Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Knowledge Is Everything

Knowledge Is Everything

0"Xiao Yin?"     3

Elder Shen had a concerned look on his face, taking the letter out and reading it.     

"Hm? Aren't these two the beasts that are with the girl? If they're here, then where is she?" Ao Qin pointed out.     

An ominous feeling started to creep onto them as everyone waited for the elder to finish reading. Once he was finished, his expression was one of surprise and urgency. He suddenly looked at Hongyu before looking around him.     

"We must leave this instant", he said.     

"What? What do you mean by this? There's still plenty that I have to find out from you!'    

Lao Yang pointed at him with an irritated expression whilst the others looked confused. But Elder Shen could only lower his head and apologize.    

"I'm sorry but the situation has become dangerous, we must leave this instant."    

At this moment, Liang Wei and Bai Ying emerged from another part of the manor, stirred by Elder Shen's movements. The elder stood up and held his hand out for Hongyu to grab.     

"The Ascetic is in the North, I've escaped to the Reticent Fortress to return. Be safe."    

Shu Yi picked up the small letter and read it out loud for everyone to hear.    

"The Ascetic... That's the person who is after her?"     

The first to understand was Zhu Xie, who asked this.     

Elder Shen looked at him before sighing.     

"Yes, the Ascetic is the one searching for her and he is someone whose strength is far beyond what Ming Yue is capable of. She had encountered him once but managed to escape. However, he is not one to forget and has been searching for her all this time. Knowing that it wouldn't be long before the Ascetic would find her again, she sought a way to increase her strength quickly before they meet. If not, her death was certain."    

He turned to the others with a look of caution.     

"The Ascetic is very dangerous and only a few can match his strength. As for Ming Yue, she has no chance against him at this moment. He is without a doubt one of the strongest individuals around. If any of you encounter him, it would be best to run."    

Hearing this, both Ao Qin and Ruishi Lei earned forward with intrigued expressions.     

"Who is this Ascetic actually? What does he look like?" the dragon-kin asked.     

As both of them had fought against Ming Yue, it was difficult to imagine an opponent that not even she had a chance against. But to hear of such a person, they were curious.    

Elder Shen satiated their curiosity.    

"The Ascetic is someone who rarely makes an appearance. As the name suggests, he is someone who has cut off all ties to emotion, any connection to the world. His story has always been the same, a powerful cultivator who reached a wall in their cultivation. He sought ways to advance it and after searching far and wide for knowledge, he came to one conclusion. To become an immortal, he had to sever ties with the world."    

He paused for a moment, looking at Hongyu. Before saying anything else, he sent her away with Xiao Yin and the other beasts. Once she was gone, he finished.     

"When he realized this he killed his own family and ended his own clan. His wife, his own children, his parents, even outer disciples who had just entered, everyone related to him met their end by him. And that started a descent into blood as he came after friends and enemies alike. He was labeled a criminal. a madman, but he didn't care. All he thought about was reaching the realm of Immortals. He is a very dangerous person."    

Those words made the air still as such details were morbid and shocking. After all, the Beast Continent didn't have clans but tribes instead. Loyalty to ones tribe was the norm so for them to hear something like that was shocking to them. Needless to say, they were speechless and Elder Shen continued.     

"For appearance, he is very plain. Because of the few times he's shown himself, very few have seen his face. And of those that have seen him, they can only describe him as plain, ordinary. He wears nothing but a pair of gray robes, resembling a monk if anything", he said.    

"Gray... robes..."    

Lao Yang suddenly uttered those two words causing everyone to look at him.     

The goat-kin noticed their stares and quickly explained.     

"Ah, I spoke about meeting an interesting fellow earlier. When I was in the library today, adding in new volumes, I noticed him. A plain man in gray robes, staring at the books intently. He read through the titles, taking out any books that piqued his interest. I wouldn't have noticed him if not for the fact that he was floating above the floor. So, I struck up a conversation with him and we spoke for a bit before I left. He said a few strange things but I shook it off as mere rambling."    

Lao Yang suddenly seemed a bit nervous now.     

"I still remember the books he was looking at, they were mainly focused on history, stories of renowned warriors and their path to power."    

Both Ao Qin and Ruishi Lei glanced at each other before standing up, donning their weapons and armor. However, Elder Shen stopped them at the doorway.    

"Don't you will only incur his wrath and this place you call home will be destroyed. Your own lives will be forfeit", he said.     

"It is exactly because this place is our home that we cannot allow such a person to remain in the Den."    

Ao Qin seemed resolute but the elder did not move from where he stood.     

"So long as you do not alert him, he will do nothing. More than likely, he'll linger here for a while but until then, none of you should make a move", the elder was firm with his words.     

"But... we can't just stand idly!" said the dragon-kin.     

"I understand but it is our matter. I'm sure Ming Yue would say the same thing, you've helped her tremendously and to risk your lives for this is far too much. However, we must take our leave immediately, I can't risk him seeing me or Hongyu."     

Elder Shen moved out of the way and headed towards Hongyu, who had moved to the courtyard. He saw her playing with Hei Yue and Xiao Yin, no doubt missing them greatly. Liang Wei and Bai Ying watched on the sidelines.     

"Hongyu, it's time for us to leave. Ming Yue is waiting back on the other side", he told her.     

The little girl stopped playing and walked up to him, holding his hand while the four beasts followed behind them.     

As they passed by the others, Zhu Xie knelt down and handed a small lunch box to her.     

"I know that you couldn't stay here for very long but I hope that you get back safely", he said to her.     

Hongyu looked at the lunchbox and grabbed it, holding it tightly.    

"Thank you."    

Her voice came out quiet and very shy but it was loud enough for him to hear.    

"Of course."    

Zhu Xie smiled and nodded.     

Walking towards the door, there was suddenly some knocking coming from the other side. A simple three knocks that anyone could've heard.     

And everyone suddenly froze at the sound of it.     

Elder Shen quickly stepped back while Ao Qin walked forward. They gave a quick look at each other as dragon-kin approached the door and opened it.     

Standing there, or rather, hovering over the ground was a very plain man, dressed in gray robes.    

"Mm, you're not the little goat I was speaking with earlier. But his trail certainly led me here. Are you familiar with a small goat by any chance?"     

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