Love Affair: Professor's Hard To Please

C213 Otherwise You will Beg Me

C213 Otherwise You will Beg Me

3Su Yi looked at her trembling hands and then at the man in front of her. Her heart was in a panic.    


"You. . . Don't come over!"    


But the man completely ignored her warning and walked towards her step by step while she stepped back.    


"If you come any closer, I'll. . . I'll call for someone!"    


Looking at the woman's panicked and threatening appearance, Rong Yu felt like teasing her in his heart.    


"Call for help. "    


His thin lips curved into a charming smile. It was already so late, and there was no one around the lake. Even if she really shouted, no one would be able to hear her.    


"If you continue to act recklessly. . . I. . . I will hit you!"    


"Okay. "    


In response to her, There was also an unrestrained arrogant smile on his face.    


Su Yi was really annoyed. Seeing that this person still did not restrain himself, she raised her hand to hit him again but was grabbed by the wrist by the man who was prepared beforehand.    


"You are willing to. . . Hmm?"    


His aura was right beside her ear, and the dangerous distance between them made her scalp tingle.    


Truly. . . Knowing a person's face but not their heart!    


Su Yi used all her strength to break free from the man's hand. She angrily cursed the word "beast" and turned around to run.    


What senior professor of Lu University, she did not care anymore!    




Rong Yu's smile gradually faded as he watched the little girl run away. In the end, it turned into indifference.    


Right now, she was very resistant to him.    


It was just like how she had been on guard against him before she got married.    


But it didn't matter. He always had a way to make her disarm and surrender.    


. . .    


The next day.    


Su Yi, who had not slept the entire night, arrived at the meeting room and saw the person she least wanted to see.    


If the first time was a misunderstanding, What he said last night, and what he did, was enough to prove that he was an out-and-out monster!    


But there were two young female teachers in the department who were still flirting with him. Even the other female teachers, no matter how old they were, seemed to have a good impression of Rong Yu.    


A certain female silently cursed. He was just pretending to be fake, and they were all fooled by his pretty face!    


During the meeting, she noticed that Rong Yu's gaze had been fixed on her the whole time, making her feel uncomfortable.    


That gaze with unknown meaning, she really couldn't bear it.    


When the meeting ended, Su Yi was blocked again. . .    


"What exactly do you want!?"    


"What do you think?"    


The man looked at her calmly, his tone frivolous and straightforward.    


Lightly frivolous! A lecher!    


Su Yi gave him a fierce glare and said, Rubbish. "Don't think that just because you are a professor of Lu University, I will be afraid of you! If you come any closer to me, I will. . . "    


"So what?"    


"I will let all the teachers, including your Lu University colleagues, know your true colors! "    


Rong Yu let out a "tsk" sigh and did not come any closer.    


Su Yi also said that this threat worked, but unexpectedly the man did not restrain himself at all. The next day, he still had the opportunity to "harass" her.    


A certain girl was furious to the extreme -    


"Did you forget what I said so quickly? Prof. Rong!"    


"You mean to tell others my true colors?"    


The man laughed lightly and said lightly," It's alright, say it. "    


Su Yi:. . . "    


This time, she understood. She had no way of dealing with this scoundrel!    


Fine, she couldn't afford to offend him, so she could just hide!    


Once the meeting ended, the woman quickly followed Faang Yi's footsteps and went in and out with her.    


In any case, as long as he was not alone, he would not be able to find an opportunity to come again. . . Cough, cough, cough!    


This way, the deadlock between you chasing me would be broken when the meeting on the third day ended. Faang Yi announced a piece of news and broke it -    


"Everyone has been working hard recently. Tomorrow, I will be the person in charge and will organize a team cooperation event for all the teachers. "    


"The content of this event will be kept a secret for the time being. Tomorrow, I will give everyone a surprise. Now, let's split into two teams. We will draw lots to decide, and the one who gets the same color will be the teammate. "    


A few minutes later, Su Yi saw that her lot was red. She unconsciously glanced at the lot in Rong Yu's hand. It was blue!    


Su Yi let out a long sigh of relief. That's great, it's not a set!    


. . .    


Just like that, the group of people went to a training camp in the north of Lin City the next day.    


Seeing such a site, everyone understood what the content of this event was - a team cross-country shooting competition.    


Su Yi was not good at these kinds of events that required extreme cooperation. This was her first time playing.    


"Everyone should be clear about the rules of the game. Red and blue teams, each team has eight people. Use the tools in your hands to attack your opponents. All the arrows are empty and will not hurt anyone. There are colorful paint on the arrows. Those who are hit will be immediately eliminated and the team that is left behind will win. "    


As the referee, after Faang Yi announced the rules, everyone was eager to give it a try. Su Yi was also slightly interested and seemed to be quite fun.    


She looked up and saw Rong Yu waving the arrow in his hand at her. The woman turned around and pretended not to see it.    


At Faang Yi's command, the competition officially began.    


Everyone not only had to pay attention to themselves, but they also had to defeat their opponents and protect their teammates.    


Less than five minutes after the match started, colorful smoke rose up in the arena.    


After checking, Faang Yi determined that the red team had eliminated one person.    


Following that, the Blue Team also lost one teammate.    


The match gradually became a daydream. The further they went, the more cautious they became. They hid themselves first before finding an opportunity to take down their opponent.    


Su Yi felt that she was simply here to fish. She did not know if it was because of her good luck, but she did not encounter any opponents along the way.    


But. . . If she had met an opponent earlier, she probably wouldn't have "lived" till now.    


Suddenly, she heard footsteps and immediately hid herself. Not long after, she saw a person appear. It was the Lu University's Teacher Ann.    


Although it was not a good sneak attack from behind, it was fair to fight for the sake of the competition!    


After convincing herself, Su Yi quietly moved. Just as she raised her arrow and was about to "attack," she heard a cold warning from behind.    


"Don't move. "    


This voice. . .    


It was Rong Yu!    


Su Yi wanted to cry but had no tears. Could this be the so-called "the oriole behind the oriole"?    


Ann Zhu only recovered her senses at this time. Seeing Su Yi and Rong Yu, she instantly understood what kind of 'tragedy' was about to happen.    


"Teacher Su, I'm sorry. "    


Ann Zhu smiled coyly and scratched her head, waiting for Prof. Rong to "attack" to finish off the enemy.    


However, the man did not move after a long time. He only looked at Su Yi, who had resigned to her fate, with a smile that was not a smile.    


"Why do you look like you are not afraid of death? Hmm? "    


Su Yi did not want to respond to him. Her brain twitched and she blurted out a sentence. "It's up to you if you want to kill me!"    


Ann Zhu saw the situation and smiled insincerely.    


At this moment, she felt like a big light bulb, shiny and shiny.    


Coincidentally, Prof. Rong also felt the same way.    


He looked at the number of people on both sides of the arena and raised his eyebrows slightly. He smiled and said, "You seem to be the last person on the Red Team. Otherwise, if you beg me, I'll let you go once, how about it?"    


Ann Zhu lightly coughed and reminded, "Prof. Rong, private and public. . . "    


But before she could finish speaking, colorful smoke came out of her body.    


She looked at Prof. Rong, who was' killing her teammate ', sadly. Forget it, forget it. The venue was left for the couple. Let them show off!    


Su Yi was also stunned by this scene.    


After Ann Zhu left, The man spoke unhurriedly. "Now, we are the only ones left. "    


Seeing his mocking gaze, the woman frowned. Was it because of this that he wanted Teacher Ann to be eliminated?    


"You. . . Stay away from me!"    


Su Yi raised her "weapon" to protect herself.    


"What if I don't?"    


Seeing that she wanted to run away, Rong Yu took two steps forward and caught up with her.    


"Don't move, or you will be eliminated. "    


Not moving?    


If he didn't move, would he just stand there and let him take advantage of him?!    


The woman started to run. At this moment, an arrow hit her feet.    


She was like a mouse being chased by a cat to play with. This fellow wanted to toy with her to death!    


"I'm not playing anymore! Can you be a little more straightforward!?"     0


Seeing that she was really a little annoyed, Rong Yu no longer teased her. "Alright, this round is considered to be a draw. . . "    


Before he could finish speaking, colorful smoke rose from his chest.    


Hmm, someone is trying to trick me.    


"You won. "    


The man's eyes showed some pampering and some helplessness.    


"Only you can attack me unprepared. "    


In the end, Su Yi, as the "scavenger king," helped the Red Team become the winning team.    


However, the last words of the man, she did not understand what it meant, but it echoed in her ears for a long time. . .    


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