Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Leaving Their Home

Leaving Their Home

2Days passed before Ming Yue received another letter from the Four Claws, learning of the mission and the plan. But reading it, the young woman wasn't sure how to feel about this.      

"That's right, what if we lost the war? What then?" she wondered to herself, "If I was on my own with the beasts I wouldn't mind but with Hongyu... Would returning be the right choice?"     

Looking up, Ming Yue glanced at her home which had lost the vibrance of life from before.     

Nearly everything was gone.      

From the orchard and the garden to the furniture and decor of the house, everything was stored within her ring.      

"It's too late now. If it does end up being a battlefield over there, At the very least, I have to keep her out of harm's way."     

The young woman then looked back at the letter, even revealing an amused smile.      

"But still, to think they would want to just smuggle me through. I suppose it would cause less trouble compared to forcing my way in but still. I'll have to meet them, near the Teleportation Array within a month. That shouldn't be too difficult, plenty of time for me to prepare anyways."     

As she spoke, Hongyu and the three beasts, all came out of the forest together, carrying their catch for the day. Ming Yue smiled at their arrival and stood up, folding the message and putting it away.     

"In any case, I should take this remaining time to finish up any loose ends and enjoy this peace", she thought.     

The next few weeks came and passed.      

Ming Yue had gone back to the broken spires in the North, monitoring it to see if anything strange had developed. However, there was nothing but an empty wasteland awaiting her. All of the roots had been destroyed and the dwelling beasts below were exterminated.      

On her last and final visit, she stood in the center of the grand formation where she had stabbed the Black Blade down. The ground was still cracked and a mess but the skies were clear. The remnant Calamity Energy was gone.      

"This place, it feels familiar" Senior Zhen suddenly spoke up, revealing a somewhat confused voice.      

"This is where I had awakened you. This formation absorbs the energy that you were afflicted with but doing so forced me to breakthrough. It's an experience that I wouldn't want to return to."     

She looked down at the Black Blade and answered the sword spirit.      

"Hah, well I suppose that this was a blessing in disguise. After all, you have not only obtained me but you have become much stronger", the senior replied.      

"I suppose so."     

She looked into the broken lands with a wistful expression. Even if she didn't want to memories of the experience were etched into her mind. Perhaps the pain she could forget but the visions she experienced from the heart demon, that was different.      

Still, those wistful eyes slowly hardened into a look of resolve.      

"Things are different, I'm stronger now", she said to herself, "And if I'm not strong enough, I just have to be stronger. All those years weren't wasted, they were spent well, I just have to show it."     

Xue Yue was quiet, at this point, there didn't seem to be a need for her to speak.      

After spending a few more minutes in these ruins, Ming Yue floated up to go.      

"There's no need to stay here any longer, the Savage Lands has already grown weaker."      

She flew off, not even giving it a second glance. She could only look forward.      

"The house has been cleaned out, everything is in the spatial ring and everyone is ready to go. I've already found the Teleportation Array that is going to be activated. The Seekers have already been deployed by the beast-kin. They're starting to clear out the surrounding beasts and guard the area. But the meeting place has already been set, I just hope that ship is enough to hold all of us."     

Although Ming Yue wasn't worried about her or Hongyu, Liang Wei was still a giant cat-beast.      

Could he fit in unnoticed?     

"Even if it doesn't work, I can just force my way in", she thought, "If things go wrong, there is always another way."     

Soon after returning to the house, the group gathered together, looking back at the place they called their home. They might not have stayed for very long but it was enough to get used to this peaceful life of theirs.      

And now, things were going to be a little less peaceful.     

Ming Yue held onto Hongyu's hand and looked down as she felt the little girl's grip tighten ever so slightly. There was no doubt that she was going to miss this place.      

"Don't worry, even if we leave it's not as if everything is gone. The house will still be here", she said to her.      

Hongyu looked up and nodded, showing a bit of a smile. But she still looked back at this place, making sure to remember every little detail about it. From the house to the waterfall, she didn't want to forget anything.     

The three beasts stood behind them, looking at the pair before turning their attention towards the house as well. Sure enough, they felt the same way. It was a moment of peace that every one of them needed. However, peace never lasts and it was better to leave before it ends.      

Minutes later, Hongyu looked up at the young woman, who smiled back.      

"Alright, let's leave this place."     

Together, they all turned to leave their home, saying their final farewell to this quiet life of theirs.      

On the other side, things were only getting busier and busier. The once quiet remains of one of the four Teleportation Arrays were surrounded by droves of beast-kin. They were all between the Seekers and the private armies of the tribes. There were thousands of them and each one was a formidable warrior. After all, they've consumed the flesh of at least one beast god.      

And they were all here for two things: to guard the array and to prepare for any mishaps that may occur.      

At the forefront of it was none other than the leader of the Preservation Division, Qiuyu Bi. Still the stout figure as he ever was, Qiuyu Bi stood close to the front of the array, setting up a tent of sorts by the stairs. Before him were the various leaders, holding a meeting for his operation.      

"I want all of you to spread out and take a section of the area. Spread your scouts apart and assign sentries for the day and night. We are not letting a single beast come near this place. The Zodiacs are currently making their preparations but don't be alarmed when you see their ship in the skies, they will be patrolling the area along with us", he explained.      

Holding a hand up and pointing at them, this short figure looked at everyone with a stern expression.      

"I don't care what tribe you are from or how strong you are, all of you are to listen to my orders. This is something that cannot be interrupted and above all else, this cannot fail. It falls on each and every one of us to work towards the future. So anything, anything that seems out of the ordinary is to be investigated and dealt with as quickly as possible. That's all, you may delegate your forces as you like and any disputes will be settled by me."     

Saying these words, everyone scattered and returned to their respective places, giving out orders.      

Soon enough, there were eyes within a dozen kilometers of the Teleportation Array and nothing was left unturned.      

Just as Qiuyu Bi had said, the ship soon came around.      

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