Love Affair: Professor's Hard To Please

C60 How Do You Want Me to Compensate You?

C60 How Do You Want Me to Compensate You?

4"Of course we can't have sex now. "    


"Then let me take a bath. "    


Fu Nuan wanted to find an excuse to escape but was suppressed by the man.    


Their skin was covered in sweat. They stuck close to each other. She could feel the warmth of a man's body, causing her body to tremble uncontrollably.    


They were having sex indoors.    


After that, Fu Nuan leaned into the man's arms tiredly.    


Rong Yu lightly kissed her forehead, "Wife, you've worked hard. Go to sleep. "    


The next morning, the sun shone through the French window into the room. Strangely, London, which should have rained a lot during this season, had actually cleared up for a few days in a row.    


Fu Nuan moaned and woke up from her sleep. The sunlight was somewhat glaring. She squinted her eyes to get used to it for a while and saw the man standing in front of the French window. The warm morning sun shone on him, and he stood there like a statue.    


"I know. "    


Rong Yu hung up the phone. When he heard the sound, he turned around and saw that the person on the bed had woken up.    


"Are you still tired? Sleep for a while longer?"    


Fu Nuan shook her head. When she heard that his tone when he answered the phone was a little heavy, she could not help but ask, "Did something happen?"    


Rong Yu's expression was serious, and he said lightly, "Our honeymoon trip might end early. "    


End early?    


Fu Nuan almost blurted out the reason why, but after thinking for a while, she decided not to ask.    


No matter what, she was already very happy that he could bring her here.    


She could not decide the time to go back.    


So, the woman pretended to be very relaxed and replied, "Then I'll go and pack my things. "    


When she was ready to get up, she realized that she was naked. When she thought about the matter of them having sex last night, she blushed shyly. She awkwardly covered her body with a blanket and said in a low voice, "Can you turn around first?"    


However, Rong Yu did not do as she asked. On the contrary, he put his hands in his pocket and slowly walked towards her through the French window.    


"I have seen you naked many times. Why are you still shy?"    


Fu Nuan felt even more shy.    


Why was this guy always so shameless!    


Rong Yu hugged her from behind and placed his chin on the woman's shoulder. A warm breath sprayed on her neck. It was an itchy feeling that made one's heart palpitate.    


The little girl in his arms moved uneasily. Rong Yu hugged her a little more tightly. He smiled and asked, "Are you very disappointed?"    


Fu Nuan answered without hesitation. "No. "    


Rong Yu teased, "Are you lying?"    


"Before we leave, I'll take you to a place. "    


"Where are we going?"    


If they want to go to a place where they can have sex, then she might not have the energy to go.    


"You'll know when we go there. Go and change your clothes. "    


Fu Nuan cursed in her heart, He is really overbearing.    


"You hug me, how can I change my clothes?"    


Fu Nuan was helpless, while Rong Yu looked at her who was wrapped in the blanket with interest.    


Rong Yu let go of her and Fu Nuan quickly got off the bed and ran into the bathroom.    


Rong Yu reminded her kindly, "You better wear casual clothes. "    


Finally, Fu Nuan wore sports casual clothes. She was very curious what Rong Yu wanted to do with her. When she went out, she asked again, "What exactly are we going to do?"    


The man smiled slyly. "We're going to do something you've always wanted to do but didn't dare to do. "    


Fu Nuan was puzzled. What was the thing that she wanted to do but did not dare to do?    


An hour later, they parked the car in the parking area outside the stadium.    


Fu Nuan followed Rong Yu into the open-air shed. Looking at the environment and facilities in front of her, she was a little surprised at first, then looked at the man beside her with suspicion.    


Rong Yu's expression did not change. He looked at her without hiding anything.    


She remembered. She had written a diary before. There were no secrets in the diary. She only recorded some of the daily life and thoughts of the class. She didn't lock the diary in the drawer. She often put it on the desk in the office.    


When she agreed to marry 'President Rong', she had written a sentence in the diary.    


The thing I'm afraid of the most in my life is standing at a high place. What I want to overcome the most is also fear of heights. 'If only I could try to parachute before getting married and experience the experience of falling from the sky, that would be great. '    


Thinking of this, Fu Nuan understood everything. Rong Yu did not know how to read minds. He had read her diary before!    


"Rong Yu, did you peek at my diary?"    


Unexpectedly, this guy did not care at all. He had nothing to fear, and replied indifferently, "Peeping? To be more precise, I was brazenly reading your diary. It's just that you weren't in the office at the time. "    


Fu Nuan was a little angry. He was too good at quibbling!    


"You are peeking!"    


"When I flipped open your diary, many teachers saw it. "    


Everyone knew about this.    


Fu Nuan was speechless.    


Why was Rong Yu so confident when he peeked at her diary?    


Fu Nuan only started to get nervous when the plane took off and rose higher and higher in the air. Her palms were covered with a thin layer of sweat.    


However, she still wanted to overcome her fear. She stuck her head out and looked down. She suddenly felt dizzy and broke out in cold sweat. If Rong Yu had not kept holding her hand by his side, she would have lost her balance because of her weak legs.    


The staff put the parachute on Fu Nuan. After the security checked and confirmed that there was no problem with their clothes, they indicated that they could start parachuting after they were ready.    


Fu Nuan stood at the cabin door and felt as if her heart was about to jump out of her throat.    


"Are you afraid?" Rong Yu looked at her calmly from the side. "If you are afraid, we can go back. "    


"I am not afraid!" Fu Nuan refused to admit defeat. Today, even if she went all out, she could not let Rong Yu look down on her!    


Just as she was ready to jump down, Rong Yu suddenly said, "Wait. "    


Fu Nuan did not have time to react before she was carried into Rong Yu's arms. After that, they fell from the sky. Wind whistled past their ears.    


Fu Nuan closed her eyes tightly and did not dare to open them. She nervously hugged Rong Yu's waist and did not dare to let go.    


Rong Yu felt her fear and pulled her closer to his embrace, making her bury her face in his chest.    


He seemed to be saying something, but she could not hear him clearly. However, at this moment, she was hugged in his arms and protected by him. The nervousness in her heart gradually dissipated.    


With him by her side, parachuting did not seem to be that terrifying anymore.    


Rong Yu smiled and said to her, " Don't be afraid. Open your eyes and take a look. "    


Rong Yu had already opened his parachute. The falling speed gradually slowed down, and the sonic boom and pressure around their ears also began to decrease.    


After Fu Nuan heard his words, she slowly opened her eyes.    


In the distance was a wheat field. The wind blew. The wheat's ears swayed like golden waves.    


Below them was an island. The surrounding seawater was blue. Under the sunlight, the seawater glistened.    


"The scenery is so beautiful. " Fu Nuan could not help but praise.    


She thought that at such a moment, she would never forget it for the rest of her life.    


She overcame her fear and slowly opened her hands, trying to feel the temperature of the wind.    


Finally, they landed on the island. A few staff members came over to help them remove their equipment.    


"Thank you, Rong Yu. " She thanked him for fulfilling her wish.    


Before Rong Yu could say anything, Fu Nuan continued, "But this does not mean that I can forgive you for peeking at my diary. "    


"Then how do you want me to compensate you?" Rong Yu raised his eyebrows slightly. He said flirtatiously, "I will make it up to you by making love to you. How about it?"    


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