Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Saint King Pill! Dead End!

Saint King Pill! Dead End!

0Mei Xueyan's brows were tightly furrowed and laden with worry. She could guess very accurately that right now, the people who would affect Jun Moxie the most was undoubtedly Dongfang Wenxin first, followed by his grandfather Jun Zhantian; after that, it would be her or his Third Uncle Jun Wuyi.     

Unless the enemy was willing to commit the most despicable sin under the heavens and directly deal with the entire Jun Family! But from Mei Xueyan's experiences, Saint-level experts would never stoop to that level.     

But if their target was Jun Zhantian, they could have already acted in these few days while they were gone. Since they hadn't done anything so far, their target was likely herself or Dongfang Wenxin!     

Mei Xueyan thought of all this in an instant and quickly made the necessary preparations.     

This was the reason why she had arranged for Dugu Xiaoyi and Guan Qinghan to be in another area in case a fight broke out and they became caught up in it. With these two girls' cultivation, even the slightest ripple would be too much for them to bear!     

Since Jun Moxie was not around now, Mei Xueyan was responsible for keeping everyone safe!     

This was her responsibility, one that she had to take up!     

Guan Qinghan and Dugu Xiaoyi hesitated for a moment, but when they saw how serious Mei Xueyan was, they sensed that something big was about to happen. The two of them felt a chill in their hearts and they obediently nodded. They were already filled with admiration for Mei Xueyan, so they knew that she definitely had her reasons for making such arrangements. Naturally, they would not raise any objections.     

At this time, Mei Xueyan did not have the stomach for anything at all.     

Her brows were tightly furrowed as she resonated deeply… her heart was laden with worries.     

Their return journey had not been fast. In fact, they were travelling at less than half the speed. Mei Xueyan had been hoping that Jun Moxie would catch up to them, but he ultimately didn't show up even though they'd spent four and a half days on the journey—a full two days more than they'd taken when they set off the first time.     

It was midnight, and silence reigned!     

Mei Xueyan, who'd just gotten into bed, suddenly felt a power aura rise up in a part of Heavenly Scent City. With a speed akin to lightning, this aura had appeared above her own little courtyard!     

"How quick! Furthermore… it's not just a single person. This is bad!" Although Mei Xueyan felt extremely startled, her expression was calm. Sitting up slowly, she twisted her wrist, and the precious sword that Jun Moxie had given to her appeared in her hand. Mei Xueyan touched the body of the blade lightly, and an intense killing intent reflected in her eyes!     


Even if the opponents were Saint-level experts, would Mei Xueyan be scared?     

A hint of gentleness and decisiveness flashed across Mei Xueyan's eyes as she retrieved a small jade bottle from her bosom. This jade bottle was small and was only about the size of a thumb. Inside, were three golden objects each the size of a soybean.     

Saint King Pills!     

This bottle held the trump card of Heavenly Punishment; they were divine objects that had been kept for the past ten thousand years. For the last ten thousand years, no one had ever dared to consume them before! It wasn't that the pills could not be consumed. Rather, no one dared to use them!     

The three Saint King Pills were something that the first generation Saint King of Heavenly Punishment created by condensing all his residual essence blood and Origin energy upon his death! Its effects far exceeded Mystic Cores. Once consumed, it would allow the user to explode forth with over 10 times more power for a short time! Using this power, one could kill all their enemies in an instant!     

However, the price for obtaining such power was also extremely heavy! In fact, it was so great that not everyone could afford to pay it!     

And that price was one's own life and cultivation!     

Once consumed, these three Saint King Pills would grant enormous power. But regardless of what one's cultivation was, there would only be one result. All the meridians in the user's body would be broken, and their Mystic cultivation would be crippled! She would be reverted back to her original form and turn into an ordinary Mystic Beast not even comparable to a level three Mystic Beast!     

In the worst case scenario, her soul would directly be extinguished!     

Even if it was the current generation's Saint King, the result would be the same!     

This was a kind of pill that went by the concept "if you want to vanquish your enemy, you must first perish!"     

The pills had already gone through tens of generations by the time they landed in Mei Xueyan's hands! Even the jade bottle that contained the pills had become worn and faded after so long. From this, one could see how many Heavenly Punishment Beast Kings had taken this bottle out and considered the idea of consuming the pills throughout the years. However, no one could do it ultimately!     

But at this critical moment, Mei Xueyan had not hesitated to take them out!     

Since Jun Moxie was not around, the safety of the Jun Family was upon her shoulders! She would never allow Jun Family members to meet any sort of accident during this period of time! The reason being, she… was a part of the Jun Family!     

This is Jun Moxie's responsibility, and his responsibility is naturally mine as well!     

Mei Xueyan's beautiful eyes shone with determination. She lifted the treasured sword that Jun Moxie had given to her and kissed it lightly. Her face was filled with unending longing, reluctance, and gentleness. She pointed her fingers at the wall and carved a line of words onto it. "From today onwards, the orders of Jun Moxie are also my, Mei Xueyan's, orders! No beasts of Heavenly Punishment are allowed to defy him!"     

Right after she finished carving the words, she suddenly felt an enormous pressure above her head. Three powerful forces smashed down from the top, and the roofs of all the small buildings in the courtyard were blasted into the sky with a hong sound!     

Following that, a huge hand appeared out of the air, grabbing the sleeping Dongfang Wenxin!     

Mei Xueyan laughed coldly, and the sword sheath flew out of her hand. The blade of the sword shone with a menacing glint, morphing into a ferocious dragon made out of swordlight. With her sleeves fluttering wildly, she jumped into the air and stabbed fiercely towards that palm!     


At this time, Jun Moxie was flying towards Heavenly Scent atop the Eagle King, rushing all the way. With their speed, it would be less than half a day's journey remaining until they reached Heavenly Scent! But for some reason, Jun Moxie only felt more anxious the more they neared the city!     

His heart grew more and more troubled as time passed!     

It was as if something terrible was about to happen. And he was already too late to prevent it from happening! This kind of ominous feeling was deeply entangled with Jun Moxie's heart. The anxiousness and worry had caused this emotionless killer, who'd lived two lives, to suddenly feel terrified!     

This was a fear born of worry over losing something! And this feeling that came out of nowhere felt incredibly real to him!     

Thus, he urged the Eagle King to go even faster!     

The Eagle King also seemed to have sensed something, directly disregarding his Mystic Qi expenditure and dashed forward like a bolt of back lightning, slicing through the dark sky. Without a single word, the two sped towards the far away Heavenly Scent City!     

Flying forward without regard for the cost!     

All of a sudden, Jun Moxie felt an inexplicable heartache, causing his entire body to convulse with pain!     

His heart suddenly constricted!     

The moment this pain came over him, Jun Moxie grabbed the Eagle King and transferred an ocean of Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi into its body!     

The Eagle King's speed instantly doubled, and it streaked through the dark sky, leaving behind faint afterimages. The friction between its feathers and the air was so much that a burnt smell arose from it. As if it didn't notice the pain, the Eagle King continued to fly madly forward with a shocking speed far exceeding its limits!     

A dazzling swordlight flashed, clashing against the enormous palm!     

A dull grunt rang out and the huge hand disappeared, leaving behind a line of trickling blood!     

An enraged voice rang out, "Heavenly Punishment? Venerable Mei?"     

Miao Wuji looked with rage and disbelief at his palm. His hands could be said to have been trained to a level where it was impenetrable by swords and spears a long time ago. His bones, skin, and flesh had already been tempered to an indestructible degree! Thus, when he stretched out his hand to grab, it was with complete assurance. He believed that he would be able to capture his target with a single stroke!     

Even if someone was present to block him, he believed that the result would still be the same!     

But who would have thought that an inexplicable swordlight would suddenly stab at him. Before he realized it, he'd already taken a huge loss! His hand had very nearly been pierced through!     

Even Qu Wu Qing's sword, which was practically number one in the present age in sharpness, could be grabbed with his bare hands without any injury!     

But this sword that had appeared out of nowhere was actually able to do so much damage to him!     

Just what kind of a sword was that?     

Mei Xueyan snorted coldly. "Illusory Blood Sea, Miao Wuji?"     

She had already identified the enemy the instant the huge hand appeared!     

After all, there were detailed descriptions of these powerful Saint-level experts who were capable of threatening them in the Heavenly Punishment Forest!     

Miao Wuji drawled coldly as he looked over. "Venerable Mei has quite an impressive sword… This Miao is incredibly impressed. Only, how come Venerable Mei did not say anything even though she was in the room? Could it be that a powerful lord of Heavenly Punishment was actually scared?"     

Mei Xueyan did not say anything. Instead, a ray of swordlight that was dazzling to the extreme burst out of the roof!     

The swordlight disappeared, and Mei Xueyan appeared with her beautiful white robes fluttering in the wind. She stood suspended in the air, with a peerless aura radiating from her body. Her jet black hair floated gracefully behind her, and her white robes danced around her curvy figure. But in the darkness of the night, her lonely white figure had a different, mournful and frigid feeling which caused others to feel a deep heartache as well as love for her!     

Right now, the three experts standing opposite her all had the same feeling: the Mei Xueyan now was like a beautiful flower wilting in the wind!     

Blooming one moment and withering the next! Dazzling beautiful, but only for a moment!     

Mei Xueyan's expression was peaceful, but all of them could clearly feel that beneath that peaceful face was endless rage, madness, and violence! There was also a kind of desolate powerlessness and a cruelty that did not hesitate to die!     

The three felt their hearts sink: she actually saw through it?!     

The moment Mei Xueyan came out, she saw the three people opposite her. It was a starless night, and the moon was hidden behind thick clouds. However, she was still able to see very clearly. In that instant, she knew that it was most likely impossible if she wanted to pass this night safely!     

Today, she'd truly come upon a dead end! But behind her were her relatives and her family. She could not run away!     

The enemy was three Illusory Blood Sea Saints!     

"Mountain Splitting Saint, Miao Wuji; Demon Sword Saint, Shen Qingyun; Fiend Blade Saint, Wu Qianhun!" Mei Xueyan's voice was calm. "The three great Saints of the Illusory Blood Sea have come out together… This Seat is truly puzzled, just what matter is it, that's enough to move the three great Saints into acting together?? Is it simply to deal with an ordinary girl? When did the three Holy Lands change their protocol? How truly surprising! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, this Seat would truly find it hard to believe!"     

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