Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Attaining the Sky Realm

Attaining the Sky Realm

1It was just a single second before those terrifying cleavers fell upon her and a single second was all that she needed. Despite the pain and everything she endured, Ming Yue still had Blood Moon in her hands. Rather than move to defend herself, she swung out.       4

Her focus sharpened as her sword moved, it was a clean and clear strike!     

But was this enough against not one but two cleavers?     

The result seemed so clear and yet, anyone that watched could not ignore the look on Ming Yue's face. She was undaunted, her eyes showed defiance and determination despite all odds.      

How could she still have such eyes? Even with the pain, she felt? The suffering endured?     

The young woman still fought on.      

And fight she did.      

Blood Moon lashed out, howling as it clashed with the Idol of Chaos's cleavers. Rather than get pushed down like before, Ming Yue deflected and even pushed the cleavers back. She then lunged forward with her other hand, armed with the Zephyr Claws.      

Her eyes were looking at one thing only, the core in its chest.      

She was fast, striking the core and cracking it.     

"Damn it, not enough."     

Ming Yue suddenly jumped back as the Idol of Chaos attacked with its other two cleavers, narrowly missing her. She clicked her tongue, staring at the partially broken core. Her eyes then moved up at her opponent as she straightened herself, moving into a proper stance with her Zephyr Claws.      

She could still feel the pain in her body, from the fractured bones to the internal injuries. Every sign telling her to stop was there and Ming Yue ignored it. Her sword was raised up, pointing at the Idol of Chaos which slowly walked forward, brandishing the four cleavers.      

"Phantasmal Wind."     

Leaning forward just a bit, her body practically vanished from where she stood. The next moment, Ming Yue was right behind the Idol of Chaos but it nearly matched her speed, swinging around with its cleavers!      

It wasn't quick enough, hitting the empty air as she disappeared once again, moving behind to its blind spot. She brandished Blood Moon and chopped down, cutting the Idol of Chaos across the back before retreating.      

Scores of lightning shot out of the wound, turning everything it touched into ash. The ground where Ming Yue once stood glowed red with embers and ash.      

"Waning Moon."     

There was barely a second before she made her next move, creating a beautiful arc of iridescent light. A crescent moon flew forth, biting right into the Idol of Chaos's stomach as it turned around. But this god-like being was only pushed back a few steps as her attack could not cut through, going only an inch or so into its body.      

The cleavers in its lower arms dissipated as the Idol of Chaos grabbed the arc of energy by the edges. Tightening its grip, cracks seemingly formed on Ming Yue's attack. Its arms trembled as it pulled the crescent moon out of its stomach, revealing a deep gash.      

Although it didn't die, it was quite occupied with Waning Moon and an opening was made.      


Her eyes flashed as she rushed forward, taking a straight course and aiming for the Idol's core.      

But the Idol of Chaos still had its upper arms and the two cleavers were raring to go. Lightning sparked and crackled as they swung down on her. But she had long expected that move, jumping up and over the cleavers.      

"Pale Moon."     

Burning through the rest of her strength, that ghostly blue aura arose from her body as she thrusted her sword down and pierced the core. Ming Yue pushed even more, forcing her blade further into the core until it went through     

There was an audible crack as the fractures grew from the attack until the core broke, shattering into hundreds of pieces.      

She pulled Blood Moon out, jumping over the Idol of Chaos, and landed behind it.      

Turning around, she looked at her opponent which stood still, not even moving after what she had done. The sound of fracturing continued the Idol's body showed cracks and light began to peek out from them.      

Ming Yue just stood there and looked on.      

"Is that it? Is it over?"     

She wasn't sure at this moment. Even then, Ming Yue felt as if she was ready. Her eyes were clear and filled with fresh determination. And to anyone's shock, her face broke into a smile, not a warm smile but a genuine smile that came from within.      

"Hah, damn, just let me into the Sky Realm", she muttered.      

The light coming from the Idol of Chaos grew stronger and stronger until the body erupted in bright light, enveloping everything. And that was when Ming Yue's eyes opened, finding several pairs of eyes staring at her.      

Among them was Hongyu, whose face was contorted with tears welling up.      

"O-oh, you're crying."     

Sitting up, the young woman winced as a shock of pain shot through her entire body. She then looked down, checking the state of her body.      

"Hah, practically all of my meridians are damaged but everything is different". she realized.      

While her body was very much in a weakened state, the energy running through her body, connecting the meridians had gone through a qualitative change. These interconnecting strands were thicker and much more powerful. Everything from her regenerative ability to her physical strength had multiplied.      

And then there was her core, the growing island from before had become an entire world, all that was missing was the skies above it.      

"So this is the Sky Realm."     

There was much more to it than this but time was needed for Ming Yue to understand her newfound strength. At this moment, there were more pressing matters to deal with first.      

"Alright, all of you don't have to look at me like that. I'm alive, see?"      

She looked at the three beasts and Hongyu, who was still teary-eyed and looked as if she was about to cry at any moment.      

"I just need a few days to rest. I'll be good as new."     

Doing her best to reassure everyone, they all gave looks of doubt and concern, staying by her side and watching over her. In the end, Ming Yue let them, laying back down in bed before looking at Blood Moon.      

The sword quietly floated at her sword, dutifully keeping watch.      

"Xue Yue, what happened?"     

Ming Yue spoke through their mental connection and at first, there was no answer but Xue Yue broke her silence.      

"I truly don't know. When you stabbed that sword into the floor, lightning had struck down. I tried my best to pull you away from it but I couldn't. When you were hit by that last lightning strike, everything blacked out for me. However, it didn't last long and I reawakened to find you on the floor, practically burnt up. You're lucky, despite the state you were in, you were still alive, just barely alive. I checked for any dangers before bringing you away", she explained.      

"Then, how long was I out for?" the young woman asked.      

"Until now? It's been about two days. The girl has been hard at work caring for you with the help of those three. She changed your clothes, wiped you down, and did her best with bandaging you up. You were practically near death until you woke up, only then did your aura grow stronger. And well now, it seems you've reached the Sky Realm", Xue Yue pointed out.      

Ming Yue took another look at her body, noticing that she was in a different set of clothes. Furthermore, her body was carefully wrapped in bandages and practically soaking in medicine.      

"She certainly worked hard, all of them worked hard", she thought quietly.      

Her eyes moved away from Blood Moon and towards everyone else. Her hands moved slowly as she began to stroke their heads, enjoying a rather quiet morning.      

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