Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

A Warm Welcome

A Warm Welcome

3"I went North and found a place to reside, spending the next several months with these four. I seemed to have gained a certain name during this", she said.       3

"What? Wait... the Phantom of the North? That's you?!"      

Lao Yang looked at Ruishi Lei, pointing at him as well.     

"Didn't you get in a fight with the Phantom? Was that a lie?" he asked.      

The White Lion shook his head.      

"No, that wasn't a lie. I had a lingering suspicion since the Devouring Goose and those Beast Hordes had come. There was something in the North. And then, when we were fighting the Earthbound Tortoise, there was that strange lightning strike. So I went to find the source and came across her", he said, looking at her.      

"We did fight, she overpowered me before I had any time to react. I couldn't exactly hide the fact that I fought something and so I made up that name. Though, it is a fitting name. That ghostly aura of yours coupled with that speed. Unless I revert to perhaps the second or third stage, I might have had a chance", he explained.      

His response was met with absolute silence until Lao Yang said something.      

"So you're telling me that she is the reason for all of that?! She's the reason we had to fight the Devouring Goose and our victory over the Earthbound Tortoise?! Wha- what?!"     

Even the others showed a shocked expression after hearing that she was the reason they had risked their lives in a fight against a Beast God.      

Seeing all of the eyes on her, Ming Yue just nodded, confirming these things.      

"It would seem so. Around that time, I was undergoing a tribulation and that may have been the reason for all of that commotion", she answered.      

Qiang Rong suddenly clicked his tongue as the monkey-kin just looked at her.     

"You really are one monstrous individual, I might think twice before asking for a spar next time."      

He had a more serious expression as he said this, not even making a joke at any point. And that statement brought some surprise to the Four Claws.      

"Really?!" She Xing asked, "To think you'd say that. I didn't think you'd shy away from a challenge."     

The snake-kin looked at him with somewhat widened eyes and he looked back.      

"I mean a challenge is only fun if the gap in strength isn't too far apart. There's no point in a real fight if there is no chance of winning. Training or sparring is better", he replied.      

"I mean that's..."     

"No, he's right", Ruishi Lei interrupted,"If we were to challenge her as a group, then we would stand a decent chance. If we were to revert, it might not be as decisive, unless..."     

The lion-kin glanced over at her as he finished his sentence.     

"We have yet to see the full breadth of her strength."      

Having pointed that out, everyone was quiet, perhaps considering what her limit was now and whether or not a victory was possible.      

"Bag, whatever, it's not as if we're going to fight her or she's going to fight us. She just wants to go back and quietly she will", Lao Yang declared.     

But Jin Ao and the other two scholars felt differently.      

"But this is a human, no less the Phantom of the North!", Jin Nao said, "Should we not inform the Council?"     

The other two nodded their heads in agreement.      

"What if they were to find out? We'll lose our positions within the Archives, they may even throw us into prison for hiding such important information!" they said.      

But Lao Yang merely waved his hand and scoffed at them.      

"What? Afraid of them? Hah! Do you think that they have access to all of our research and knowledge?" he pointed out.      

The goat-kin shook his head.      

"Of course not! If you think that I'm going to let those who don't even have the faintest idea of what they are even looking at, then you have thought wrong! Out of everything we have in the Archives, they've probably only seen a fraction of it. Besides, I don't even give them all of what they want."     

There was a mischievous grin on his face as he found amusement in those words.      

"Really now, all they know is how to plan and scheme for their own benefit. The Archive isn't worth it in their hands."     


"No buts! This is merely another opportunity to learn more! Besides, through her, we will be better prepared when it comes to venturing into the other continents, don't you think?"      

He then looked at Ming Yue with excitement and confidence.      

"You will use us and we will use you. Even if you weren't here, we might've been able to gather the information ourselves but that could be far more troublesome. So in actuality, you are getting the better end of the bargain."     

The young woman looked at the goat-kin before gazing at the others. Some had looks of mistrust, friendliness, or just plain politeness. She then took a glance at Hongyu and the trio of beasts behind her.      

"Alright then, I will provide what I know but I might not have the answers to everything you ask. It has been quite some time and things may have changed drastically", she answered.      

Lao Yang broke out into a giant smile when he heard those words. Having made this agreement in front of everyone, neither side was going to renege on it.      

"Don't worry, things like current affairs mean little to me! I'd rather learn about the history and the continent itself!" he said.      

Right after that exchange, Zhu Xie clapped his hands and spoke.      

"Alright everyone, let's enjoy the food before things get too cold. I still have plenty more knowing that some of you have quite the appetite!"     

The mood turned happy once more as Ming Yue began to converse with the other Zodiacs. It was a pleasant meal as everyone took the chance to get to know each other a bit more.      

"What is the Human Continent like? What happened after the Calamity?"     

"Do you know what happened to the demons?"      

"Where was your favorite place to go?"      

Given these questions, Ming Yue replied with vague answers, talking about some of her adventures and where she had gone. And once dinner was finished, the conversation continued at the table.      

"What have you been doing in the North? How did you get here?"     

"Was there anything interesting that you've discovered?"      

"How have you been surviving?"      

One by one she answered these questions, revealing the Spires and the Remnant Calamity Energy. The young woman even went to apologize for a second time for causing the attacks on their city. But each answer merely brought on more questions.      

"Breakthrough? I've read about such things but I've never seen it for myself. What is it like? How does it work? It doesn't seem like reverting at all."     

"Remnant Calamity Energy? A ruin containing Spires in the North?! That's the source of the Savage Lands?!"     

"You fought in a war?! With the Demons?! How did it come to this?"     

"To think the final battle had launched you here rather than killing you. That's certainly some luck right there!"     

It was just a constant stream of questions and answers that went on late into the night. It wasn't until Hongyu began to yawn that Ming Yue stopped.      

"This one is getting a bit sleepy but we can continue tomorrow, is there a place for her to rest?" she asked.      

"Yes, of course! I will take you there."     

Zhu Xie quickly stood up to lead her away but not until Ao Qin said something.      

"We'll be entering the Teleportation Array within the next few days or so. I'd suggest hiding on the last day as there will be thousands of eyes on the shop itself. They'll want to see us all leave."     

The boar-kin's eyes lit up just a bit.      

"Right, right, let's see here. We'll need a sizable room below the deck then!" he said.     

"Alright, thank you. I will speak with you all tomorrow then."     

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