Release That Witch

The Scented Soap and Liquor

The Scented Soap and Liquor

2The setting sun was slanting towards the west, the rolling heat wave was fading, and the tweeting sound of the cicadas was gradually subsiding. However, the castle was still a little stuffy, as oppose to Sleeping Island surrounded by the sea.     0

Evelyn who was covered with sweat walked up to the second floor and opened the bedroom door, a burst of coolness suddenly enveloped her.     

"You've had a long day of the test," A black-haired woman who was looking mature and capable said with a smile, "Well, how did it go?"     

Her name was Scroll. She was the oldest witch in the Witch Cooperation Association and a very friendly senior. Evelyn could feel the care and concern from her after getting along with her for only a day.     

"I... don't know," Evelyn said with a little frustration, "the others had cast their ability while His Highness only asked me a few questions when it was my turn. Was it because... he felt that I'm useless?"     

Scroll brought her a bottle of iced-water. "Roland, His Highness mentioned to us once that there's no useless ability, only an undeveloped ability. So, you don't have to worry about it."     

"But..." She took the cup and hesitated.     

"You're worried that you would be neglected if you're useless?" Scroll could not help but smile. "It would be possible if it were the old Witch Cooperation Association, His Highness had never treated any of the witches differently and Hummingbird could prove this."     

The girl who was looking for clothes in the cupboard looked up and said, "That's right. Just like me, Mystery Moon, Lily, and Miss Nana had nothing to do recently and His Highness also encouraged us to play Gwent to divert the boredom."     

"Divert the boredom?" Evelyn opened her eyes big and asked.     

"Yeah, isn't it incredible? His Highness said work hard and play hard," Hummingbird paused. "However, I think His Highness is still a little eccentric as he apparently treats Anna better."     

"She was the first witch he knew, of course, they would be closer to each other," Scroll knocked her head and said, "tidy up your clothes quickly, otherwise, there will have no water later." And, she looked at Evelyn and said, "Come with us."     

"Where are we going?" the later asked in shock.     

"Take a shower." Scroll smiled. "There was nothing more comfortable than bathing under the shower in the summer."     

When Evelyn walked into the bathroom with both of them, she could not help but shout in surprise. She seemed to walk into a spacious grassland with the clouds and mountains in front and the sunset shone through the window into the mirror, reflecting on the wall, giving the clouds a touch of gold.     

"This is..."     

"Soraya's masterpiece." Scroll laughed, "This isn't a traditional decorative painting, you'll know if you take off your shoes."     

Evelyn carefully put her wooden sandals into the shoe rack by the door, she immediately understood Scroll's meaning as she stepped onto the "grassland" with her bare feet. The delicate feeling beneath her feet was like a dense grass in general and the grass tip was filled with water droplets as if it just rained heavily.     

Scroll took off her clothes and untied her ponytail with her black hair falling down then. She walked towards the wall and turned the wrench, and then the shower head above her suddenly ejected dozens of waterline, which surrounded her.     

"How is it? Is it convenient?" Hummingbird passed something round to her. "This is a bath product invented by His Highness and it's wonderful to use it during the shower. Come on, I'll teach you how to use it."     


When Evelyn returned to the room, her entire body felt a bit lighter.     

She had never experienced such a comfortable bath. All the sticky feeling suddenly swept away when she scrubbed the scented soap on her body to develop the bubbles and rinsed off with the water. It felt extremely refreshing and smooth. When you put on your clean clothes, the hot air seemed to be getting cooler. She could smell the scent of rose left on her skin when she raised her arms.     

[This is the daily life of the witches of the Witch Cooperation Association?]     

Evelyn still quietly found it incredible. She was born in outside the city area of the king's city. Her family operated a pub, although the visitors were mostly farmers, the topics they talked about were mostly the noble within Inner City and their lifestyle, and she also heard a lot when she was serving alcohol to the guests. Such as the gild bathtub filled with wine, and a milk bathtub filled with rose petals... However, nothing could match with her experience today even though she had heard many amazing rumors—at least Evelyn did not think that it was comfortable to bath with milk and wine.     

Thinking of the castle's owner was a real prince, it was normal for him to stress for the comfort and pleasure. However, it was hard for her to imagine that the witches here actually had an equal lifestyle with the royal family and the noble. It was hard for her to even maintain the ordinary, peaceful life before she came to Sleeping Island.     

"Are you hungry?" Scroll braided her hair again after drying her hair and said, "Let's go to the hall, it's almost time for dinner."     

The long wooden table in the first-floor reception hall was filled with all kinds of dishes. Evelyn roughly counted. There were six pots of meat with steamed egg custard, vegetable soup, and grilled mushrooms. It was not much different compared to the welcome party last night.     

When all the witches came in their place, everyone started to eat. She noticed that some people used a pair of sticks to fetch the food in addition to knife and fork. And, His Highness was the same, he even rarely picked up the knife and fork and the sticks in his hand were flying up and down, looking very flexible. There were no big steak, whole chicken or whole duck in the food bowl—it was different from the food served in the tavern, the steak was cut into small pieces and the bone was already removed from the wild boar leg and it could be directly eaten.     

Prince Roland, His Highness suddenly clapped when the dinner ended. "I've recently developed two new things which were intended to be the commodities. I want you to try them and let me know what you think."     

"What're they? Something edible?"     

"Okay, I want to try!"     

"Me too! Coo!"     

The witches in the Witch Cooperation Association were cheering, Evelyn looked at Scroll blankly and the latter smiled and explained, "His Highness often invents some novelty stuff, such as the scented soap you used just now, perfume, chopsticks, ice-cream... He would let us try it first before officially putting it into production."     

"Ahem," Prince Roland cleared his throat and said, "The first thing is white liquor. It tastes more mellow compared to the common ale and fruit wine, but also more intoxicated. Therefore, the minor witches can't participate."     

"His Highness, it's prejudice!" Lightning shouted, "I can drink more than the grown-up sailors!"     

"Well, you still can't participate."     

"Um..." the little girl pouted. Roland did not respond but ordered the attendants to serve the white liquor to the grown-up witches.     

There were also three glasses displayed in front of Evelyn—the liquor filled in each of the sparkling crystal glass was different. One glass looked like water as it was transparent and colorless, and another glass looked milky white while the last glass was in shiny bright orange color. Some small floating objects could be seen under the flickering candlelight, which looked like an unfiltered wine."     

"They're White Liquor mixed with apple juice, white liquor mixed with milk and pure white liquor," Roland said, "You may add in ice cubes as according to your taste, the more you add the lighter it tastes." Then he smiled at Evelyn and said, "You used to stay in the tavern of the king's city and your ability is brewing different kinds of liquor, so I hope to hear your opinion regarding these new liquors."     

Evelyn's heart could not help but throb twice. She picked up the glass filled with the orange-colored liquor and took a sip. Just as His Highness said, the taste of liquor was stronger than ale, and even sting the throat little. She could taste a hint of bitterness on the tip of her tongue, but the apple fragrance had diluted its impact, and finally some mellow taste of the liquor was lingering in her mouth. It was her first time to taste such a good wine.     

The liquor which was mixed with milk was mellower and the bitterness almost disappeared. She could taste some honey or sugar other than the milk, and the mixed taste of sweetness and liquor fragrance formed a new flavor.     

Evelyn was filled with hope when it came to the last glass. She took a small gulp and the burning feeling suddenly rolled over the tongue and throat—it was as she expected, there was no other interfering taste, and it was only left with the pure liquor taste. It was initially burning and it contained a hint of sweetness in the bitterness.     

"All the three glasses of liquor taste... unforgettable." She put down her glass and took a deep breath. "Your Highness, some people may not accept the strong smell, but I think the people who really love to drink would not resist such a taste."     

"Is that right?" Roland laughed. "That's great, but this glass isn't the strongest liquor, I can further improve its mellowness and let you taste it again."     

[Uh, the reason he picked me is for me to test his new liquor?] Although Evelyn was confused, she still answered, "Yes, Your Highness."     

After all the glasses and the plates were cleared, Prince Roland, His Highness ordered the attendants to bring in a bunch of boxes and set them down on the long table.     

"This is the second new thing, and it was a little gift I want to give you." He paused. "A special dress."     


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