Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Grandpa Meng

Grandpa Meng

2She pulled the bag, adjusting it over her shoulder. Even more blood leaked down her clothes, dying red from what used to be pure white. It was a stark contrast that gave her a dangerous feeling. She just walked on without a care.      2

Then the woman stopped, looking around.      

"Hm, what's that whistling?"      

As her eyes moved from one direction to another, there was barely enough time for her to react as a sharp blade of wind flew by and beheaded her. Her head was lopped off and fell to the ground rolling for a second or two.      

Her face barely even changed, just a look of confusion. As her body fell, Ming Yue emerged from the shadows of the trees, walking up to the woman she just killed.     

"An Earth Realm Cultivator, seems like someone at the Perception Stage too. This is probably the best I could find in the past few days", she muttered.      

Looking up and down the body, Ming Yue knelt down and began to rummage through her clothes. It took a few minutes for her to find what she wanted.      

"Ah, there it is."     

She pulled out the red token from within the woman's clothes and looked at it, reading the name.     

"Qing Ji... I suppose that's a fitting name."     

Turning her attention back to the woman, Ming Yue took her spatial ring and her body before moving onto the bloodied bag. It was an ordinary sack with no special properties, rather it was what's inside that she was interested in.      

Opening the bag, the young woman peeked in before closing it.     

"So she kills and chops them into pieces, is that how she operates?"      

The bag was bloodied for a reason and that reason was that it contained a body inside, however, it was cut into a dozen pieces, red meaty chunks that began to smell a bit off. Even the head was sliced into pieces, making it nearly impossible for her to determine if this person was evil or not.     

"I should bring this back with me. I'm sure those at the Jade Dragon Pavilion can help."     

She placed everything into her own spatial ring, even checking the contents of Qing Ji's ring before putting it all away.     

Turning around, Ming Yue took another glance in the direction of Redmist Sanctuary before heading back to the city.     

"Mm, I've already scouted the area, I just have to find out what's inside. I just need to make sure that everything is settled before I start this."      

Landing back in Luan City, She went to the Jade Dragon Pavilion first before heading over to the tea shop. As she entered the shop, there was someone else aside from Cui Fen's family that was there. It was an elderly man dressed in simple clothes, sipping a cup of tea.      

Sitting there, he turned around to see Ming Yue at the door and he suddenly stood up, setting the teap cup down immediately.      

"Hah! Ming Yue, you really were alive!" he said.      

The elderly man quickly walked to her with his arms opened wide, embracing her with a joyful smile.     

"I'm glad, I'm so glad. I cam as soon as I received your message. I thought it was a cruel joke at first but I couldn't ignore it."     

He muttered just loud enough for her to hear.     

The young woman smiled before hugging him back.      

"Grandpa Meng, it's good to know that you are doing well", she said to him.     

"If you had died, I would not have been able to forgive myself for failing your father."     

After another few seconds, they let go as Meng Zhao looked at her proudly.      

"Ah look at how strong you've become, to think that you'd reach the Sky Realm. You are practically the youngest person to reach that realm in all of the continent", he told her.      

"It would seem so but I need to keep going", she replied.      

"Of course, of course, please sit! There must be so much for you to tell me!"     

He quickly led her back to his table, sitting her in front of him before pouring some tea for her. In the end, Ming Yue just smiled and talked about her journey in the past few years. Of course, she kept a few things hidden from his ears but the rest she told him.      

How she had obtained Drifting Sky and entered Heaven's Gate. From her time there to her involvement in fighting the Tao Feng and then her entrance into the war as well as her experiences in the Beast Continent.      

"Oh, and I met her."     

Ming Yue quickly stood up and left Meng Zhao to the back of the tea shop where Hongyu and Rou'er were. They watched as the two girls trained together in the courtyard.      

"That is Hongyu, I found her alone and so I took her in", she told him.      

Meng Zhao watched in surprise before looking at her.      

"Truly I wasn't expecting that but for you to care for her... These past few years must have been good for you", he said, "You've changed but for the better, it is good to see you like this."     

His words made her feel happy, perhaps relieved.      

"Rather than changed, you've grown," he told her.     

They shared a moment of silence before he turned around to go back.      

"Elder Fei told me about your plan to deal with Redmist Sanctuary, Don't worry, I have not told anyone of your plans. Rather, I came to give you this."     

Pulling something out of his sleeves, Meng Zhao handed her a large thick book, one that seemed to have more than a thousand pages at least.      

"I know that he has provided you with a list of names of those who are going to the Nightmist Parade. That list is constantly being updated as people choose to come and go, not to mention, that there are some who like to come unannounced. This booklet here has more than just names, it is a list of all known evil cultivators and criminals. It will include news of their latest movements and the chance of them joining the parade", he explained.      

"This is something that is distributed to all the leaders of the kingdoms. Furthermore, this is a special edition that was prepared for the Nightmist Parade specifically. If you're looking for someone, you will most likely find it there."      

Ming Yue took the book and began to flip through the pages before closing it and looking at him.      

'Thank you", she said.      

Meng Zhao just chuckled and waved his hand.      

"There's no need to say that. I am just doing what I should be doing for you. Besides, I've already looked over the information, there's no need for me to even have my own copy anymore."\     

The young woman looked at him with a bit of surprise.      

"You've memorized everything? Then, do you know who Qing Ji is?" she asked him.      

"Qing Ji? Wait, Qing Ji? The White Aspen?"      

He looked at her with alarm, not expecting to hear that name.      

Ming Yue nodded before taking out the red token bearing Qing Ji's name.     

"Yes, I plan on infiltrating Redmist Sanctuary and seeing it for myself again. I would just sneak in but it seems that it will be much more difficult with all of those people gathering. If that's the case, taking someone's identity would be the better situation", she explained.      

Meng Zhao was still a bit speechless with his mouth partially opened as if he was about to say something.     

Soon enough, he did.      

"Qing Ji or the White Aspen as she is known as, is a person that very few people dare to go against, not because of her strength but her cruelty. Everyone that she has killed was met with a gruesome end. She doesn't just kill, she will pulverize their bodies and do as she sees fit with their flesh. As strong as she is, her mercilessness and desire for violence is nearly unparalleled", he told her.      

The elderly man then looked at the red token again.      

"But seeing you with that, she must have died by your hands."     

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