Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅺ)

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅺ)

1The hyena was struck by lightning.     

I couldn't speak for a long time.     

"Although Ding Jingdang's parents died heroically, they have adhered to the beliefs of cultivators and fulfilled their mission as human beings. They will become Ding Jingdang's greatest pride in this life!"     

Wu Yi paused word by word, every word he said, "There are thousands of people who died in razor city, and their names will always shine in the hearts of their loved ones and compatriots.     

"And you, hyena, what do you say when you run home with your tail between your legs and see your wife and daughter, and what do you expect them to think of you?     

"My advice to you, hyena, if you have a shred of conscience, you shouldn't be around that poor woman and her daughter that you're cheating on.     

"For having a husband and a father like you is the greatest sorrow and shame of their lives!"     

The Hyena's face was as white as paper.     

The body of the Bug becomes a ball of frustration and loses the strength to continue standing side by side with Wu Yi.     

"Shut up and kill me."     

He gave up, "Give me a quick one."     

"I don't want to kill you."     

Wu Yi but stare at him way, "You call 'hyena' , but after all is a person, I this gun, only kill animals, did not kill people.".     

"The thunderstorm has just subsided. It Won't be long before the news gets out. It will take some time for the main forces to arrive. Before that, the monsters will definitely launch their most frantic counter-attack before their annihilation.     

"We have a limited force and we have to muster all the vital forces.     

"I can't promise you'll get out of Razor City alive and go back to your wife and daughter, but at least you can --"     

Wu's words, like a metal storm from a six-barrage, are powerfully infectious.     

But before he could finish, the ruins beneath him suddenly rose without warning.     

"Ka-chow! Ka-chow!"     

With the Sound of terror, deep in the ruins, there was a swirl that could crush everything!     

Wu Yi has just killed a large number of monsters, also in psionic energy consumption, blood vessels, muscles and nerves are about to burn the cooling period.     

Before he could react, he was caught by a streak of purplish-red electric arc around his legs.     

The raised ruins, once again deep depression, exposed an arc around the bottomless pit.     

Bottomless hole, drilled out of a huge monster, open the mouth, bottom-up, bite Wu Yi's legs!     

Like a tornado, the beast rose to the ground, toppling the hyena and rolling away.     

The hyena's hair stood on end and a frightening name came to mind:     

"Purple Thunder Beast!"     

At first glance, the giant beast looks like an earthworm magnified a million times.     

It has skin a hundred times tougher than earthworms, streaked with purple, and as strong as a mustard suit.     

All over the body, but also covered with similar snail tentacles of the flesh, frantically waving, "Zizhi" spray arc.     

The front of the body, which was more than two meters in diameter and more than ten meters in length, did not seem to have a head. It only had a large mouth that could split into six segments and was filled with sharp teeth.     

This big mouth, both can swallow harder than Diamond Rock, in the ground drilled out in all directions, stretching for hundreds of miles of holes.     

Also can the crystal chariot of the human even the crystal armour, ruthlessly chews up, swallows down.     

Most horrifying of all, this damned beast, with venom glands and acid sacs growing in its body, even has a discharge capacity 100 times stronger than that of an electric eel.     

When it has finished its energy storage, the skin beneath its mouth turns a near-transparent purplish-red color, and it can shoot out a mouthful of highly toxic and super-corrosive plasma with a range of more than 100 meters,     

one ball of plasma, enough to melt a crystal chariot!     

Therefore, although the Purple Extremely Thunder Beast does not have the wisdom, the combat strength is comparable to the demon general, is one of the most unwilling monsters in the wilderness!     

The Purple Pole Thunder Beast Bites Wu Yi's both legs, in the mouth circular sharp teeth, is like the meat grinder that quickly spins.     

Blood splattered, crystal crumbs flying, Wu Yi's legs, to the naked eye the speed of distortion.     

The Purple Pole Thunder Beast then takes the opportunity to wriggle the body, one inch upwardly gnaws, very quickly from the legs, gnawed to the waist of Wu Yi.     

Wu Yi let out half a cry of pain and half a roar of anger.     

A gleaming dagger popped out of the front of the gauntlet and jabbed at the front of the Purple Beast's body, puncturing hundreds of Slasher holes.     

But the purple pole thunder animal skin rough flesh thick, the flesh self-healing ability is extremely strong, has not put this small wound in the eye at all.     

On the contrary, Wu Yi was infuriated. Under his mouth, the part of his neck that was suspected to be swollen rapidly. His skin became transparent, and a faint magmatic purplish-red color appeared. He was about to spew plasma that would destroy everything!     

The Hyena's mind went blank.     

Just one thought:     

"I'm no match for it!     

"The Purple Thunder Beast is comparable to the existence of the demon general, also known as the foundation-building monk!     

"I was just a minor qi-refining period, and I was seriously injured. My psionic powers were exhausted, and I had no strength to fight back!     

"Even Wu Yi, who was wearing a crystal armour, was attacked by it, but there was nothing on me, nothing!     

"Wu Yi is finished. I Can't help it. I. . ."     

The hyena rolled and crawled and turned and ran.     

Behind him came the sizzling sound of electric arcs, the crashing sound of ruins, the shattering sound of crystal armor, the sound of fangs tearing flesh and grinding bones, and of course, Wu Yi's continuous roar.     

Also do not know, Wu Yi's anger, after all, is against the Purple Pole Thunder Beast, or against himself.     

A breath roll out nearly 100 meters, hyena suddenly feel, a sharp to the extreme killing intent, locked his back of the head.     

He shudders, look back, found Wu Yi has been purple pole thunder beast swallowed to the chest.     

Still holding the six-barrage tight, but locked in his head.     

The Hyena's heart stopped beating.     

Thought that the next second, Wu Yi will pull the trigger, to kill him this cold feet of rats.     

But Wu Yi didn't do it after all.     

Instead, after struggling for a moment, he let out an earth-shattering battle cry. With his last strength, he reversed the six-barrage and stabbed his shattered body deeply into the throat of the Purple Thunder Beast.     

Purple Pole Thunder Beast Plasma, almost and Wuyi with life support of the bullet storm out at the same time.     

Two strong unmatched strength, in Wu Yi's remnant body deep place, is also the Purple Pole Thunder Beast's throat inside narrow road meets.     


A purple flame around the ball of lightning, immediately swallowed the Wu Yi of the remnants of the Beast and Purple Pole Thunder exposed the ground of the stout torso.     

The shock wave picked up smoke and dust and covered the land.     


Hyena Abandon.     

Run like a lost dog.     

In front of him, as if within reach, the hammerhead shark was hovering thirty meters above the playground of the technical school of mining.     

A large number of Union troops jumped down to try to establish a beachhead.     

More monsters aware of this, like a tidal wave, launched a crazy counter-attack.     

In twos and threes, survivors, mostly children, also gathered under the protection of the Union Army and rushed to their last hope.     

At last the hyena caught up with the Dingle.     

At this time, Ding Bell is just like a majestic flower hen, struggling to spread his arms, protecting more than a dozen children younger than her.     

Only three of the soldiers who had just parachuted down with Wu Yi remained.     

Three of them were badly burned and bleeding profusely.     

There are many monsters.     

A lot.     

Many, many, many, many.     

The arrival of the hyena, Ding jingle eyes light up, more dazzling than the sun light.     

"Uncle Yang is here to help us!"     

She cheered and cheered for her friends. "Uncle Yang is a cultivator! Here comes the cultivator!"     

"The cultivator comes" these five words, has the magic power.     

Not only the children, who were in a panic, were all quiet for a moment.     

Even the overdrawn, desperate, exhausted three soldiers, seems to have added some powerful strength.     

Faced with a pair of expectant eyes and the constant onslaught of monsters, the hyena had no choice but to snatch a chainsaw sword from the Monster's carcass and charge through gritted teeth.     

For what seemed to be the first time in the Hyena's life, it was a fight with so many people watching and expecting it.     

Oddly enough, the hyena thought she had run out of gas and was too weak to lift a chopstick.     

But somehow, when he thought The Messengers of Ding-dong and all those children.     

Thinking of their eyes, they have not yet learned how to hide their emotions, round, watery eyes, full of color and light.     

The thought of them holding their breath, looking over their shoulders, cheering him on, praying for him.     

The hyena senses a crack wider than the Milky Way opening up in the depths of her brain, and a force that can not be described in ink is coming out of it, fill every cell, every blood vessel, every nerve, every muscle fiber.     

Hyenas are battle-hardened.     

And the garbage insects in the tomb of the talisman, to survive, to Live and Let Die.     

As a lone bandit, he sneaks into the heavily guarded sect of cultivation and picks chestnuts from the fire.     

Besieged by hundreds of times more captors, desperate to survive.     

He had walked countless times in the edge of life and death, a close to the limits of life.     

Never have I known such a surge of power.     

This force helped him to break through the limits of life, out of the peak state, can not be out of speed and strength.     

Less than two meters long chain saw sword, was he stirred out seven or eight meters long spiritual flame.     

The skills that he had long been unfamiliar with and had yet to master were all displayed smoothly. They turned into dense shadows of swords and swords, enveloping all the monsters around them.     

Fierce fire rat, ghost wolf, black armour beetle, Big Horn Devil Pig... ... all kinds of monsters were not his enemies.     

No matter how much you fight, you can't stop him from burning, Burnout!     

Even if the chainsaw sword couldn't withstand his rage-jetting psionic power, it would break apart after slaying hundreds of monsters.     

Nor can it stop him from continuing to spread his psionic power and vitality like a flood breaking a bank.     


Clinging to its shattered hilt, the hyena plunges its flaming iron fist deep into the throat of a bighorn demon pig, snapping and crushing its way through the Beast's heart.     

The one-horned pig, as large as a rhinoceros, shivers and kneels before the hyena.     

"Whee, Whee, Whee!"     

Only then did the hyena, who had become the blood man, discover that he had destroyed all the monsters around the children.     

Although more monsters are still coming from far away.     

But at least he bought the children a few more minutes.     

Precious, life-and-death minutes!     

The hyena turned, and the ding bell smiled as brightly as the Union Army.     

Ding Dong and the children all cheered.     

The hyena is clearly just a qi-refining period practitioners.     

Even the killing of the"Demon soldiers" are not considered to be the ordinary monster.     

The reaction of the ignorant children, but it seems like just witnessed a Yuan Ying and the demon emperor between, soul-stirring decisive battle.     

Some of the hyenas are afraid to face the overheated eyes of the children.     

His left leg was bitten by the Ghost Wolf Yesterday, a series of fierce battles, the wound has long been red swelling suppuration.     

Before he knew it, he was in so much pain that his five toes began to twitch.     

That's right. It must be because of this that he hesitated, struggled, and stumbled. He didn't dare to walk toward Ding Jingdong and the children as"Uncle yang" and"Cultivator.".     

Ding Dang ran toward him on his own initiative, wanting to come forward to support the exhausted cultivator.     

The next second, the little girl round face, but revealed a horrified expression.     

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