Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

A Beast God Descends

A Beast God Descends

4As this hulking shadow came down, it opened its beak and dug into the ground, swallowing practically half of the horde in one mouthful. It then flew up, circling around the city as it left behind a gaping hole after itself, a chasm that would take thousands of bodies to fill.       3

Niu Hong looked up in shock and awe as did the others.      

"It's the Devouring Goose, one of the Beast Gods... It's here", he muttered.      

Indeed, it was a massive gray goose that soared across the sky. Bits of rubble and even flesh fell from the gaps, dropping into the broken ground like rain. Its very presence was both breathtaking and oppressing for both sides could not react.     

They could only just watch.      

But there was something else going on with it, something that those of the Reclamation Division noticed first.      

"It hasn't left yet."     

Ao Qin looked up, narrowing his eyes as an ominous feeling grew within him. This great beast didn't just get its meal and leave. Rather it stayed in the skies, circling around the battle before descending once more.      


Cursing out loud, the dragon-kin immediately shouted into the medallion.      

"Everyone from Reclamation, get ready! If the Devouring Goose isn't going to leave, we either make it leave or we kill it! Expedition and Preservation should focus on defending!"     

The moment he finished, Qiuyu Bi's voice echoed out.      

"Are you insane?! No, we should regroup and defend this place! You're risking the entire Reclamation Division to drive away a Beast God? To kill it?!" he said.      

"What choice is there? Abandoning our home? And then what?!" Ao Qin asked.      

"Yo- Fine, do it."     

Hearing Qiuyu Bi's acceptance, the Reclamation Division quickly gathered together and watched as the Devouring Goose came down, opening its beak. This time, it came for the beast-kin, looking to attack right in front of the walls.      

"Retreat! Go back into the city!"      

Everyone but the Ao Qin and the others went back into the city, even the Four Claws. The Reclamation Division waited for the Devouring Goose's arrival and it came fast.      

"Can we even land on it safely? We might get crushed before getting on top of it."     

"Or worse, fall into its beak and become its food."      

Many of them had these thoughts and there were only seconds between the two sides met. No matter what, it seemed like death would come to them all. Maybe some would be lucky enough to land on the beast but with how quick it was, even the best of them would find it risky.      

Positioning themselves, everyone bent their knees, readying up to jump. Everyone's eyes suddenly changed, revealing a silver glow, a sign that they had all reverted to at least Primal Instinct.     

"Wait for it to come! Aim to land on the neck! If you get one, make it feel as much pain as you can! Devour its meat!" Ao Qin shouted.     

"Come on, the taste of a Beast God! Can you deny a chance for that?!" he asked.      

Hearing those enticing words, the fear and hesitation vanished, replaced by a hungry desire. Who knows what effect having a bite of that flesh would be? How much power would they gain? How good would it taste?     

They eyed the Devouring Goose, watching it come closer.      

"Get ready!"     

Ao Qin stood at the front along with Ruishi Lei, preparing to jump. Suddenly, something flew over the wall, speeding towards the Devouring Goose!     


It was the ship, Zhu Xie's ship that shot forward! The cannons at the front of the hull fired away furiously, hitting the Goose like little droplets of water. As for the boar-kin, he steered the ship, yelling out as if to show his courage before the Devouring Goose!     

"What is he doing?! Is he trying to kill himself?!"      

She Xing spoke out as she and everyone watched the ship smash right into the beast's eye!      

It slowed down right as it came by the city, shrieking in pain before diving headfirst into the ground. Blood spewed out from its eye as the ship managed to pierce it, partially blinding the beast and causing it immense pain.      

"Get to it now! Before it decides to flee! Kill it! Don't let our sacrifices be wasted!"      

Even if Ao Qin didn't say anything, every member of Reclamation practically flew towards the Devouring Goose! A hundred little figures climbed on top and started attacking without holding anything back.      

They all started tearing into the flesh, even ripping out a chunk to eat right there.      

"Ahahah! The flesh of a Beast God! I feel like I'm brimming with power!"      

"Such a rich taste! Is this what a legendary beast tastes like?!"     

In the next few seconds, they had all had a morsel at least before the Devouring Goose began to move. Raising its head up, it revealed the bloody eye, which looked like it had been gouged out a bit. Blood flowed down from its wound, cascading like a little waterfall into a pond below.      

Flapping its wings out, it ascended into the sky with its many wounds, pouring blood out and letting it rain above the skies. With its immense size, these wounds amounted to small cuts and nothing more.      

But the longer it allowed its passengers to feast on its body, the weaker it would become. The Beast God had to do something.      

Everyone continued to gnaw deeper and deeper into its flesh.      

Ruishi Lei was the same, clawing away at the skin unto reaching the flesh of the Devouring Goose. The White Lion looked at it with interest, despite the gray body, its meat was a soft pink and the blood was a vivid crimson.      

His eyes lingered at the wound he made before finally kneeling and lowering his face into it. One could hear his fangs bite into the meat and see him pull his head back as he tore off some of it. Ruishi Lei chewed for a few seconds before swallowing it. There was an audible gulp before a satisfied sigh.      

"It's... delicious."     

He paused for a moment, closing his eyes and feeling the meat enter his body. Opening back up, he gazed at the wound and started digging in.      

"This flavor... How can it taste like this and yet it's just raw meat? A strong meatiness but still mild in a way, soft to the bite, almost melting. How can it be so good?!"     

Slowly but surely, he continued to eat and eat from the goose's body. All of the Reclamation Division did so.      

What were small cuts to the Devouring Goose grew into larger ones, its lifeforce grew weaker with each passing second. But the Beast God still had time to resist.  Flapping its wings wildly, its speed jumped nearly rocking everyone off its body but they all clung to the beast.     

This was their only opportunity, a real chance at killing a Beast God.      

It did what it could to shake them off, rocking from one side to the other, twisting and turning, slowing down, and speeding up, anything it could do to break their grasp on its meat.      

"Stay on it! I don't care how! Do not fall off until this thing falls!"     

Ao Qin shouted out with a mouthful of meat, gorging himself in the beast's flesh. Compared to the others, his was the biggest hole, eating the most out of everyone yet.      

"With this, I might be able to recover and even revert even further. I just have to eat more", he thought.      

But even with a hundred of them, there was only so much they could stomach.      

"We can't eat anymore! This is just too much!"     

"As good as this is, I might just explode if I have another bite!"     

"What do we do?! We can't exactly drop down from the skies?!"     

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