Gourmet of Another World

The Heavengod's Treasure

The Heavengod's Treasure

2Rumbling filled the air as the entire ancient Heavengod's relic began to shake. Not long after, a dazzling light exploded and became the focus of countless people, their eyes fixed on the location of the Heavengod's treasure.     

The array had been broken, and the secrets were now exposed. A buzzing sound could be heard as strange waves spread, which came from the Heavengod's Power of Law and the complete Heavengod's skeleton.     

Tai Fei was forcefully blown apart by Lord Dog with a paw. This was out of everyone's expectation, and many people were surprised by Lord Dog's current strength. They wondered what level this dog had reached.     

Of course, Tai Fei was not dead yet. He had turned into a plume of black smoke, burrowed into the ground, and fled. Some people noticed that, but they did not have the time to chase him—they had set their sights on the Heavengod's treasure.     

More attention was paid to the treasure than to Tai Fei because this was the reason that brought them here, and now, they were finally going to touch the secrets of this place.     

Shafts of light thrust into the sky from the treasure, forming what looked like a dazzling lotus flower. At the same time, the Heavengod's aura spread, attracting everyone.     

The Heavengod realm was a very powerful level, and that level was very frightening and awe-inspiring. What was buried in this relic were all Heavengods who died in battles.      

Moreover, they were known as immortal, so a lot of people were wondering about the origin of these bones. Someone thought they came from the battle of Heavengods that happened in ancient times. Although Heavengods were immortal, that was because they would not die of old age. Battles would still cause them to fall.     

In any case, these had nothing to do with Bu Fang. He was breathing somewhat rapidly now. What he was about to do was to devour those Heavengod's Laws with his Divine flame. Once he succeeded, his temporary task would be completed. Then, he would receive a Fruit of Law and comprehend another supreme Law of the Universe!     

Shrouded in the hazy fog, Lord Bird's eyes also lit up slightly. Obviously, he was very interested in the Heavengod's treasure as well. Of course, no one was not interested in the treasure, especially when there was a wisp of powerful Chaotic Energy inside, which was the foundation to become a Heavengod!     

Lord Dog sped forward at top speed, heading toward the treasure the moment the array was broken. His target was… the Chaotic Energy. He did not care about those Laws.     

The Heavengods had fallen, so the Laws were useless to him. But the Chaotic Energy was different. It was the key to become a Heavengod. Only those who acquired it had the chance to break through to the Heavengod realm. If he missed this opportunity, he would have to spend countless years searching for another wisp.     

The Chaotic Universe would produce a wisp of Chaotic Energy in every age. However, it vanished as soon as it appeared, so it was very difficult to acquire—nowhere near as convenient as this one right before his eyes.     

Besides, the Chaotic Energy that appeared once in every age was the object of contention among the divine dynasties. It would be too difficult for him to seize it from the Divine Emperors and God Kings of these divine dynasties.     

Eyes flashing, Bu Fang followed after Lord Dog. His target was different from Lord Dog's, so there was no conflict.      

As for Lord Bird, no one knew what his target was. Bu Fang and Lord Dog did not bother to pay attention to him. If he also wanted the Chaotic Energy, he would have to fight Lord Dog. But if he wanted those Laws… What did ordinary people want the Laws of these fallen Heavengods for? Bu Fang would never let him have them.     

Bu Fang's speed was very fast. He shot out in a flash, flying through the air like a bolt of lightning.     

In the distance, the God Kings' hearts began to burn again as they saw all those Heavengod's treasures. Many people exchanged glances and saw the excitement in each other's eyes. In the next instant, an uproar broke out as they shot out to join the fight for the treasures.     

Countless experts sped through the air and rushed into the area where the Heavengod's treasures were hidden. Their targets were not the Laws or the Chaotic Energy, but…the Heavengod's bones and blood! These were the real treasures for them!     

Bu Fang hovered in the sky, frowning at the two blood-colored skeletons. Those were Heavengod skeletons. If he fused with them, he could even develop a Heavengod body with his fighting prowess skyrocketed.     

However, Bu Fang felt that the Heavengod skeletons were giving off a bizarre aura, which was very different from the Heavengod's finger bone he had acquired not long ago.     

'Whatever… I need to devour the Heavengods' Laws first! There are so many Laws here… This should give the Divine flame a full meal,' he thought to himself. Then, he raised his hand and lightly rubbed his forefinger and thumb together. With a popping sound, a silver fireball immediately burst out, burning in his palm.     

With a flick of his fingers, Bu Fang threw out the flame, which immediately flew toward the countless Laws down below.     

Owned by no one, these Laws drifted aimlessly in the air, emitting all kinds of mysterious colors to dazzle all eyes. However, besides looking beautiful, they were of no use to anyone. This kind of Law could not be absorbed by the body and could not be comprehended, so they were not as beneficial as the Heavengod's blood and bones.     

A strong wind was blowing as the silver Divine flame grew brighter and began to devour the Laws. One Law after another flew into it, burning and purifying them before they turned into the purest energy and rushed into the Divine flame.     

The Divine flame had devoured many Laws, and as it devoured more and more Laws now, its power became stronger and stronger. Of course, limited by Bu Fang's strength, the power of the Divine flame could not achieve a qualitative leap, but it was already extremely fearsome.     

'Two thousand five hundred Laws already…' Bu Fang thought. The Divine flame actually would not devour the laws it had already absorbed, and since many of them had been absorbed now, it had become quite difficult for it to grow.      

'Two thousand nine hundred…'     

'Three thousand!'     

'Hmm… It's still growing!'     

Bu Fang's eyes flashed, and he was breathing somewhat fast. He felt very excited. He could sense that the Divine flame's power was rapidly improving.     

In addition to Bu Fang's harvest, others were also plundering resources frantically in the distance. Lord Dog was heading toward the Chaotic Energy. He needed it as it had been his target since the beginning.     

Down below, the God Kings had closed in on the Heavengods' skeletons and were fighting each other. After all, no one would give up such precious treasures, so a fight was inevitable. Both the Heavengods' blood and bones had become the focus of their fights.     


A God King pulled out a Heavengod's bone and burst out laughing right away. At the same time, someone else found a jar of Heavengod's blood. Without hesitation, he slapped open the lid and began to drink it…     

Different people reacted differently to the treasures they found, but their faces all looked somewhat twisted and ugly. Soon, the treasures were all split by the God Kings…      

The Heavengod's bones scattered all over the place. Every God King hugged one of the bones and knelt on the ground, surrounded in a very strange atmosphere.     


Meanwhile, the Divine flame was burning as it absorbed countless Laws. Bu Fang had no idea how many Laws it had absorbed now. Finally, it was full and stopped absorbing. It had turned completely silver-white and returned to Bu Fang's palm, hovering there motionlessly like a child who had eaten and drunk enough.     

'Congratulations on completing the temporary task, Host. The reward will be issued now…' The System's serious voice rang in Bu Fang's head.     

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He had finally completed the task without facing too many dangers. However, he was not in a hurry to check on the reward. Instead, he descended and landed on the ground.     

The beautiful Laws were absorbed by Bu Fang, and they were all gone now. What remained in the field were the experts kneeling on the ground, who either held the Heavengod's bones or had drunk the Heavengod's blood. The scene made everyone's hair stand on end.     

In the distance, Nethery hovered in midair. Summer, Luo Sanniang, King Pingyang, and the other experts who did not join the fight all looked pale. No matter how stupid they were, they knew there must be something wrong with the Heavengod's bones and blood.     

Lord Dog was closing in on the Chaotic Energy. The closer he got to it, the more he felt its terrible power. It was an aura that originated from the Chaos.     

His eyes flickered, and divine light burst out from all three of his heads. Then, he opened his mouths, bared his teeth, and barked. He pressed on with great speed.      

The wisp of Chaotic Energy fluctuated as if it was going to crush the void, but Lord Dog had no fear. With his mouths opened, he swooped down on the Chaotic Energy, closed his jaws around it, and devoured it in an instant.     


The void around the Chaotic Energy kept crumbling, but Lord Bird paid it no mind. He was walking slowly across the field. He did not care about the Laws, did not covet the Heavengod's bones, and did not even care about the Chaotic Energy. He just walked slowly as if he was searching for something. No one knew what he was looking for.     

Finally, Lord Bird stopped. He stood on a patch of sand, squatted down, reached out a hand, and began to dig. Before long, a small pit was dug out, and he slowly pulled an object out of it. A splashing sound of liquid could be heard ringing out of the object.     

Bu Fang's face froze suddenly. He looked over his shoulder to where Lord Bird was and saw the latter pull a wine jar out of the small pit in the ground. It was a wine jar made of jade with wine splashing inside.     

"Oh, here it is!" Lord Bird said happily. One could imagine how happy his face was, enveloped in the fog. He had waited so long for this wine jar. As if he could sense Bu Fang's gaze, Lord Bird raised the wine jar and waved it at him. "Would you like a drink?" he asked.     

Bu Fang glanced around. The bizarre atmosphere made him somewhat hesitate. It did not seem right to drink in this kind of situation. Besides, the wine was dug out from the field where the ancient Heavengods were buried. Could they drink such a wine?      

"Don't worry, this wine is perfectly fine…" Lord Bird burst out laughing as if he could sense Bu Fang's hesitation. With a wave of his hand, a table and two chairs immediately appeared before him. Two wine cups were placed on the table. Lord Bird grabbed the wine jar, reached out a hand, and slapped it. A rumble that sounded like waves slapping on the shores rang out in an instant.     

Bu Fang said nothing. Stone-faced, he clasped his hands behind his back and came before the table. The surrounding atmosphere was strange, but he pulled out a chair, sat down on it, and pushed a wine cup forward.     

Lord Bird laughed and gave him a meaningful glance. Then, he poured the cloudy yellow wine from the jar into Bu Fang's cup. The wine swirled in the cup.     

Lord Bird smacked his lips and said, "A cup of this wine will bring you more joy than being a deity!"     

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