Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Scam You To Death!

Scam You To Death!

1Tang Yuan shook his head and said arrogantly, "It is indeed despicable! In fact, I truly brought money with me. If I did not have sufficient money, how would I dare to bid such a high price? This is not an ordinary auction but the Magnificent Jewel Hall itself! It is embarrassing that you can't even distinguish such simple truth. If I were you I would have hanged myself. It is really disdainful knowing that your family actually entrusted you with so much money."     4

As the whole farce played out, it seemed Meng Hai Zhou had won the bid by paying ten times the original amount to obtain the Jade Sea Coral. However, in the eyes of all those present, there was nothing but contempt for Meng Hai Zhou.     

Buying an item worth 5 hundred thousand at a price of 5 million was simply too insane! Some even considered it fundamentally unethical.     

Meng Hai Zhou did not receive the faintest sense of sympathy from the crowd. In the eyes of the third parties, the Jade Sea Coral was something that Tang Yuan was determined to acquire, therefore leading to the high starting bid of 1 million. This price far exceeded the value of the Jade Sea Coral and already hinted Tang Yuan's strong desire for the ornament. However, the Li and Meng duo were obviously trying to make things difficult for the Tang Family by raising the price unnecessarily.     

Unfortunately, Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou did not expect the other party to give in so easily. In the end, they bidded too aggressively, forcing Tang Yuan to withdraw from the bidding war and causing them to pay a hefty price for a mere decorative item. Meng Hai Zhou was simply shooting himself in his the leg! At least this was what the truth appeared to be in the eyes of the observers.     

These malicious people deserve to get their retribution!     

The crowd was instead sympathizing with Tang Yuan, "Poor kid, you are too young and naive. If you had bid on this item slowly and carefully, you might just be able to obtain it! There is no rush in bidding so aggressively and revealing your intentions so early."     

The expressions on Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou were unexpectedly similar to Tang Yuan's, one which relished in others' predicament! "Don't ever try your dirty tricks again! How does it feel to slap yourself in the face? Serve you right!" Tang Yuan seemed to portray a victimised look on the exterior but internally, he was extremely delighted. Seeing the look of defeat and despair on Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou, Tang Yuan felt extremely relieved! Not only did he vent his frustration, he also managed to deliver an all-out revenge on his rivals! Nothing felt better, more exciting, and more fulfilling than this!     

At this point in time, a servant of the Magnificent Jewel Hall walked over to the Meng Family's box, carrying the Jade Sea Coral in a tray. The red silk cloth was cupped delicately over it. Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou bit their lips. Their hearts were so hurt that they seemed to be bleeding. Nevertheless, they forced a smile to conceal their emotions.     

It would have been normal if these two had remained dejected. What caught Jun Moxie's attention was the fact that Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou appeared relieved despite the terrible loss they suffered. Jun Moxie, who originally had no knowledge of the origins and mysteries behind the Jade Sea Coral, suddenly grew curious and suspicious towards it.     

"This item seems to be exceptionally useful to them and it appears that they wanted it all costs. Hmmm… Whatever benefits the enemy must certainly be disadvantageous to us! This is bad, I must destroy this piece of jade!" No matter what its uses were, Jun Moxie would only feel at ease only if the Jade Sea Coral was rendered useless.     

"Wow! So this is the Jade Sea Coral that is worthed 5 million? True enough, it is as rare as an immortal's fart!" Jun Moxie mocked as he watched Li Zhen carefully receiving the Jade Sea Coral. At the same time, Jun Moxie whistled softly and nudged Tang Yuan gently.     

Tang Yuan took the cue and instantly put on a pitiful look. Looking at the Jade Sea Coral, he whimpered sadly, "Jun Moxie, what now? Grandfather had ordered me to bring back the Jade Sea Coral at all costs. But now… Oh, brother, I am doomed!"     

These words were deliberately meant for Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou. Upon hearing this, their spirits lifted slightly. "So this was indeed something Grandfather Tang needed. No wonder Tang Yuan was bidding so desperately for it!" With this in mind, both felt somewhat pleased with themselves.     

They did not expect their bidding to bring such great repercussions to Grandfather Tang! They felt really good!     

Jun Moxie curled his lips and asked arrogantly, "Isn't that just a piece of Jade Sea Coral? Why do you all have to get so flustered over it? I have a couple of such jade ornaments at home myself, it is nothing rare to me!"     

"What?" Li Zhen's face instantly reddened as he rebutted, "Jun Moxie, you little scoundrel! The Jun Family is so poor that it is almost on the verge of collapsing and yet you dare claim you possess such a rare item? Or even a couple of it? Are you not afraid of suffering retribution for uttering such ridiculous lies?"     

Jun Moxie jumped up suddenly and rebuked angrily, "Li Zhen, what do you mean? His Majesty had bestowed several of such Jade Sea Corals to my grandfather, and they were all much larger than the one you are holding! I'm really surprised by your stupidity and ignorance!"     

Li Zhen laughed and replied, "This is truly ludicrous, Jun Moxie! What does a potato like you know about this item? This is the Jade Sea Coral! The Jade Sea Coral, do you understand? I really cannot be bothered to talk to you!"     

"My family also has a Jade Sea Coral like this. And it is so… so big!" Jun Moxie gestured wildly with his hands to outline the shape of a large jade ornament. "Fatty Tang has seen it. I am not lying!" Seeing Li Zhen's lack of response towards his random gestures, Jun Moxie went towards Li Zhen and gestured directly on his Jade Sea Coral to illustrate the stark contrast in size.     

Jun Moxie's gestures seemed to outline a size which was more than double that of the Jade Sea Coral Li Zhen was holding. He then snorted and continued disdainfully, "The one in my home is crimson red! It is definitely much better than the one you are holding right now!" However, as Jun Moxie was gesturing, he secretly executed the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune, directing it towards the Jade Sea Coral. All of a sudden, he felt a trace of Qi flowing within the Jade Sea Coral. At the same time, he found his own Mystic Qi becoming much denser and significantly more active!     

"So the Jade Sea Coral is actually useful in Mystic Qi cultivation?" Jun Moxie snorted in his heart. "However, why is this aura so similar to the Qi in my Exquisite Hongjun Pagoda?" With this thought in mind, Jun Moxie deliberately allowed streams of Qi from the Jade Sea Coral to enter his own meridians and assimilate with his own Qi. But in doing so, he suddenly felt extreme discomfort. His Exquisite Hongjun Pagoda started spinning uncontrollably, swiftly emitting his own Qi, which in turn forced the foreign energy out of his meridians!     

"They repel each other?" Jun Moxie's eyes widened.     

At this point in time, Li Zhen was seething with anger as he watched Jun Moxie perform his antics. He quickly removed the red silk cloth that was covering the ornament and roared, "This is the Jade Sea Coral! Jade Sea Coral! The one you have is the ordinary Ruby Sea Coral! Oh my goodness! You know absolutely nothing about this!"     

Jun Moxie laughed and said, "Whatever! Regardless of what type of sea coral it is, their textures and qualities are all the same! Li Zhen, you are unbelievably stupid! You just spent 5 million taels of silver on a piece of trash!"     

He then placed his hand casually on the Jade Sea Coral to rub it. He frowned and said, "It seems a little different." While speaking, Jun Moxie quickly channelled the Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune at full power, releasing a pure fragment of his own Qi into the Jade Sea Coral to occupy a particular spot in it!     

As the two opposing Qi collided against each other in the small space, the original Qi in the Jade Sea Coral was forced into a corner. The moment Jun Moxie withdrew his hand, the original Qi reflected violently, surrounding and overwhelming the Jun Moxie's Qi with layers of its own.     

Jun Moxie secretly tested the Jade Sea Coral with his spiritual awareness. Under the violent reaction of the two opposing Qi energies, the Jade Sea Coral was nothing but a huge mass of unstable and uncontrollable energy. Jun Moxie could not help but laugh silently. "Seems like… The Jade Sea Coral is useless now! Haha!" "How is it? It is different from the one you have at home, isn't it? Hahaha…" Li Zhen laughed, thinking that he had finally gained the upper hand. As he saw the apparent disappointment on Jun Moxie, a wave of ecstasy overwhelmed him.     

"It is different indeed." Jun Moxie's face turned white slightly. Pulling back his hand, he rubbed his nose and asked innocently, "They are all sea corals. What makes them so different?"     

Tang Yuan touched it gently and was also seemingly amazed. Li Zhen and Meng Hai Zhou gained a huge ego boost upon seeing their reactions. Their heart swelled with pride as they laughed uncontrollably. After a long moment, they looked at Jun Moxie and Tang Yuan with proud satisfaction and said fiercely, "Enough of staring at this treasure. You don't have this, do you? Aren't you envious? Oh, Fatty….Hahaha!" They continued to mock Tang Yuan gloatingly.     

"Haha… since you failed to obtain the Jade Sea Coral, I wonder how your grandfather would punish you? To have Grandfather Tang personally teaching you a lesson, perhaps, it is not too bad of a compensation for the losses we made today…"     

Jun Moxie looked embarrassed, but in his heart, he thought, "Both of you would be dead, not us!"     

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