Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

The End of the Sword Sage Path

The End of the Sword Sage Path

2In the next few seconds, Elder Xiang's expression went through several changes before finally looking at Ming Yue. He had a thoughtful look as he took the time to compose his words.       0

"This... Lunar Storm Sword Art of yours... It's not bad", he said to her.      

Ming Yue looked at him waiting for the elder to say more but he seemed stifled, trying to put his thoughts into words.      

"Tch, to think it'd be so hard to talk."      

Clicking his tongue, Elder Xiang scratched the back of his head, furrowing his brows as he thought hard.      

"Alright, alright, that Sword Art of yours is not bad, not bad at all. However, for you, it is too early to think about creating one, much too early. You haven't even reached the last stage of the Sword Sage Path yet! Certainly, you can try to improve and perfect it but it will be difficult for you at this stage", he explained.      

The elder lifted his hand, holding up a finger.     

"Not to mention, this is only you using your swords as mere swords. You haven't even incorporated their strength nor the Wind and Lightning Daos. And the Sword Pendant too! As you are now, you do not have the mastery to do it."     

Ming Yue quietly listened as his words reminded her of what Senior Zhen told her. In fact, the spirit of the Black Blade even spoke out.      

"Even your teacher says the same thing, it's still too early for you", he said.      

But then Elder Xiang grinned.      

"Even if you don't have the mastery, what you do have is the power to do it", he said.      

The young woman narrowed her eyes with a bit of confusion.      

"What do you mean?" she asked.      

"You're in the Sky Realm at such a young age. Considering all of the training you've done, the power you have is enough to take on those of a higher cultivation level. In time, you will grow and soon you will reach a point where creating a Sword Art will be a simple task for you! All you need to do is reach the final stage of the Sword Sage Path."     

Then he narrowed his eyes while his grin grew wider.      

"Though, I'm guessing that you want to aim higher", he said.      

She nodded at his remark. After all, who wouldn't want to aim higher? To grow stronger?      

"Ahahahah! Good! Good! In that case, why don't I make things a bit smoother for you!"     

He then leaned in before talking in a much lower voice.     

"Your understanding of Realm of Hundred Swords is not bad but it requires too many steps. Using a branch as a sword, a twig, or a blade of grass, it's not a perfect method but there is a quicker method. After all, the essence of this stage is to be able to use anything as a sword, even your own two fingers", he said to her.      

"Then, what is this method?" she asked.      

"Heh, I'm not going to reveal everything to you. After all, the answer is within you and I do mean it. The Sword Dao is about the sword and you must perceive everything around you as such. If you do not believe that it will become a sword, then it won't be one. And one more note, it is called the 'Sword Sage Path' not the 'Wind' or 'Lightning' Sword Sage Path. If you are practicing the sword, use only the sword just like you did in your spars with that girl."     

When he said that, Ming Yue's eyes flashed with realization, knowing now what she had to do.      

But there was just one more question in her mind.     

"Why is it that I have to reach the final stage to be able to create my own Sword Art?" she asked.      

Senior Zhen had told her that reaching this stage would allow her to attain "real" swordsmanship but because of his jumbled memories, he couldn't tell her why. All she had been told was that she had to achieve that first but why?     

The Sword Elder looked at her thoughtfully before speaking.      

"When it comes to the Sword Sage Path... this... is a bit more difficult to explain. You see, the Sword Sage Path is a manual for all who practice the Sword Dao. As you know, it details the stages that one must go through to master it. From the Mortal Sword to the Sage's Sword, each stage covers an aspect of swordsmanship. What you don't know is that there are also similar manuals for other weapon daos. Axe Sage, Saber Sage, anything that is a weapon will have a manual. These manuals exist to make sure that those practicing will be able to completely master their weapon. Of course, these manuals aren't common, apart from a few special places, Heaven's Gate has all of this", he said.     

"But what does that mean? How is this connected to why I have to reach the final stage?"     

Ming Yue had a confused look on her face but Elder Xiang just looked at her.      

"I was getting to that. These manuals are for one thing and one thing only, to master the weapon of your choice. The Sage's Sword is the final stage and it is one without end because it is the beginning. And the reason why you must reach that stage before creating a Sword Art is because that is the essence of the Sage's Sword."     


"To become a Sage, you must create your own Sword Art, to truly forge your own path. And the reason why you cannot do it now is because you do not have the mastery yet."     

"He's right", Senior Zhen added, "A Sword Art is no simple feat, it can be considered the pinnacle of what you perceive to be your swordsmanship. It is not a technique, it is not a set of techniques, it is a way of life."     

"I see."     

Ming Yue wasn't sure what to say, now knowing that she still had a long way to go. Looking at Elder Xiang, she stood up and bowed in front of him.      

"Thank you for enlightening me."      

She thanked him wholeheartedly and he responded by chuckling.      

"Hehehe, there's no need to thank me. You've managed to come this far and if you want to repay me, just keep going."      

There was a warm look on his face as he said this to her before standing up, brushing the dust off his clothes.     

"Now then, I should rest for tonight. After this, we'll be headed to Heaven's Gate with the little one", he told her.     

She smiled.     

"Please treat her well."     

"Of course, I might be an eccentric but not even I would bully such a young child!"     

Entering the tea shop together, everyone rested for the night. When the sun came up, it was time for the three Elders to leave.      

Standing in the middle of the shop, Ming Yue stood in front of them with Hongyu as well as the three beasts. The young woman knelt down, looking at the little girl gently.      

"Hongyu, remember what I told you. It is going to be dangerous, much too dangerous for you. Because of this, the Elders are going to bring you with them", she told her.     

Hongyu looked back, fully understanding her words but she didn't speak. Though she understood, her eyes showed that she didn't want to leave. Her little hand gripped the young woman's sleeve tightly as she went to hug her.      

As they embraced each other, Xiao Yin, Hei Yue, and Liang Wei nuzzled around them, joining in the hugging. It lasted a few seconds and one could even hear Hongyu sniffling as she tried to hold back her tears.      

But in the end, they had to let go of each other.     

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