was not until they were left with only the last half of the bullet chain that the wave of beasts turned into broken bones, rotting flesh, and pus.     


Yang Yi let out a long breath, feeling his mouth is recoil shock out of the blood, full of teeth are shaken loose.     

He really wanted to lie on his back in a sea of corpses and sleep for three days and three nights.     

But No.     

He can't fall down yet.     

He has a destiny to fulfill!     

"Go, go, Major Wu!"     

Yang Yi said to Wu Yi.     

Wu Yi nodded and gave a thumbs-up to Yang Yi, signaling him: "Well done, no shame for those who practice."     

Yang Yi Grimaces A, stumble toward the direction of Ding Bell Chase.     

At this time, I heard behind me a"Click" sound, came the sound of six-tube rotary artillery ready to fire.     

Yang Yi's smile froze.     

Inch by inch difficult rotation of the cervical vertebrae, he saw Wu Yi expressionless, eyes deep, black muzzle, aimed at his eyebrows.     

The Shameless     

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze.     

Around the remains and buildings, the faint burning flame, but also two people released at the same time the killing frozen.     

"Do you know why I came to support officer Yang and save Ding Jingdang?" Wu Yi asked coldly.     

Yang Yi squinted and shook his head slowly.     

"Because we know each other."     

Wu Yi said, "Officer Yang, when Wan Li chased the murderer to Reiser City, reported the mission to the relevant authorities according to the rules.     

"Razor City was just built, and it was under federal jurisdiction, and I was the one who took him in.     

"We had the same name, we were very impressed with each other, and we agreed to have a good drink after the mission.     

"Even though you covered most of your face with a bandage, I'm still certain that the deputy chief of the hunting squad from Nanwu City, Officer Yang Yi, definitely doesn't look like this.     

"The real officer Yang, when he hears the name 'Wu Yi' , will never be as Poker Face as you were just now.     

"So, who are you, the 'cultivator' who calls himself officer Yang?"     

Has been in front of Ding Bell, claiming Yang Yi man blinked.     

Looking at each other glittering crystal armor, and obviously stronger than his spiritual flame, the man's killing intention gradually dissipated.     

He sighed somewhat dejectedly, but not surprisingly.     

He opened his mouth.     

I don't know where to start.     

"If you won't tell me, let me guess."     

Wu Yi's gaze became more and more sharp. "Officer Yang is all alone. He has only been in razor city for a few days. Apart from me and a few people from the relevant departments, no one should know him.     

"There is no reason for anyone who knows him to assume his identity.     

"After much thought, there was only one person, both possible and motivated, who killed Yang Yi and took his place under an assumed name.     

"That's officer Yang's target, the wanted man, 'hyena' Zhao Lie.     

"You, the Hyena!"     

The man smiled when confronted by the officer.     

Always wear a mask on your face, inch chapped.     

The quality of being a police officer and a hunter dissipates like a ebbing tide.     

The other is more sinister, fierce, crazy temperament, but like the rising tide filled with facial features.     

If Ding Bell sees him at this moment, certainly won't take him as a trustworthy hunting police uncle.     

Now he is a wolf, a ghost-like running wild wolf.     

No, not even a wolf.     

It was an ugly, nasty, murderous hyena that would eat a dead body just to survive.     

"Believe it or not, I didn't kill Yang Yi."     

Hyena voice hoarse, "He is a fool, chased me for seven years, even my mouth hair did not catch a root, no wonder when so many years as a lieutenant, has not been promoted.".     

"Kill this fool, and You Chase Me Down with a smarter hunter. Am I asking for trouble?     

"It's a pity that this fool is unlucky. I gave him up so that he could go back and get a promotion, but he was torn to pieces by the Beast Tide."     


Wu Yi sneered, "The treacherous hyena, even surrender? This is really the world's Strange News!"!     

"Alright, let's pretend that you've surrendered, but officer Yang was engulfed by the Beast Tide. Next, why did you use officer Yang's name to escort Ding Ding all the way here?"     

This question stumped the hyena.     

"The answer is simple, because you're going to run."     

Wu Yi didn't need his answer at all. He went on, "At this moment, when everyone is fighting for the same cause and fighting to the death, you shameless coward, you want to run away from the battle and live a miserable life!     

"You know very well that as a wanted criminal and a cultivator, you will die no matter where you run in the ruins of a city besieged by monsters.     

"Just then, you found us searching for Ding Dong.     

"When you have an idea, you treat Ding Bell as a talisman to save your life. You only have a chance to escape with her openly under the banner of 'Escort Ding Bell' !     

"Have I wronged you, Hyena?"     

The Hyena's face was hideous.     

"Don't think I'm a coward!"     

He growled, "Now that I'm on this road, I don't want to live forever! Anyway, I've eaten, used, played, and enjoyed in my life, and that's enough for me!"!     

"But I can't die yet, not today!     

"Yang Yi told me that my wife had just given birth to a daughter for me and I had to go home to see if my wife was ok and what my daughter looked like!     

"I told Yang Yi that as long as he let me go home and take a look, even if he shot me and Slow slicing me, I wouldn't complain!     

"Yang Yi promised me too, he promised me!     

"But this fool is dead, dead!     

"With my status as a wanted criminal, I can't escape at all. No one will save me. They will only tie me up and push me in front of the surging tide of animals to be cannon fodder and Die!     

"What was I supposed to do? What was I supposed to do?"     

Wu Yi was slightly startled.     

The Hyena's expression, let him subconsciously believe his words.     

The contempt did not diminish.     

"I see. Your wife just gave birth to a daughter for you. You must go home to see your wife and child, so you can't die yet. That makes sense. How touching."     

Wu Yi's words suddenly burst out, "Well, what about the others? What about the thousands of resistance fighters who died in Razor City, all the Union troops, all the meditators? They did not have a wife or children. They did not have a father or mother. They were not a piece of meat that had been conceived and given birth to by others for ten months. They were not the pillars of the family. They were not the people that loved ones were worried about and hoped for their safe return?     

"If you can't die, they can? If you can't be cannon fodder, they can? They have to use their lives as a stepping stone for a rat like you to survive?"     

Wu Yi's spittle sprayed the hyena's face.     

The hyena was at a loss for words.     

Wu Yi is not ready to let him go.     

"Cultivators are the sabers of human civilization. The blood of the strong must flow for the weak-this is the creed that every cultivator should be imprinted on the Spirit."     

Wu Yi paused word by word, "I really do not understand, such as you scum, how on Earth is the awakening of spirit root, become a cultivator?"     

"Kill me if you must. Don't give me that righteous bullshit!"     

At last the hyena could not bear it. Her face turned red and she shouted, "I have worked so hard to get out of the tomb of the talisman. I have seen the whole damn world!     

"What 'The blood of the strong shall flow for the weak' , what 'the cultivator is the saber of human civilization' , are all false and deceptive!     

"The world is never fair, it's always the law of the jungle, it's always dark!     

"Those big shots are powerful and powerful. They can make thousands of people die for them just by saying a word. Even the dogs at home eat better than the garbage worms in the magic weapon's tomb!     

"We hyenas, vultures, garbage bugs in the tombs, with nothing to lose, being bullied, all depending on our own little lives to fight for, this little life, is all I have!     

"How can I bear to be deceived, to listen to the nonsense of those great men, and to die so easily?     

"Right now, yes, thousands of Union soldiers and cultivators are dead, it's fucking heroic, it's fucking heroic, it's fucking touching!     

"But where's ding-dong?     

"Dingdingdang's father must be a high-ranking general in the Union Army, and Dingdang's mother must be the warden of the Great Wilderness, right? Right!     

"That must be it. They must be powerful and powerful figures. That's why they can order so many people, so many little people like me, so many little tricks, and so many little people. They will spare no effort to save their daughter and die for her!     

"Ha, ha, ha, I don't believe you! Ding Bell is a person, I am also a person, why she can live, can let so many people, wave after wave to come to save, but I can not? What the fuck does that mean?"     

Wu Yi looked at the hyena in surprise.     

Then he chuckled.     

"So you don't know who Ding Jingdang's parents are, and why we have to save her at all costs."     

The hyena froze.     

There was a quizzical look on his face.     

"Believe it or not, Ding Jingdang's parents are not important people, just two ordinary cultivators."     

"Ding Jingdang's father, 'Ding Qin' , was a military alchemist stationed at a defensive position outside Reiser City and was also the first person to sense the outbreak of the Beast Tide.     

"At that time, he had the opportunity to flee back to the city, but in order to maintain the overloaded defense array, he stayed at his post alone and braved the overwhelming tide of beasts. He burned his life until his flesh and blood became one with the entire defense array.     

"His sacrifice has bought the people of Razor City an extra quarter of an hour to react-this quarter of an hour is crucial. Otherwise, many people who are preparing for the celebration might not even have time to activate their offensive magic before they are engulfed by the Beast Wave!     4

"As for Ding Jingdang's mother, 'Jin Shenglan' , she is just an ordinary university teacher who has just started to build a foundation.     

"However, as the wormhole expanded to its limit, the demon king from the blood demon realm was about to descend into the Heavenly Yuan realm. She was wearing a crystal armor and was the first to go up to it. On top of the psionic power surge, the unstable space of the wormhole, the Blood Demon King!     

"According to intelligence, the demon commander this time is the famous Demon King Ye Hailuo in the blood demon world. Ding Jingdang's mother is no match for him.     

"But with her amazing willpower, she has become obsessed with this monster who is in the top of the list of evil demons.     

"Finally, realizing that she could not stop the arrival of the demon king, Ding Jingdang's mother resolutely chose to explode.     

"She transformed her well-tempered body as a martial artist into a Super Crystal Bomb. She used the shock wave and psionic ripples from the explosion to trigger a chain reaction in the space gap, causing part of the wormhole to collapse and closing the space tunnel between the Heavenly Yuan and blood demon worlds ahead of time.     

"Not only did the beast tide not completely descend on the world of the Heavenly Yuan, but it also caused severe damage to the demon king, Ye Hailuo.     

"Otherwise, razor city would have been flattened.     

"Do you understand? Ding Jingdang's parents are heroes. All the survivors in Razor City, including you, are heroes. They saved your lives.     

"And ding-ding was the only child of these two heroes.     

"That is why we must save her at all costs!     

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