Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Terrifying Ability!

Terrifying Ability!

4Because of the huge cultivation gap between Jun Moxie and Guan Qinghan, he would not be able to cause her any damage even if he managed to hit her. However, the throat was a vulnerable and weak point in the human body. At the same time, the elbow was an extremely effective weapon because it could withstand stress. If one struck the weakest part of one's opponent with the strongest part of one's own, it would definitely be possible to triumph over a stronger opponent. In this case, it only needed one hit to kill!      1

A single move by Jun Moxie was sufficient to land a lethal blow!     

Jun Wuyi was utterly shocked!     

Could Jun Moxie truly be so intelligent? Or was the entire event simply a coincidence? Jun Wuyi cleared his thoughts and continued watching the duel before him with heightened concentration and close attention. He scrutinized every move that was executed and while it seemed that every single blow landed were direct hits to Jun Moxie, in Jun Wuyi's eyes, an absolutely contrasting scene was unfolding! Each time Guan Qinghan's moves were about to find their targets on Jun Moxie, Jun Moxie would instinctively react with very slight gestures which he swiftly tried to retract. All of these small moves were positioned in such strategic manners that only a small amount of force would be sufficient to kill Guan Qinghan! Sometimes, this even happened more than once between Guan Qinghan's moves!     

Jun Wuyi remained silent as he observed the match carefully.     

In the next move, Jun Moxie ducked right and had begun to shape his fingers into a fist with his middle knuckle protruded. Analyzing it closely would reveal that his fists were aimed straight at the back of Guan Qinghan's skull! This was yet another weak point of the human body!     

And in the subsequent move, Jun Moxie's knee bent at a sharp angle and exhibited a highly precise and swift movement. If he did not retract in time, his knee would have smashed straight into Guan Qinghan's groin, another fatal point of the human body!     

The heart!     



Following which, the eyes, throat, and ears…     

In the meantime, Guan Qinghan appeared elated and excited about having the opportunity to thrash Jun Moxie, who was howling profusely and trying desperately to avoid her moves. On the other hand, Jun Wuyi was already breaking out in cold sweat!     

Jun Wuyi's was extremely worried about Guan Qinghan. Given his proficiency in reading moves, Jun Wuyi's heart would skip a beat every few moves, for he could easily see the sheer danger Guan Qinghan was in. Little did Guan Qinghan know the sheer number of times she had encountered near-death experiences just in this duel alone. And there she was, still happily and eagerly trying to beat the life out of Jun Moxie without any clue of the peril that could befall her any moment!     

Jun Wuyi was now fully aware of Jun Moxie's forceful suppression of his instinctive abilities and killing moves!     

But it was simply too terrifying! Despite being an Earth Mystic Qi expert, Jun Wuyi knew he would hardly stand a chance against Jun Moxie.     

This was just too intimidating! As the saying goes, the on-looker would always see more clearly than those involved in the act. In this case, the on-looker was not only all-seeing but utterly scared out of his wits!     

Jun Wuyi was too afraid to even interfere with this subtle game of death! He feared that even the slightest remark may cause Jun Moxie to inadvertently lose concentration of the duel and cause the accidental death of Guan Qinghan! Jun Moxie's movements were too fast and precise. Even if Jun Wuyi's legs were working perfectly, he would still be unable to react fast enough to prevent any fatal accidents.     

Finally, Guan Qinghan decided to cease the thrashing after Jun Moxie had been knocked down about ten times. She had not uttered a single word from the start to the end. And without a word, she picked up the two pots of wine and headed back to her own courtyard, as though they were the reward for her victory. Throughout all this time, her face showed no sign of anger or joy, and her expression remained cold and blank. The fact that she did not even have a single bead of perspiration despite the intense duel showed that beating Jun Moxie up was an effortless task that hardly expended her energy. Surely, it was only reasonable to describe this duel as a match between a fighter with a high-level Mystic Qi and an inferior fighter!     

Jun Wuyi was still reeling in shock as he stared blankly at Guan Qinghan's disappearing figure. Based on his analysis, if the fight had been a real battle of life and death, Guan Qinghan would have been killed at least 47 times! And during each of this encounter, Jun Moxie forcefully withdrew!     

These numbers were very frightening. How was it possible that Jun Moxie, a person at the Fourth Level of Mystic Qi, could gain complete control in a duel with Guan Qinghan, one who was already at the Ninth Level Mystic Qi and was about to break into the Silver Mystic Qi Realm!     

Will Jun Moxie be the first to defy the traditional norm where those of lower level Mystic Qi was unable to triumph over experts with higher level Mystic Qi?     

No, this was hardly a question. Jun Moxie had already proven otherwise! It was a fact now.     

And the terrifying part was that all of Jun Moxie's reactions were instinctive and subconscious, just that he had been able to consciously withdraw his strikes every single time. What did this imply? What did this reveal?     

Jun Wuyi was entirely drenched in cold sweat.     

This showed that Jun Moxie was so familiar and refined in his killing techniques that it had become second nature to him!     

He would be able to attack instinctively without contemplation or hesitation, identifying and targeting his enemies' weakness with swift fatal blows.     

Killing was already an innate ability in Jun Moxie!     

This was the only explanation possible for the duel that transpired moments ago!     

How many people did he have to kill to perfect his killing technique with such precision?     

Even Jun Wuyi himself, a former war veteran, was terrified to imagine any further. He had seen much blood and gore on the battlefield, experienced multiple assassinations attempts himself, and even raised his own assassins to serve him. But despite participating in countless wars, and killing many others himself, Jun Wuyi had never seen such a formidable and intimidating character before.     

A monster!     

Every single move carried the intent to kill. Killing was deeply ingrained in his senses, and had become his first reaction to any stimulus!     

And this terrifying, cruel and demonic monster was no other than Jun Wuyi's own nephew!     

Jun Moxie!     

Jun Wuyi moaned and closed his eyes slowly. "What on earth am I seeing? I must be dreaming! If this is a nightmare, please wake me up now!"     

Nightmare? If Jun Moxie could possess such powerful abilities, it might not necessarily be a nightmare, but potentially be a pleasant dream!     

All of a sudden, Jun Wuyi remembered that Jun Moxie had begged Jun Zhantian to withdraw his orders for the duels by saying, "Grandfather, I can't fight! It's true! I really can't fight!"     

The famous grandson of the General could not fight? Upon hearing this, Jun Zhantian's first reaction was to give Jun Moxie a harsh kick before pointing at the door, screaming, "Get out!"     

Back then, Jun Wuyi could barely contain his laughter after hearing this. And for the longest time, he would be greatly amused whenever he recalled the event.     

Of course, he was unable to fight. But apart from interpreting it as an inability to fight, it could also be interpreted as…     

And only till today did he truly comprehend what Jun Moxie meant all this while. Jun Moxie could never fight indeed. Because he could only kill!     

Such precise killing techniques were already ingrained in his blood, his soul, and every single inch of his bones, muscle, and nerves!     

If a soldier had such deadly skills, he would be able to confront a million troops alone. The bodies of his enemies would just pile into mountains!     

If an assassins had such deadly skills, they would have become legends instantly!     

Anyone with such skills would be able to determine the life and death of others, like how the God of Death determine human fate.     

For someone at this level, killing had probably become a habit or an innate ability. It had already become a pinnacle of art and even a phenomenal accomplishment, just like how an expert artist could produce breathtaking art with a simple stroke of his brush, or a revered musician could synthesize seemingly magical melody with the flick of his finger.     

All warriors and assassins had aspired to achieve such capabilities, but nobody had ever achieved the pinnacle of killing. However, how did Jun Moxie, his own nephew, achieve this? How could it possibly be Jun Moxie?!     

Jun Wuyi's mind was overwhelmed with questions. Where did Jun Moxie learn these skills from? How did he hone them to such precision? And most importantly? What did he use as his practice target?     

All of a sudden, Jun Wuyi felt that his nephew was so obscure that he was unable to look into him. Although Jun Moxie was only at the Fourth Level of Mystic Qi cultivation currently, his performance alone just now already made Jun Wuyi feel that he had to look up to his own nephew!     

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