Love Affair: Professor's Hard To Please

C542 A Backhand Slap

C542 A Backhand Slap

3Chen Yinyin slept very hard.    


She was always in a light sleep and seemed to have many strange dreams, one after another.    


In the dream, Feng Zhuo's face appeared, getting closer and closer. . .    


His voice seemed to be ringing in her ears. This dream was too real.    


She waved her hand in frustration. Her eyes were still closed as she mumbled in a daze: "So annoying, so noisy!"    


Who cares? In any case, it was a dream. If he wanted to fight, then so be it.    


In the dream, she seemed to have heard a crisp "Pa" sound, followed by the man's deep breathing.    


As expected, even in the dream, this guy was still as annoying as ever!    


Chen Yinyin smacked her lips and turned her body to continue sleeping.    


Receiving a slap for no reason, Feng Zhuo's face was extremely stinky. If it wasn't for the fact that he was certain that this woman was really sleeping soundly, he would really suspect that she was doing it on purpose.    


A woman with so much strength!    


Feng Zhuo rubbed his face and patted Chen Yinyin's cheek. He patiently said, "Chen Yinyin, get up. "    


The only reply he got was a discontented snort. He still did not open his eyes.    


"Hurry up and get up. Don't sleep anymore. "    


Feng Zhuo's face darkened, and he directly lifted her blanket.    


She slept in a daze. She only felt that the warmth around her body had disappeared. A chill hit her, and her nose was itchy. She really wanted to sneeze.    


"Achoo! It's so cold. . . "    


With a shudder, she completely woke up.    


When she opened her eyes, she saw Feng Zhuo's stern face, as if someone owed him money.    


What was he angry about? She should be the one who should be angry! How could he casually lift her blanket!    


"Feng Zhuo! What are you doing!?"    


Chen Yinyin angrily hugged the blanket and wrapped herself up.    


"Get up, let's go on a date. "    


What? Huh?    


Chen Yinyin's brain went blank for a few seconds before it resumed operation.    


What did he just say? A date?    


"Can you repeat it again?"    


Chen Yinyin raised her face and looked at him, as if she wanted to confirm whether she had misheard him or if he had really changed his personality.    


"Don't say good things twice. "    


The man pursed his lips and threw a list in front of her. He said stiffly, "I have never done such a thing. You can decide where you want to go. "    


Chen Yinyin took the list and looked at it in a daze. The words on the list were vigorous and powerful, but it was not difficult to recognize them. It really looked like his flamboyant style.    


However, what was written on the list?    


She saw that it was listed on the list -    


Date venue: Amusement Park, cinema, coffee shop, online dessert shop . . .    


The corner of Chen Yinyin's mouth twitched. These date locations, could they be more cliché?    


If it was her from ten years ago, she would probably be looking forward to it happily. But now. . . She was embarrassed that she could not laugh.    


The most confusing thing was, wasn't a date supposed to be mysterious and pleasant, so that she wouldn't be able to guess what the next item was, full of expectations for the unknown, and that would be interesting?    


And now, she actually had to decide on her own date project. . .    


What kind of sin did she commit? In this lifetime, she was going to meet the number one straight man in the universe, Feng Zhuo!    


"You. . . "    


Chen Yinyin took a deep breath and said helplessly, "For things like dating, shouldn't you make plans and bring me along? Did you surprise me along the way?"    


Hearing this, Feng Zhuo seriously thought about it and even muttered to himself at the end, "Is it like this?"    


Chen Yinyin,. . . ""    


Suddenly, she thought of something and asked him with a face full of gossip, "President Feng, you are so unfamiliar. Could it be that you have never been in a relationship?"    


As soon as these words came out, she was immediately warned by Feng Zhuo's "killing gaze. "    


Although she was glared at, her mood was much better.    


Looking at him like this, it seemed like he really didn't have so many messy romantic affairs.    


With his straight male character, which woman could bear him?    


"Don't talk nonsense, my time is very expensive. "    


Feng Zhuo urged her to quickly choose and leave immediately after choosing.    


Speaking of time being very expensive, Chen Yinyin could not help but respond with a joke.    


"How much does President Feng cost? I'll buy it. "    


As soon as that was said, Feng Zhuo's face turned green.    


He felt that Chen Yinyin was here today to seek death. He could forget about slapping her unconscious. But now. . .    


"I think you still haven't woken up. "    


Chen Yinyin also realized that this sentence was inappropriate.    


Both of them thought about the first night at the hotel when Chen Yinyin threw down a hundred yuan in the morning and ran away.    


Why didn't she mention it?!    


In order to divert her attention, Chen Yinyin casually pointed with her finger. Her fingertip touched something on the list that she did not know about and urgently said, "This is it! Let's hurry up and leave! It's getting late!"    


Then, she quickly got up from the bed and slipped into the bathroom. She left space for Feng Zhuo so that he could "calm down" himself.    


Looking at the list, where the woman's finger was pointing at, Feng Zhuo suddenly felt a headache coming on.    


Amusement Park. . .    


What kind of illness did he have to write such a childish place on it?    


Why did an adult date have to go to such a childish place? Could this also be called "romantic"?    


. . .    


The moment Chen Yinyin stood at the entrance of the amusement park, she did not know whether to laugh or cry.    


Why did she casually point at such a place?    


She looked at Feng Zhuo, who was standing at the side, and her expression didn't look any better.    


There was a cartoon theme activity in this amusement park today. Most of the time, parents brought their children with them, or couples around the age of 20. The two of them seemed very out of place in the middle.    


Especially Feng Zhuo, who wore a casual suit, which attracted many people's attention.    


"How about. . . Let's go. "    


Chen Yinyin turned her face sideways and looked embarrassed. She looked around at the "princess," "prince, and the little elf, who were dressed in all kinds of special outfits. She felt that she and Feng Zhuo were very much like a group of random people.    


However. . .    


"The place you chose, I will try my best to satisfy you. "    


After saying that, he held her hand and entered the arena.    


As a pregnant woman, There really aren't many facilities suitable for her in the amusement park.    


The warmest ones were probably the carousel and the Ferris wheel. . .    


But when she stood in front of the wooden horses, Chen Yinyin couldn't pull her old face down.    


"Why aren't you going?"    


Feng Zhuo put his hands in his pocket and looked at her with a puzzled look.    


Didn't the Internet say that women all had young hearts and liked to ride on wheels and wooden horses in amusement park?    


"You. . . Are you sure you want me to go?"    


The wooden horses were full of children, or adults would ride with young children. She was almost thirty years old, so she really didn't want to show it on her face.    


Feng Zhuo seemed to be able to read minds. He stuffed the ticket into her hands and said, "You are now a pregnant woman. Just treat it as taking care of the child in advance. Be familiar with it. "    


Chen Yinyin,. . . ""    


Alright, this way of thinking was really quite strange.    


In the end, she gritted her teeth and went up, directly blocking the gazes and discussions of others.    


Who cares! Anyway, it was the first time Chen Yinyin sat on a revolving wooden horse since she was young. Other people could think whatever they wanted.    


The wooden horse spun in circles. Along with the soft music, Chen Yinyin gradually became calm.    


She saw Feng Zhuo standing at the periphery. He was also looking at her.    


For some reason, she raised the corners of her lips and smiled at him.    


He pursed his lips, and a trace of uneasiness flashed across his face. However, a gentle light gradually appeared in his eyes.    


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