Love Affair: Professor's Hard To Please

C704 Sorry I Scared You

C704 Sorry I Scared You

2Finally, Rong Xiaonuo couldn't help but ask him.    


"Uncle, why did you say that in front of your senior just now?"    


Fu Shenxing showed a slight sign for a moment and asked with a smile. "Do you mean 'she is my woman' or 'she is my woman'?"    


The girl felt a little awkward. She turned her head and said in a low voice, "All. . . All of them. "    


"I will answer your second question first. I'm just stating objective facts, so I don't think there's anything wrong with it. "    


Fu Shenxing looked calm and relaxed, as if he really didn't mind this matter being made public.    


"Uncle, do you really not care anymore?"    


She had a vague impression of what happened when she was young. At that time, after Uncle's biological parents were no longer around, for a long period of time, it was very depressing, as if there was no life in him.    


After a long time, he gradually became his current appearance, but she knew that he wouldn't mind it at all.    


"If he cares, they won't be able to come back, they won't be able to change anything"    


"Uncle. . . "    


She seemed to have made up her mind to get close to him and do what he usually did to her. She patted his head and said seriously, "Don't worry. You still have me. "    


Fu Shenxing did not expect her to do such a thing. He was stunned for two seconds and then smiled. "Silly girl. "    


Yes, with her around, it was like there was sunlight. Any haze could be easily dispersed.    


"Then. . . What about the first one?"    


Rong Xiaonuo did not forget the problem that he had overlooked.    


Although it was a little awkward to ask, if she did not ask the question clearly, she would probably have insomnia.    


"Do you really want to know?"    


She nodded.    


"That's what I think in my heart. "    


His dark eyes were like obsidian in Nightview. He stared at her quietly, as if he wanted to pass on all his thoughts to her through his eyes.    


For some reason, Rong Xiaonuo was somewhat frightened by his undisguised gaze and subconsciously avoided his line of sight.    


It was this reaction that caused the turbulent waves in Fu Shenxing's heart to become even more turbulent.    


At this moment, he did not want to spend any more effort to conceal it.    


They obviously had nothing to do with each other, so why couldn't they?    


"After saying so much, Xiaonuo, do you understand what I mean?"    


"Ah? Oh. . . "    


She didn't know how to answer. She nodded blankly and shook her head like a rattle drum.    


"I don't seem to. . . Understand. "    


"Is that so. . . "    


Fu Shenxing slightly blew his breath and made up his mind. Since he had already said so much, he might as well pierce through this layer of window paper.    


"I don't want you to be with Wang Bolin. It's not because of him. It's because. . . "    


He stopped and leaned forward to close the distance between them. Even though he had slightly bowed, Rong Xiaonuo still had to look up to him.    


His heart was beating crazily, as if it was going to burst out of his chest.    


Because of nervousness, her breathing was not very smooth and she started to stutter.    


"Because. . . Because of what?"    


"Because in this world. . . "    


" Wait a moment! "    


Just as he was about to say something, Rong Xiaonuo suddenly shouted to stop and took two steps back.    


"Xiaonuo, what happened to you?"    


There was some injury in his eyes. He had seen all of Xiaonuo's resistance.    


Perhaps, he did not need to say it out loud. He was destined to die without a cause.    


"Sorry, I scared you. "    


She was speechless for a long time. She watched Fu Shenxing go upstairs and back to his room.    


She did not know what she was thinking at the moment.    


It wasn't that she didn't have expectations, but at the critical moment, she felt a trace of fear in her heart.    




After returning to her room, she threw herself onto the soft bed in distress, took out her phone, and searched for her performance on the Internet.    


Intimacy and fear? Was it because of this?    


"Ah. . . So annoying!"    


She scratched her hair in frustration and rolled around on the bed a few times. After calming down, she decided to call Qiao Ann'ann.    


She must be in a very bad mood after what happened in the afternoon.    


Qiao Ann'ann was one of her few friends and she did not want others to affect their relationship.    


"Hello. "    


The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little stuffy and the sound of her nose was heavy. It was obvious that she had just cried.    


"Anan, are you alright?"    


Qiao Ann'ann forced a smile and said, "Yes, I am. What's wrong? I am not the kind of person who is sad about spring and autumn. Isn't it just a loss of love? It's no big deal. "    


"I didn't expect it to be like this. Anan, you. . . "    


"You're not going to apologize to me, are you?"    


Qiao Ann'ann immediately guessed what she was thinking. She pretended to be angry and said, "Who do you think I am? This matter has nothing to do with you, would I blame you?"    


"But. . . "    


"I really feel bad. Please treat me to dessert. If one serving isn't enough, just give me a few more servings. Eat until I'm in a good mood. "    


Qiao Ann'ann did not want her to be stuck in a dead end, so she proposed this "solution. " Actually, it was just for her not to think too much.    


"Okay, it doesn't matter how much you eat!"    


Rong Xiaonuo finally let out a sigh of relief.    




The next day.    


When Rong Xiaonuo went downstairs to eat breakfast, Fu Shenxing was still drinking coffee. When he saw her, his lips parted slightly and he was about to say something, but in the end, he did not say anything.    


This was the quietest breakfast the two of them had ever had since they were alone.    


Rong Xiaonuo secretly glanced at him from time to time, waiting for him to take the initiative to speak.    


But he was also waiting for her to take the initiative to speak. Just like that, no one spoke.    


Only when Rong Xiaonuo finished breakfast and got up to prepare to leave did Fu Shenxing finally stop her.    


"I'll move out. "    


The girl did not speak. Her eyes were lowered and her mood was a little low.    


Why did Uncle move out?    


Judging from his tone, it seemed like he had already decided.    


"Oh, okay. "    


She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she didn't want to ask him to stay, so she agreed.    


Fu Shenxing's lips showed a bitter smile, and then he said, "You go to school yourself today, is there a problem?"    


"Yes. "    


Without saying anything else, Rong Xiaonuo went straight out and got into the car. Anyway, it was not like there had never been a time like this before. What was there to be afraid of?    


Seeing the car drive further and further away, Fu Shenxing let out a heavy sigh.    


Perhaps he really should not be unable to help himself and break the balance between the two of them.    


If he moved out now, he could give himself some time to calm down and let Xiaonuo put down her guard against him.    


However, he did not know that Rong Xiaonuo's illness was not what he thought.    




When Rong Xiaonuo returned home that night, Fu Shenxing was not home.    


She went to his room. There were less clothes in the closet and almost everything on the table was there except for one.    


It was a gift she gave him on his 18th birthday. It was a piece of craftsmanship that she personally made.    


"He really left just like that. . . Is there a need to be so anxious?"    


Looking at their group photo on the table, the girl felt an indescribable sense of loss in her heart.    


She just hadn't thought of how to face him yet. Couldn't he give her more time?    


When her gaze fell on the drawer, she noticed that there was one that wasn't closed properly. The item inside aroused her curiosity.    


Three old phones. . .    


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