Love Affair: Professor's Hard To Please

C714 I Plan to Go Abroad

C714 I Plan to Go Abroad

0Rong Xiaonuo ran home with red eyes.    


Fu Nuan saw that her condition was not right and asked, "What is it, Xiaonuo?"    


The girl took a deep breath and forced out a smile.    


"Nothing. Mom, I'm tired. I'm going back to my room. "    


At this moment, Rong Xiaonuo only wanted to find a place that made her feel safe and completely wrap herself up.    


This way. . . She might not feel so uncomfortable anymore.    




Downstairs, in the living room.    


Fu Nuan still felt that her daughter's condition was not right. She decided to go upstairs to have a good talk with her, but was stopped by Rong Yu.    


"Aren't you worried about Xiaonuo?"    


"Worried. "    


He looked up the stairs in a secretive manner. "But she needs to grow by herself. There are some things that cannot be avoided. She can only try to bear it by herself and resolve it by herself. "    


"But I am still afraid of her. . . "    


"She has some confidence in our daughter. "    


In the end, Fu Nuan was still convinced by Rong Yu, but the worry in her heart did not decrease at all.    




Rong Xiaonuo was lying on the bed, and there were still traces of dried tears on her face.    


So. . . It was all a lie that he said he did not like Lin Qinghan. It was also a lie to say that he liked her. It was only a lie that was true.    


If he did not really like Lin Qinghan, how could he allow her to kiss him?    


Then what about Rong Xiaonuo? What was it? When he kissed her, was he thinking about Lin Qinghan in his heart?    


When she thought of this, her heart could not help but ache.    


If she continued to stay in Lu University, what would she do? She didn't want to. . . She didn't want to see the two of them together, and she didn't know how to face Uncle.    


Qiao Ann'ann also wanted to go abroad. Currently, she really had nothing other than her parents.    


Going abroad. . . This thought grew crazily in Rong Xiaonuo's mind.    


Perhaps if she ran far away and could not see, she would not be annoyed.    


She called Qiao Ann'ann.    


"Anan, you said you were going to go abroad that day. Which school are you going to?"    


Qiao Ann'ann heard that there was something wrong with her tone and asked, "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly ask this?"    


"I. . . Intend to go abroad. "    




Qiao Ann'ann was very surprised by her sudden change.    


She had said that Fu Shenxing was in Lu University and had never thought about going overseas. Why did it suddenly happen?    


Could it be that the two of them had quarreled?    


"That. . . Xiaonuo, going abroad is a big matter after all. You have to think about it carefully. Are you really willing to leave this place and leave this place?"    


Rong Xiaonuo closed her eyes and made up her mind, "Yes, I want to go abroad and do something more suitable for myself. "    


She did not want to have no goals anymore. She did not want everything to revolve around Fu Shenxing.    


She wanted to have a life that belonged to her.    


"Okay. . . I plan to go to Paris to learn international trade, but you should not be interested in this, right?"    


Qiao Ann'ann knew that her ambition was not here, but if they could go to Paris together, even if they were not at the same school, they could still meet often and meet up from time to time.    


"Then let me see again. . . "    


"Xiaonuo, have you really thought about it?"    


Rong Xiaonuo asked back, "I want to go to Paris with you. Are you unhappy?"    


Qiao Ann'ann,. . . ""    


She just did not want Xiaonuo to make a rash decision and regret it in the future.    


"Did something happen between you and Fu Shenxing?"    


"No. "    


She pretended to smile casually and said, "I just thought it through. I want to be responsible for my own future. "    


Seeing that she was so determined, Qiao Ann'ann could not persuade her anymore and could only say to her, "Alright then. You have to think about it. If you really want to go, you have to choose the school and specialization well. This is very important. "    


"I understand. "    




The next morning, Rong Xiaonuo went downstairs. There were only her parents in the restaurant, and Fu Shenxing was not there.    


"Uncle. . . Didn't come back last night?"    


She pretended to ask casually, but she still hoped in her heart that he went out this morning.    


"It seems that he didn't. "    


Fu Nuan carefully observed her daughter. She did not seem to be as dispirited as last night and should look much better.    


She also did not want to ask her why. As long as she was happy.    


But at this moment, Rong Xiaonuo's heart felt as if it was pricked by needles and was in great pain.    


He did not return for a night. . . Was he with Lin Qinghan? Which step had they reached?    


They had clearly agreed not to think about it anymore, but she still could not help but care.    


Perhaps it was because he didn't give her a clear answer that she was unwilling to accept.    


But he had already brought Lin Qinghan home, so what meaning could not be more obvious? Why did she need to humiliate herself again?    


She had been eating with her head down. It was so quiet that it was outrageous. It was only after she had finished eating all the food on her plate that she slowly raised her head.    


"Dad, Mom, I want to go abroad," Wang Yao said.    


Fu Nuan was quite surprised by her idea.    


It was not that they did not want Xiaonuo to study abroad, but she was unwilling to. She even said that Lu University was not worse than those universities overseas. But now. . .    


"Did someone bully you in school?"    


"No. "    


Rong Xiaonuo denied it and said, "I just feel that Lu University is not suitable for me. Economics is also not suitable for me. These are not what I like. "    


The husband and wife had always respected their daughter's decision but they would interfere with her decision. But this time, Fu Nuan could not help but ask a few more questions.    


"Xiaonuo, you have to think clearly. Choosing a university and a major is not a small matter. "    


"It is because of this that I want to take advantage of the time to change my choice. "    


Yes. . . There was still time. As long as she hid and left this place, everything would pass as time passed.    


Right now, she wanted to change her wrong decision and do it again.    


Fu Nuan still wanted to say something, but Rong Yu shook her hand and said, "Have you really thought it through?"    


Rong Xiaonuo firmly nodded her head, "Yes. "    


He did not say anything more and only told her, "We will arrange everything. Be careful overseas and take care of yourself. "    


"I know"    


Although she had already decided to go abroad, Rong Xiaonuo's mood was still not relaxed.    


After that night, she had never seen Fu Shenxing again.    


Perhaps, until she left, she would not be able to see him again.    


This was also good. Otherwise, she was afraid that she would not be able to bear to part with him.    


Even now, as long as he wanted her to stay, she would not hesitate to stay by his side.    


But. . . Everything was just her wishful thinking.    




In the end, Rong Xiaonuo chose a famous art school in Paris, the classical piano major. Because she had many years of foundation, and this was also her hobby.    


Due to some of the awards she had received before, the application was quickly approved. The passport visa was completed at the fastest speed, and the school gave the time to report within a week.    


She chose to leave the day before the day before the Design.    


Reason told her that if she left earlier, she would not give herself the chance to go back on her words. That would be good, but she could not do it.    


Perhaps she was still looking forward to something in her heart. . .    


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