Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Flying Freely

Flying Freely

2Unbeknownst to Ruishi Wang, his son was right, there was something in the North. That something was Ming Yue, who was currently floating above the ground. Compared to her usual method however, there was nothing supporting her this time, no gust of wind or powerful breeze to keep her afloat. That sword of wind wasn't needed either!      3

She focused on herself, studying her own body and then her own surroundings.      

"So this is what it's like to truly fly."      

The cultivator muttered to herself in wonder as she continued to stare and study. There was a reason why the Sky Realm demanded so much power to breakthrough and that was because of its purpose.      

"If the Earth Realm is about understanding the Worldly Laws, then the Sky Realm is to be able to bend them."     

She realized this while exploring her new abilities.      

Although Ming Yue had been able to fly before reaching the Sky Realm, that was through the help of the Wind Dao. Doing so required a bit of concentration and power but this time, it was much different.      

She didn't need to manifest wind to fly and she could move anywhere with just a single thought. However, the energy needed to do this was several times more than what was needed previously. And that amount only grew if she chose to move faster.      

Still, Ming Yue was happy.      

This was true flight.     

Ascending towards the skies, the young woman stopped just above the trees, feeling the wind come through her as she looked around, taking in this view. There was nothing but trees in the south while the plateaus laid further up North.      

Her eyes rested upon a small silhouette, surrounded by craters.      

"Hmm, I should go back for the sword," she thought to herself.     

"Are you sure?"      

Xue Yue's voice perked up as she asked this.      

"I feel quite good and there doesn't seem to be any movement in the past few days over there. At least, I have to check on the situation. It shouldn't take more than a half-day, maybe even less", she answered her counterpart quite calmly.      

"Alright then, but whatever happened, just hold Blood Moon tightly, If you let go, I won't be able to protect you", Xue Yue warned.     

"Don't worry."     

Landing back on the ground, Ming Yue opened her hand and pointed her palm down at the house. Seconds passed before a sheathed Blood Moon flew right into her hands, wrapping her fingers around her sword.      

"Hongyu! I'll be off for just a bit, I should be back before the sun sets!"     

She called out to the girl who emerged from their home, nodding before waving goodbye. Xiao Yin also flew out, landing atop Ming Yue's shoulder while Hei Yue and Liang Wei stayed back.      

"Time to go."      

Ming Yue floated off of the grass before flying off, turning into a small dot in the sky. The little girl watched until she could no longer see her before going back into the house. The mortar and pestle were still there, along with a pile of dried herbs.      

Despite going back to this, Hei Yue was quick!      

The Mistral Fox ran in and stood between her and the tools. At the same time, Liang Wei's two tails came in and wrapped around her waist bringing her out of the house. Hongyu laughed and giggled as the two beasts stopped her from entering the home and forced her to play with them!      

Of course, she didn't mind it at all.     

With them together, Ming Yue didn't have much to worry about now.      

Instead, the young woman enjoyed her time flying through the sky.      

"This feels much different compared to before. To be able to exert my own power and bend the laws of the world... It's strange but it feels good. It should feel unnatural but it doesn't. If this is what the Sky Realm feels like, I wonder what the Heaven Realm is like? Or even becoming an Immortal, what would that be like?" she wondered.      

"Ah, what am I even thinking? The only person I know in the Heaven Realm is the Grand Elder. And immortals... they haven't existed since the last Calamity, no one has been able to reach that level. I don't even know if I have a chance but I can only try."      

Even if the odds were against her, Ming Yue felt confident in trying and possibly even succeeding.      

Her only path was forward.     

Now that she had reached the Sky Realm, there was no going back. the young woman needed to climb higher and higher. But the Heaven Realm is a mysterious state while the Immortal Realm was even more mysterious.      

After all, to become an immortal was to reach the very peak of cultivation. There was nothing but legends about them. Existences that had enough power to shake the world, in fact, they could probably destroy it if they wanted to.      

"I wonder if there is something beyond our world? With Humans, Demons, and Beasts, could there be Gods and Devils as well? Is there a realm beyond that?"      

The thought crossed her mind.      

Did Gods and Devils exist? There were certainly stories about them but were they true?      

Ming Yue truly didn't know but perhaps the answer will come to her later. There were more pressing matters to attend to at this very moment.      

"There it is, the spires and the Black Blade."      

Stopping right there, she floated above, looking down at the spires, staring at the sword that she stabbed into the ground. The Black Blade, otherwise known as Zhen Wu's Sword, was still there and still a pitch-black blade.      

However, the ominous energy around it was gone and the formation of the spires had been destroyed. Gently landing right before the sword, she did not move to grab it but instead sensed her surroundings.      

"Hmm, it doesn't seem like it's carrying any of that energy, All of the Calamity energy has been sealed in the ground, I'd still need to come back and destroy the roots but..."     

Focusing on the sword, she checked carefully.      

"It doesn't seem like it's connected to the sealed energy as well, looks like the formation did its job, took in all of that power."     

Opening her eyes once more, her hand moved towards the hilt of the sword before stopping once again.      

"Xue Yue, what do you think?"      

Her counterpart was quiet as Blood Moon hummed, releasing a gentle echo of energy outwards.      

"Seems like it's safe but still... grab tightly."     

Ming Yue nodded before bringing her attention back to the Black Blade. Given approval from Xue Yue, she wrapped her fingers around the hilt and slowly pulled the sword out. There was a harmonious ring as it came out of the stone, free of the chaotic energy.     

She didn't say another word, examining the sword and admiring it.      

Everything from the hilt of the sword to the tip of its blade was black and it had a bright sheen to it as well. Unlike the five-foot length of her sword, the Black Blade was only three feet long. It was slightly thicker than Blood Moon and wider as well. Furthermore, while her sword was double-edged, the Black Blade was single-edged.      

Swinging it several times, Ming Yue had a look of satisfaction with it.      

"It's lighter than Blood Moon but still perfectly balanced. It's a good sword but I already have this one. I suppose I should just leave it in my spatial ring first and deal with it later", she thought.      

Just as the young woman was about to place it into her spatial ring, the Black Blade suddenly hummed as she felt something on the front of her wrist.      

"What?! What's this?"      

Still holding the Black Blade in her off-hand, she turned her wrist around to find a small marking on it, a black sun to be specific.     

After that, a voice entered her mind.      

"Who are you?"      

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