Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Unsettling News

Unsettling News

1At once, the Zodiacs began to introduce themselves, starting from Lao Yang and ending with Shu Yi, who resided on Zhu Xie's shoulder as usual. But once the introductions were finished, Bai Sheng took the lead.       0

"My name is Bai Sheng, daughter of Bai Weishi, head of the Byakko Clan. I am here to act as ambassador for the beast-kin.", she said,      

The Grand Researcher nodded.      

"Welcome to the Dark Water Kingdom, while we are able to keep Ming Yue's return a secret. The activation of the Teleportation Array is not something that can be hidden. In fact, news of it is already being sent to the other five kingdoms. Although you are my guests and Ming Yue's acquaintances, it is part of my responsibility to determine your intent", the Grand Researcher explained.      

"I understand. I hope that we will come to an understanding", said Bai Sheng.      

What followed was a long conversation as the beast-kin began to explain their situation. With Lao Yang among them, they were able to recap their history accurately, pulling out various materials for Grand Researcher Ou to see.      

She picked each of these documents, reading through them while listening to the Zodiacs. Ming Yue added her side to the story as well, talking about what she had found up in the North.      

By the end of it, Bai Sheng left a few ending remarks.      

"Our goal is to build up relations and trade with the Humans and Demons. It would be beneficial for all sides."     

Following that was a period of silence before the Grand Researcher said something.      

"I see... If that is the case, we will need to meet with your council of Elders to further discuss things. As it is now, I alone am not enough to make such a decision. But do not worry, preparations were made. Supplies for the Teleportation Array as well as for other matters are already being loaded onto your ship. It should be enough for more than a few uses."     

The beast-kin looked at each other, revealing a look of joy and excitement as she continued to talk.      

"Once the other delegates arrive, they will all be coming through so it shouldn't take more than a few week or so. Until then you are welcome to stay here and rest until the preparations are complete."     

After that, she turned to Ming Yue.      

"What do you plan to do now?" she asked her.      

The young woman responded quickly.      

"I'm going back home first and then I'll be going to Heaven's Gate... for her."      

She looked down at Hongyu, who was fast asleep on her lap. All of the talking had caused her to drift into sleep and now she looked quite blissful. The Grand Researcher looked at the little girl for a bit.      

"If you had found her in the Beast Continent, then she is most certainly not an ordinary person", she said.      

Ming Yue nodded.      

"I know, I believe that Heaven's Gate will have the answers for me."      

"Alright then, but before you go, I'm sure that you would want to know about the situation at Red Lotus Country. In fact, it is related to the rampant crime."     

The Grand Researcher then flicked her finger as the projections all changed, revealing a familiar place. When the young woman saw it, it took her a moment to recognize it.      

"Redmist Sanctuary."     

As the words came out of her mouth, the Zodiacs gave her a confused look while Grand Researcher Ou nodded.      

"Indeed, this is Redmist Sanctuary, rather one of many branches", she said.      

"What? What do you mean?!"      

Ming Yue was surprised, how was it that the Redmist Sanctuary she knew would grow in such a way? Rather, why was there more than one?     

"This had long been brewing since the war began and after it had become uncontrollable. The evil and wicked gathered together, joining Redmist Sanctuary before going out and starting their own. It wasn't long before similar groups were created, a safe space for them to gather and commune."     

"Such a thing exists?!" Lao Yang exclaimed, "Was there no way to deal with this?"      

The Grand Researcher shook her head.      

"As of now, we are at a loss against them. There just isn't enough manpower to keep them under control. And as I said before, the remnant forces of Kong Zhi joined hands so now, they've spread into the Demon Continent as well", she explained.      

"Then, what of Red Lotus Country? How's the situation there?"     

Ming Yue's voice was full of concern as she looked at the Grand Researcher, waiting for an answer. But the elderly woman's face had a grim expression as she gazed back.      

"The state of it is dismal at best. People have begun to live in fear, even the military is wary of Redmist Sanctuary. It is a battle that they are losing, a situation that is getting out of control", she said.     

"Then that's where I'll be, I can't let this happen."      

The young woman leaned forward, ready to leave immediately but the Grand Researcher stopped her.      

"Before you go, you should prepare yourself. You may have reached the Sky Realm but power isn't everything. Stay here for a day or two, I can gather a bit of material regarding the Red Lotus Country."     

The Grand Researcher had long noticed her cultivation level and pointed it out, offering a few points of advice. Hearing this, Ming Yue held herself back.      

"You're right", she said.      

She knew that running in without any sort of preparation or knowledge of what was happening was foolish. It could even backfire and lead to a worse situation, this was especially so with Hongyu. The amount of danger that the little girl would be in would only grow. But there were still people that she could depend on.      

The young woman then turned towards the beast-kin with an apologetic look.      

"I'm sorry but it seems that I will not be here for long. I must return home", she told them.      

Everyone seemed to understand and Niu Hong spoke for them all.     

"It is alright, by the sound of it, things are quite dire so do what you have to do", the ox-kin said.      

"Thank you."     

Ming Yue nodded as she looked at everyone before standing up.      

"Zhi Qing will take you to a room and I will have those materials sent out. In the meantime, I'm sure that you'd want to visit the Craftsmen's District."     

Grand Researcher Ou motioned for Zhi Qing, who walked up to Ming Yue and lead their little group out of the office.     

Now it was just her and the Zodiacs.      

"Don't worry, I will have others guide you all to a room to rest in. But while we wait, we can chat for a bit longer, If there are any questions, I'm happy to answer them."     

Lao Yang took the offer in a heartbeat, asking one thing after another.      

In the meantime, Zhi Qing led Ming Yue's group through the halls. Hongyu was still sound asleep in the cultivator's arms.      

"You know, when you had supposedly died, Elder Shen mourned for you", Zhi Qing told her.      

"He did?"     

She was slightly surprised to hear such a thing.      

"Yes, he did. He returned to the Dark Water Kingdom and went to the Stellar Sky Foundation. He was there for a few weeks before leaving, locking it as well. Perhaps he was hoping that you'd come back", said Zhi Qing.      

The two women shared a look before reaching the supposed room.      

"Ah, don't forget to visit the three seniors while you're here. There was news about you obtaining a sword spirit in order to fight the True Idol of Chaos. I'm sure they'd want to have a look. Still, you should rest, all of you seem quite tired."      

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