Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Biding One's Time

Biding One's Time

1Both Elder Fei and Ming Yue chuckled, waking Rou'er from her stunned state before turning in for the night. The next morning, she woke up early, very early, before anyone was awake.      

Truthfully, she hadn't actually slept, with her level of power, she didn't really need to.      

She spent the night, thinking and planning. But none of that would matter until she saw redmist Sanctuary for herself. And that was what she did. Before leaving her room, she looked at Hongyu, who was still sound asleep, snuggling up with Liang Wei's small form.      

There was a smile on her face, one coming from a sense of comfort and a pleasant dream.      

Walking to the bedside, Ming Yue stroked the child's hair, looking at her warmly before leaving.      

Outside of the tea shop, the city was quiet, it would be the first night ever that the Three Fiends didn't act. Of course, the news of their death or disappearance would soon spread.      

She took a look around before flying off, soaring through the skies in the direction of Mist Valley, the origin point of the Redmist Sanctuary.      

"Hm, to think I would come back here again."     

The memories started to flood in again.     

"Hunting criminals for money, trying to save enough to buy Splitting Moon. But if those four lords aren't there anymore, I wonder who is running this place."     

With that, she flew off.      

As for the branch of Redmist Sanctuary, it was certainly bustling. As the origin point of the other branches, it held the most authority and respect through its actual power may be lacking compared to others. And with the Nightmist Parade coming soon, the stronger members would come here for it.      

"Alright, do we have a list of who is coming?"     

Within a large hall at the center of the Sanctuary, the alluring and domineering voice of a woman could be heard echoing through the room. Sitting in a throne at the front of the room, she carried a strong and alluring air.      

Her clothes were alluring, leaving little to the imagination. The robes that she wore were thin and nearly see-through, shaping the outline of her body nicely. They were red accented with pink, having long sleeves that covered her arms.      

As for her physical appearance, she was less a fairy and more a vixen, with fox-like eyes that could charm and calculate. She was adorned with a fair bit of jewelry, necklaces, bangles, earrings, as well as several hairpins. All of them shared a characteristic, they were made to resemble roses.      

While she sat at her thrown, over a dozen men and women stood before her, dressed in various styles. However, none of them seemed to exude even a shred of goodness.      

One of them stepped forward and kneeled.      

"The list is nearly done, it is currently being finalized as we are waiting on responses from the last few people."      

"Hmm, in that case, we can consider it finished, There's bound to be a few that come unannounced", she muttered.     

The woman then looked at them before giving out her orders.      

"Alright then, we can finish the final preparations for the Nightmist Parade. This is the event of the year, do not let anyone, and I mean anyone, interrupt this grand event."     

Her voice came out cold and icy, Failure meant death in her eyes.      

"Yes, Miss Bai! We will do as you say."     

Without another word, they all left, leaving just her in that room.      

She sat there quietly, pondering as to what this year's parade would have.      

"Haah, seven days' worth of competitions, hunting parties, and building connections. Year after year, it just gets bigger and bigger."      

Suddenly, her domineering attitude from before was gone. Rather it was merely a tired, exhausted woman.      

"Several years of leading Redmist Sanctuary, reaching this position after Miss Daiyu was killed..."     

She leaned forward, resting her head on her hands.      

This Miss Bai was none other than Bai Meng, one of the former Lieutenants of Miss Daiyu, the Lustful Lord, one of the original guardians of Redmist Sanctuary. She stood side by side with Pin Yao Ci, who died from Ming Yue's hands all those years ago.     

Bai Meng suddenly chuckled as she looked up.      

"At a time like this, I'm thinking of Yao Ci, how strange. If she hadn't died, perhaps I wouldn't be in the same situation as I am now", she muttered.      

"Now I have to play these political games and deal with those that want my place. I'm certainly going to have to deal with all of the challenges during the parade. Unless those old monsters join, it's going to be boring and pointless."     

It was then that she raised her head and leaned back on her throne.      

"Hah, it doesn't matter. It's only for seven days and there's still time to prepare."      

Her tired expression changed, becoming blank and emotionless.     

"If that's the case, perhaps my plan could come true. Just a step from the Sky Realm and I'd rival the other branches, I might even be able to push it further than that."     

And then the blank face became one of excitement as the thought came to mind.      

"The perfect opportunity for sacrifices, depending on who comes, maybe the Heaven Realm won't be so far off", she told herself, "Considering my luck, I might not even need to do it, perhaps I can become the true leader instead of a branch leader. They just need to die just like Yao Ci and Daiyu, I'm sure someone will come along to get rid of them. I just need to wait, I need to bide my time for the right opportunity."     

She smiled alone in that empty hall, staring at the blank space joyfully.     

From the looks of it, only Bai Meng knew this, she did not make her plans known. If all she had to do was wait to reach new heights, then so be it.     

Despite that look of joy, there was a tinge of wistfulness.      

"I just need to wait, that's it. That's all I need to do."     

And while she sat there quietly, Redmist Sanctuary was still getting busier and busier.     

There was decor being set up, and stalls and shops were stocking up for the upcoming event. There were streams of people coming and going from the gates. It seemed less like a den for evil and more a city now.      

But that was only on the outside. Each and every single one of those people was evil in their own right, killers, kidnappers, anyone willing to do anything to further their cultivation.      

"Is this what Redmist Sanctuary has become?"      

Watching from the shadows of the trees, Ming Yue studied the sanctuary, she was more than surprised by the development of this place.      

"I remember it being much more... battered. I wonder what's changed. Hm, I can't just hide here, I have to get in but, how?"     

She looked at the gates, watching people come in and out of the Sanctuary. Every one of the had their token out, showing the guards that stood watch. Suddenly, an idea formed within her mind.      

"Ah, I could just do that, I just need to find the right one."     

Her figure suddenly vanished from where she was, searching for someone.      

Somewhere within the valley was a lone woman walking down a path, she was a dainty one, carrying a sword in one hand and slinging a bloody bag over her shoulder. She didn't quite seem to care about the blood staining her clothes.      

Her face was calm and cold, still having a bit of blood splattered on her cheek.      

From the looks of it, she had just finished killing something or someone.      

"Hmph, to think there'd be someone that was stupid enough to challenge me", she thought to herself, "Such an easy fight."      

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