Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Ye Guhan

Ye Guhan

1Ye Guhan was a proficient Heaven Mystic expert who travelled alone in solitude.      4

Everyone knew that he had no close ties with anyone. He was a reserved man with a ruthless nature. Anyone who came across his path would always end up dead. However, there was something about him that no one would know about. He, a reclusive swordsman, was once a desirable, handsome Young Master.     

An even bigger secret that no one knew was that Ye Guhan and the current Empress, Murong Xiuxiu, were childhood sweethearts. However, due to some unknown reason, Ye Guhan's family was dismissed from the capital, turning him into a penniless nobody. At that time, the Murong Family was an affluent and influential family; they were a force to be reckoned with. It was not surprising that they would not allow their daughter to marry someone who had no worth to his name, especially since that person only had Silver for his Mystic Qi cultivation level. The Murong Family blatantly interfered the two lovers' love life, and eventually both of them had to part ways!     

A despondent Ye Guhan left, leaving behind a hysterical Murong Xiuxiu. The extremely distressed Murong Xiuxiu attempted to commit suicide multiple times but was always saved at the right moment. At last, news of Ye Guhan's death reached Murong Xiuxiu, causing her to fall into an even deeper abyss of despair. Constant pressure from her parents eventually, forced her to succumb to her family's arrangements for her to marry the Emperor. Ultimately, Murong Xiuxiu had become the Empress of the kingdom.     

On the other hand, having been outcasted from the capital for ten years, Ye Guhan had been successfully pursuing his swordsmanship and managed to advance his Mystic Qi cultivation to reach the Heaven Mystic rank. He finally felt worthy enough to marry Murong Xiuxiu and rushed back to the capitol enthusiastically. Alas, his childhood lover had already become an Empress and had bore a girl, Princess Ling Meng, that was already seven years old! As he faced his childhood lover, an indescribable feeling of pain and sorrow ripped through them. Tears could not stop flowing down their faces!     

Heaven's will is unpredictable; the events of the past would not run the course of the present.     

Heaven likes to tease the will of men; such is the decree of time.     

Ye Guhan became a despondent, white-haired man overnight. His character shifted greatly, into one that is extremely merciless and vicious. However, part of his old character still remained - he could still show affection and care to Princess Ling Meng, the daughter of his former lover. The only promise he made to himself was to avoid seeing Murong Xiuxiu again. Other than that, he would visit and play with Princess Ling Meng frequently. Only then would his frozen heart thaw.     

Ye Guhan had now assigned himself as Princess Ling Meng's bodyguard! As long as someone, even if he is the Emperor, attempted to berate Princess Ling Meng, Ye Guhan would brazenly brandish his sword! Princess Ling Meng was the only person that kept him sane, the only thing that held him back from the dark abyss of nothingness. She was the only thing that Ye Guhan, the ruthless swordsman, cared about!     

Most importantly, only a select few were aware of this top royal secret. Even the people that had sent the assassins had no clue. If they had known, they would have sent more than just two Gold-level Mystic expert for the assassination mission. As a matter of fact, they would not have even carried out this assassination mission! They would have needed at least two experts with at least the Heaven Mystic rank for their mission to succeed.     

Ye Guhan had come to the conclusion that the mysterious powerful expert would not reveal his identity, but Ye Guhan could not bear to let the assassins leave, especially since they had attempted to kill the Princess. Therefore, he had no choice but to reveal himself.     

Anyone who attempted to hurt the Princess would be killed by Ye Guhan! There would be no amnesty!     

An unwavering Ye Guhan slowly but steadily brandished his sword! The longsword writhed like a serpent, and an undulating blue color radiated from the sword. The grim Ye Guhan bellowed, "Time to die!"     

Silence wrapped around the nine assassins: A few minutes ago, we had already enquired earnestly if senior had any instructions for us. We wanted to know what your intentions were, yet you chose to remain silent. Now that we decide to retreat, you choose to come forward and stop us. Are you being serious?     

Unbeknownst to them, the mysterious powerful expert and Ye Guhan were not the same people!     

"Ye Guhan! Actions speak louder than words! If you intend to kill us, you need to use your sword, not your mouth!" The assassins were infuriated as they replayed the scene that had occurred. We are aware that you are far more powerful than us, but was it really necessary to toy with us? The assassins were extremely conscious of how they had no chance of winning, but they started to become more fearless as they began to taunt Ye Guhan.     

Ye Guhan remained as still as a statue. His expression was both frosty and intimidating. All of a sudden, he relaxed his stance and brandished his sword. The pale blue light on his sword became even colder and sparks of blue light started to emerge from it. The frigid light enveloped the area, implying that Ye Guhan was about to do what the assassin leader told him to - use his sword to kill them.     

There was no point in wasting his strength on words, especially on people that were about to die!     

A brilliant pale blue radiance shone out from the sword. As it struck out, it gave off a dreamy feeling. Yet, underneath that feeling, there was an overwhelming tinge of anguish. Like its master, the sword exuded the exact same aura - melancholy and solitude!     

With a flick of his hand, Ye Guhan struck out with his sword! A clean-cut appeared on the throat of the Silver Mystic assassin closest to him. Within seconds, a mist of blood sprayed out. The redness of the blood blended in harmony with the blue of the sword, and in the carnage, a bewitching image was painted in the sky.     

The sword… heartache… the elusive horizon… loneliness…     

As the body of the dead assassin fell, Ye Guhan's expression still remained mournful. He approached another two assassins. Moments ago, they appeared strong and impressive, but now in the face of death, they appeared weak and pathetic!     

Similar to how the Silver level expert viewed those at the Ninth level and below as insignificant, the Heaven Mystic expert also viewed the Silver Mystic experts in the same way. These two assassins were as minuscule as ants, in the eyes of the Heaven Mystic expert!     

Blood spurted out from the two assassins, and Ye Guhan was still grim-faced. He moved in a ghost-like manner amongst the blood-tainted sky, his dreamy pale blue light following him wherever he went!     

When Gold and Silver level experts attempt to confront Heaven Mystic experts, it was as hopeless as trying to destroy a rock with eggs. Their chances of emerging victorious were zilch. Furthermore, they had attempted to go against Ye Guhan, who was infamous for being a cold-blooded maniac. Their chances of succeeding were even lower.     

"Hurry! Disperse! Run!" screamed the leader of the assassin. He was the first to desert the scene, flying up into the sky as fast as he could. The remaining five assassins desperately scattered and ran. Each of them wishing that they would not perish like how their comrades did.     

There was no doubt that the assassins would be killed. The only concern was: who would be able to successfully escape?     

Ye Guhan let out a ferocious roar. His menacing aura reverberated with anger as he hurled out his pale blue sword. It was like a huge sapphire shooting star. Every time the pale blue light pulsed, a wretched cry could be heard. Another assassin had fallen.     

Moments later, four out of the six assassins left had already been killed, though their bodies have yet to descend to the ground. Only the two assassin leaders remained. Both of them held the Gold level, the highest strength compared to the other assassins. They had fled in opposite directions and Ye Guhan was busy trying to defeat one of them. Unfortunately, even with his abilities, Ye Guhan could only stop one leader, leaving the other free to go!     

On the ground, Jun Xie had his eyes slightly opened to enjoy the show. As he witnessed Ye Guhan's superhuman might, he was overcome with fascination. Even the original Jun Xie from the previous life could not dream of defeating Ye Guhan in an open battle! The thought allowed Jun Xie to have a greater understanding of the Mystic Qi cultivation of this world.     

Of course, defeating Ye Guhan would not be possible in an open battle. However, in the case of an assassination attempt, Jun Xie could come up with an infinite number of ways in which he could murder Ye Guhan. After all, fighting to the death in an open battle was not Jun Xie's forte!     

Jun Xie thought, Ye Guhan gave out a pale blue color, which means that he is probably only a Heaven Mystic beginner. Yet, his skills and power are out of this world! What would happen if he became a Heaven Mystic expert at the highest rank? What about a Supreme Divine Mystic? Delight crept over Jun Xie's heart as he relished in the thoughts of an even more powerful Ye Guhan.     

One can only be stronger if he fights against the strong! Unfortunately, Jun Xie had not strength to challenge anyone at that moment! If he had, he would not have hesitated to confront Ye Guhan!     


Jun Xie's heart started to burn with desire! At that very moment, he noticed that the other assassin leader that was attempting to flee was coming in his direction. Murderous thoughts immediately jumped into Jun Xie's mind!     

Son of a bitch! How can you think of leaving after causing so much damage here! What makes you think you can leave so easily!? Thought Jun Xie.     

Slowly but steadily, a flying dagger slid down onto Jun Xie's hands. A vehement smile was plastered over his face, which was hidden beneath his body. Time to die, asshole!     

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