The Charm of Soul Pets

Chapter 119: Sixth Rank Cold Pool, Hegemon Soul Pet

Chapter 119: Sixth Rank Cold Pool, Hegemon Soul Pet

2Chapter 119: Sixth Rank Cold Pool, Hegemon Soul Pet    2

After everyone agreed to head towards the sixth rank cold pond, the five of them forsook their original route and left for the sixth rank cold pond that required approximately half a day before arriving there.    

Because the route wasn’t very accurate, while the five people advanced, they had to have a relatively rational method of advancing.    

Normally, when soul pet trainers were walking in dangerous areas, they had to summon a soul pet with a comparatively strong perception abilities to ensure they wouldn’t be sneak attacked by some well camouflaged soul pet.    

Secondly, they needed to have a soul pet for finding the path ahead. This soul pet had to have enough speed and be resourceful, because it would be easiest for the soul pet finding the path in front to tread into another creature’s territory. This method would ensure they didn’t accidentally enter some powerful soul pet’s territory and could safely escape.    

Of course, the most important thing while travelling in the wilderness was to ensure that a soul pet with formidable fighting strength was beside oneself at all times. When some sudden situation arose, it would then instantly be able to enter the fight.    

Chu Mu’s party of five had many soul pets, regardless of speed, perception, or fighting ability. However, under these circumstances, normally, among the five of them they would pick out the most outstanding soul pet in a certain area and them designate responsibility for the three areas.    

“Wu wu wu~~~~” Chu Mu planned on having the Night Thunder Dream beast, with the fastest speed, scout ahead. However, at this moment, Mo Xie had let out a noise from the soul pet space, indicating that she had slept and ate her fill, and wanted to move about.    

There was no need to doubt Mo Xie’s speed. Adding on her pitiful appearance, it was often the case where many powerful soul pets would mistake her as a small creature and simply ignore her. Having Mo Xie lead the way ahead would increase their safety value by a lot.    

Since Mo Xie had taken the initiative to put herself as a talented creature in this insignificant position and lead the way, Chu Mu didn’t have any objections. In truth, having the Night Thunder Dream Beast scout the path would mean that Chu Mu would no longer have any other suitable mounts.    

Chu Mu chanted an incantation and started the soul pact pattern, summoning Mo Xie in front of him.    

From within the pattern slowly appeared Mo Xie’s small and nimble figure. A body of silver colored fur majestically and faintly fluttered about. What manifested was a beautiful grandeur and nine small fluffy tails that waved about. Yet, above this beauty and grandeur was an increased cuteness.    

“What an adorable little fellow.” seeing Chu Mu summon the small Mo Xie, Ye Qingzi’s beautiful pupils instantly twinkled a bit.    

When Mo Xie was in her pitiful appearance, it was a naturally and innately beautiful ultra Moe (adorable) pet. She could definitely insta-kill a great number of females, and there were many times when Chu Mu was strolling in the street or at certain venues where a few females would repeatedly throw sidelong glances at Chu Mu. The majority of the reason for this was because on Chu Mu’s shoulder lay this indolent and adorable little fellow.    

[1.TL: The author literally used Moe, as in japanese Moe, for adorable]     

Seeing Ye Qingzi’s manner of wanting to hug Mo Xie, a faint smile rose upon Chu Mu’s face. The feeling Ye Qingzi that gave Chu Mu was relatively aware and easy going, but despite this, she was unable to block the temptation of Mo Xie’s pitiful appearance state.    

“Wu wu wu~~~~~” Mo Xie really liked to be clean, and didn’t like for anyone other than Chu Mu to touch her. Therefore, even though Ye Qingzi’s bosom was very full and plump, Mo Xie ignored this great beauty. After stretching, she vivaciously ran to the front of the group to exercise and breath in the fresh air.    

Seeing the little Mo Xie head to the front to scout the way, Ye Qingzi let out a rather annoyed expression. In a small voice she asked Chu Mu: “She’s so small. Isn’t it too dangerous to have her scout the way?”    

“Haha, young lady Ye, you’re over thinking it. The soul pets of my family’s fourth brother aren’t that simple…” the adjacent Chu Ning began laughing. Chu Ning was unable to forget the scene where Chu Mu’s Evil Flamed Six Tailed Demon Fox powerfully defeated the Luo Region Nightmare Prince’s Ghost Winged White Boned Blood Devil from that Gangluo City fight. This small fellow, who really wanted to find the path, was clearly Chu Mu’s strongest soul pet!    

“Ke ke~~~” Chu Ning was about to say that this was Chu Mu’s strongest soul pet when Chu Xing gave a cough, warning Chu Ning not to say too much.    

Chu Ning instantly realize that Chu Mu seemed to have previously deliberately hidden his identity, and he didn’t say anything further.    

The Southern Region belonged to a relatively radical region, and news would often travel a lot slower than many other places. Further adding on the fact that Chu Ning and Chu Xing were both busy with family matters and didn’t pay attention to things outside, Chu Ning and Chu Xing didn’t know of Chu Mu and Jia Feng’s fight in Jia City. They also didn’t know that Chu Mu’s Mo Xie had mutated into an ultra commander Royal Flamed Nine Tailed Infernal Fox under the gazes of a few tens of thousands of people!    

“She isn’t that weak.” replied Chu Mu. He didn’t want to thoroughly explain either.    

Ye Qingzi opened her delicate small mouth wanting to say something, but seeing that the little Mo Xie had already disappeared from her field of view, she ultimately didn’t question it anymore.    

Mo Xie, who was on Chu Mu’s shoulder had quickly and without a doubt for, become the first choice for the path scouter. Next, was the perceptive ability soul pet.    

When it came to perceptive ability, there was nothing more suitable than a demon type soul pet with powerful mental strength. Chu Mu’s Night Thunder Dream Beast and the Purple Robe Dream Beast had very powerful perceptive abilities. Moreover, these two soul pets were the mounts of two people. Therefore, there wasn’t a need to painstakingly summon something else; rather, it was sufficient for them to just ride them as they travelled.    

Of course, Ye Qingzi’s Purple Robed Dream Beast’s demon attribute was even more pure, so its perceptive ability was even a bit stronger than Chu Mu’s Night Thunder Dream Beast.    

As for fighting strength, Ye Wansheng, Chu Ning, and Chu Xing would be responsible for this. Chu Xing and Chu Ning’s Light Rhinoceros’ were both mounts, and they also had a powerful fighting strength. Their composite attributes were relatively high, and if a situation were to arise, they would be able to deal with it very well.    

Ye Wansheng continued to ride on his Star Wilderness Devil Colt. His other soul pets didn’t have any aura concealment, so he temporarily didn’t summon them. He himself also indicated that he would immediately summon them at the first sign of battle.    

While they travelled in the wilderness, they could not summon too many soul pets. Too many soul pets coupled with those that were unable to conceal their aura would automatically catch the detection of other creatures. If they encountered the attacks of a few soul pets en route, it was best to keep the state of battle to a minimum. If they could only use one soul pet to deal with it, then they would do as much as they could to not summon a second one. One reason was to train each soul pet’s fighting strength, and the second reason was to conserve the soul pet trainer’s soul power. After all, summoning soul pets considerably decreased their soul power.    

Therefore, aside from adding on Mo Xie to find the route, the five people’s soul pets didn’t undergo any large change. Of course, it was also because the five people all respectively had experience and training in the wilderness that at the very beginning of them summoning soul pets, they involuntarily acquired the most suitable summoning habit like this.    


The existence of two seventh phase Dream Beasts with powerful perceptive abilities like this allowed everyone to intentionally avoid a few soul pets en route. Further adding on Mo Xie finding the most optimal route, the original two days needed to approach the sixth rank cold pond was achieved before the sky had darkened.    

The five people didn’t travel towards the sixth rank cold pond during the night, but instead chose a relatively concealed area to rest. After waiting first to scout out the situation clearly, they would then decide the next course of action.    

“Just now, when we entered this mountain, there were numerous soul pets wandering about. I’m pretty sure that the other soul pet trainer teams haven’t thought of a method to avoid these soul pet groups and directly entered the sixth rank cold pond.” said Chu Xing.    

“You guys rest here first. I’ll go look at the situation, and then quickly think of a method to move around the surrounding soul pet groups.” said Chu Mu.    

The sixth rank cold pond was on the peak of the mountain. This mountain didn’t follow a gradual slope upwards. Instead, it appeared as an unconventional gradient state. The surface area of the mountain’s body was extremely wide, but its height was normal. Moreover, at the center of this mountain was a rocky highland.    

Although this mountain didn’t have height, the further one went up the ladder-like mountain, the more the number of soul pets resided. The sixth rank cold pond was at the centermost highest point. Therefore, from the concentration of these soul pet group's standpoint, one had to have a relatively rational method of passing through these groups to directly reach the centermost highest point.    

“You by yourself isn’t too safe.” said Chu Xing, slightly worried.    

As they walked forward, the mountain gradient slightly increased. However, there resided many soul pets that needed various rock and crystal ores for their food. Going solo, if he or she were to negligently be discovered, it was very easy to be surrounded, and it would be hard to break free.    

“One person going is ultimately unsafe. Qinzi, your Dream Beast is suited to travelling at night. You travel together with Chu Chen.” said Ye Wansheng.    

Ye Wansheng’s words made Chu Xing and Chu Ning both strangely look at Ye Wansheng. They inwardly marvelled as to why this fellow would have his own sister do something so dangerous.    

“Ok, let’s go.” Ye Qingzi nodded her head and spoke to Chu Mu.    

Various aspects of the Dream Beasts’ attributes would increase during the night. The Purple Robe Dream Beast was the same. Without considering the fact that it was too dangerous for a girl, she truly was relatively fitted to go with Chu Mu.    

“You two need to pay attention to your safety.” Chu Xing also knew that he wasn’t too suited to this assignment. He gave a warning and didn’t say anything further.    

Ye Wansheng wasn’t very reliable either. As Chu Mu and Ye Qingzi were riding away on their respective soul pets, he specially said: “Chu Chen, bring back my sister safe and sound. If she isn’t safe and sound, for instance being chased by over a hundred soul pets, then don’t bother coming back. That way, everyone won’t suffer from a calamity. It’s better that two people die rather than five.”    

Hearing Ye Wansheng’s words, the corners of Chu Mu’s mouth rose up. He felt that Ye Wansheng was truly a bit special; normally, when temporarily forming a team, it would be very rare when someone would crack a joke with his team member. Especially when the one going with the team member was his sister.    

“You don’t have to pay attention to his words.” indifferently said Ye Qingzi to Chu Mu.    

“You don’t really seem to be someone from here?” probingly asked Chu Mu.    

“Mhm, we come from another kingdom, and it’s only been a short while since we’ve come to your place.” said Ye Qingzi.    

Chu Mu was stunned. His question was to find out what region Ye Qingzi had come from. Yet, he hadn’t expected that Ye Qingzi wasn’t from this kingdom.    

The soul pet world was normally divided into country, region, and city. The western kingdom included the Jia Region, Luo Region, Xiling Region, Southern Region, and many other regions. Those other kingdoms were extremely unfamiliar to Chu Mu.    

Since she was from another kingdom, and hadn’t been here too long, they probably rarely heard of news from this place.    

The reason why Chu Mu changed his name to Chu Chen was naturally because of Xia Guanghan’s influence.    

Chu Mu’s mother, Liu Binglan, was a Soul Palace person. The Soul Palace and Nightmare Palace normally did not have good relations. If Liu Binglan could get rid of Xia Guanghan, it would be the best, but if Xia Guanghan were to hide, it wouldn’t be an easy task to find him. Yet, if Chu Mu were to expose his tracks, it would still be possible for Xia Guanghan to plot against him. Furthermore, Chu Mu’s character was incapable of fully being sure that Princess Jin Rou knew of this secret. Before truly understanding her, Chu Mu had to prepare defensive measures.    

After crossing one mountain step, it was possible to see a plethora of nocturnal animals wandering around in the night. Sin Source Mountain Range’s ores and minerals that formed the mountain were extremely abundant. There even appeared to be a few extremely valuable crystals. The ores and crystals were formed through the collection of heaven and earth spiritual aura. Inside, they contained a lot of energy, and many soul pets would use these ores and crystals as food to increase their strength.    

In Sin Source Mountain Range, aside from the cold pond which was relatively famous, it was also extremely well known that there were crystals. During the time of year when the cold ponds were dried up, there identically were many soul pet trainers who intentionally came here in search of crystals.    

The use and value of crystals neared that of attribute soul crystals. Finding a superior quality sixth level crystal was equivalent to obtaining a few 100,000 gold coins. Moreover, if one’s luck was good and he or she obtained a seventh level crystal, it would be worth 1 to 2 million gold coins. There occasionally was also rumour of some powerful soul pet team to obtain a nearly 10 million in value eighth level soul crystal.    

Chu Mu’s Night Thunder Dream Beast had already reached the seventh phase. It was probably time for Chu Mu to collect a bit of money to purchase the Night Thunder Dream Beast a seventh level soul crystal in order to power up its attributes a bit.    

Aside from this, the Ice Air Fairy, until now, didn’t possess a strength crystal that allowed the destructive power of ice type techniques to increase. Chu Mu felt that he had to purchase a 5 million gold coin black crystal soul pearl in order to increase the Ice Air Fairy’s strength.    

As for the Devil Tree Battle Soldier, he needed the Bloodsucking Wood. A Coronary Blood Fat without Bloodsucking Wood meant that the Devil Tree Battle Soldier still didn’t have Bloodsucking techniques. The price of Bloodsucking Wood was approximately 3 million.    

For Zhan Ye, it naturally didn’t need to be said. Aside from his normal bug type, his other attributes weren’t reliable at all. In order to truly become a powerful soul pet that surpassed ranks, its attribute still needed to be strengthened as well as its techniques. It could be said that Zhan Ye was a bottomless hole in this area where, no matter how much money was poured in, it would consume it all.    

The White Nightmare and Mo Xie’s ranks were relatively high, and the extent of their strength increase was comparatively large. Increasing their abilities so early wasn’t too much of a necessity because as their phase and stage increased, they would naturally have more powerful techniques and abilities.    

Of course, this didn’t mean that he didn’t have to spend money on the White Nightmare and Mo Xie. Chu Mu temporarily didn’t spend money on them because their current phase and stage abilities were too abnormal. These abilities were already able to let Chu Mu sweep through the young generation experts. However, as Chu Mu’s strength grew and he encountered stronger opponents, the White Nightmare and Mo Xie definitely had to increase their strengths. Yet, to increase the strength of two monarch fighting strength soul pets was definitely not doable with a few million gold coins. It could reach upwards of ten million easily if one weren’t careful.    

Chu Mu had come to the Sin Source Mountain Range, and if he didn’t rack up a large sum of money, how would this be worthy to his soul pets with such potential?    

Therefore, in reality, when Ye Wansheng said that he wanted to go to a route that had to be crossed and rob the returning soul pet teams, Chu Mu actually was tempted to.    


“In front should be a Swallowing Star Wolf territory. The Swallowing Star Wolf’s sense of smell is very acute, we should be a bit more careful.” Ye Qingzi said to Chu Mu.    

Chu Mu and Ye Qingzi had already advanced approximately 200 meters, but these 200 meters weren’t easy to walk through. Their routes always had various wandering soul pets and, no matter if these soul pets were fighting, digging rocks, hunting, or walking after eating their fill, they could not go and provoke them.    

“Mhm, follow a bit closer to me. My Night Thunder Dream Beast’s darkness aura can help your Dream Beast hide.” said Chu Mu.    

The Swallowing Star Wolf was a commander rank soul pet, and it possessed an even more spiritual nature than the Dire Wolf. Swallowing Star Wolves were active creatures 24 hours a day and, under the starlight veil of night, their black colored bodies emitted clear speckles of starry radiance underneath the starlight.    

As the specks of starlight twinkled, it normally meant that they were in a non-fighting state. If they were launching a sneak attack or fighting, they could voluntarily hide their starlight specks effect.    

The Swallowing Star Wolf possessed the Star Concentration Transformation species technique. Only with starlight could their fighting strength increase. The more intense the starlight, the stronger their strength grew.    

“Night, Dream.” Chu Mu used soul remembrance to speak to the Night Thunder Dream Beast.    

A dark light appeared on the Night Thunder Dream Beast’s horn. The dark light momentarily vanished in the black night, slowly transforming into a mental wave. It caused the ten Swallowing Star Wolves going through rocks in search of crystals in front to enter the Dream.    

The Swallowing Star Wolf territory was evidently not easy to traverse. As they continued forward, Chu Mu and Ye Qingzi both continuously used the Dream technique to make the Swallowing Star Wolves in front to enter the dream state before continuing forward.    

“Once we pass the Swallowing Star Wolf territory, we should probably enter into the sixth rank cold pond region.” Chu Mu used soul remembrance to speak to Ye Qingzi.    

The Purple Robe Dream Beast that Ye Qingzi was riding on jumped onto the highland rock and also saw the rather expansive field of view. This field of view was empty, without any soul pet wandering in the vicinity.    

Normally speaking, a cold pond’s surroundings would always have the aura of a few species groups because these special spiritual places would produce many spiritual items. These spiritual items would be seized by the powerful soul pets in order to increase their strength faster.    

“In the perimeter of three hundred meters, there aren’t any other soul pets. There’s only this Swallowing Star Wolf territory here. It seems that this sixth rank Sin Source cold pool hasn’t been occupied by some species group yet. It should be singly under the usage of one powerful soul pet.” said Ye Qingzi.    

Chu Mu glanced at Ye Qingzi. After a few days of knowing her, Chu Mu discovered that Ye Qingzi understood many things. There were even some things he himself had never heard of before. He had to specially ask Old Li before knowing. Moreover, right now, she was able to use a few details to deduce that the protector of this cold pool springs was one powerful soul pet; this was truly hard to come by. After all, only those who often travelled in the external environment would have such awareness.    

Being in sole possession of the cold water pond definitely meant that this soul pet’s strength was extremely strong. After all, an entire Swallowing Star Wolf pack didn’t dare to provoke it. In this way, wanting to obtain the sixth rank cold water pond had clearly become a bit harder.    

“How about this. You be in charge of watching the surroundings for any other teams. I will go deep inside to see exactly what this hegemon soul pet is.” Chu Mu said to Ye Qingzi.    

“That soul pet’s perception ability is very strong. Your Night Thunder Dream Beast might be able to cover its aura well, but if you yourself don’t have any good concealer, you will be sensed. Perhaps it’s best not to be too risky, eh?” said Ye Qingzi.    

“No need to worry. I won’t provoke it. You yourself need to be a bit careful. If any situation arises, use the demonic language to tell my soul pets. I will hurry over very quickly.” said Chu Mu.    

Ye Qingzi saw that Chu Mu had already decided on going and didn’t bother stopping him. She proceeded to ride on her dream beast along the area without soul pets to scout it out.    

Chu Mu rode on the Night Thunder Dream Beast and passed through those large rocks. He began to slowly approach that soul pet.    

“Night, with your perceptivity, can you guess what that hegemon soul pet’s strength is.” asked Chu Mu.    

“Hui~~~~~~~” the Night Thunder Dream Beast quickly gave Chu Mu an answer, indicating that the opponent wasn’t a monarch, but was very likely an eighth rank or higher strengthened commander.    

If it was a commander, Chu Mu was slightly relieved because his soul remembrance had already reached the soul master level. As long as he didn’t take the initiative and release his soul remembrance to scout it, he wouldn’t be easily discovered by the opponent.    

Although he wasn’t being obstructed by any soul pet, Chu Mu was still abnormally careful within this three hundred meter distance. After all, an eighth phase and above commander had its own perceptivity range. Even if Chu Mu’s soul remembrance was relatively strong, the moment he closed into a certain distance, he would still be discovered. Chu Mu’s cautiousness meant he had to step along the edge of this eighth phase commander’s perception range.    


Suddenly, the Night Thunder Dream Beast let out a noise, telling Chu Mu to stop going forward.    

In the next instant, Chu Mu felt a powerful aura, and he instantly had the Night Thunder Dream beast hide behind an adjacent large rock.    

“From this distance, I seem to still be unable to see that soul pet.” Chu Mu looked forth, but the pieces of rocks were obstructing his view. Chu Mu simply couldn’t see the cold pond, and also couldn’t see the sole pet dominating the cold pond.    

“Wu wu wu wu~~~~~~~’    

Mo Xie, laying on Chu Mu’s shoulders, let out a noise, planning on using her pitiful state to try.    

Currently with the moonlight state, Mo Xie’s sixth phase sixth stage could just barely increase to the seventh phase. Even if she were to be seen through by a commander soul pet, with Mo Xie’s monarch speed, it probably wasn’t a problem to break away from it.    

Mo Xie was small and nimble. After passing through the obstruction of these rocks, she gradually disappeared from Chu Mu’s field of view. Chu Mu and the Night Thunder Dream Beast silently waited on the side.    

Approximately five minutes later, under the moonlight, Mo Xie finally hopped back next to Chu Mu in bounces. Mo Xie had followed Chu Mu for a long time, and she had a certain ability to judge a soul pet’s strength. After returning, Mo Xie immediately informed Chu Mu about what she saw.    

“Its figure has reached ten meters, and its covered all over in rocky spikes. Its skin is a black brown color and its head is like a snake’s, but big. Its body is a bit similar to the Devil Tree Battle Soldier’s and its tail is like a rock centipede…” Chu Mu rubbed his chin and began to speculate as to what that soul pet was.    

“It should be an elemental world - rock type Centipede Tail Giant Rock Devil, right?” at this moment, Old Li promptly displayed his experience.    

“Mhm, it should be at the eight phase second stage. Rock type defense is the strongest, and I’m afraid none of our soul pets can break its defense - it’s extremely difficult. No wonder the Swallowing Star Wolf pack doesn’t dare to fight with it. Even if those Swallowing Star Wolves were more numerous, it would be hard to actually injure it.” Chu Mu muttered to himself.    

“Hui~~~~hui~~~~” just as Chu Mu was pondering, the Night Thunder Dream Beast instantly warned Chu Mu that it had received a message from the Purple Robed Dream Beast.    

Chu Mu promptly realized that Ye Qingzi could have encountered something, and he rode hastily on the Night Thunder Dream Beast towards Ye Qingzi’s location!    


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