Love Affair: Professor's Hard To Please

C197 Who Was Lying

C197 Who Was Lying

1In the living room, after Lin Yung and her daughter left, only Fu Nuan and Fu Zhao were left.    


Facing his daughter's questioning, Fu Zhao's expression did not change. He sat on the sofa and said indifferently, "Sit down and talk. "    


Fu Nuan did not respond. She stood at the seat facing her father and stared straight into his eyes. She asked again, "Dad, answer my question. Is mother's death really because of cancer?"    




Fu Zhao did not avoid her gaze. His gaze met hers.    


Although her father's reaction was calm and collected, Fu Nuan still did not have confidence.    


"Dad. . . "    


Without waiting for her to speak, At this moment, a voice filled with vicissitudes of life interrupted her -    


"Fu Zhao!"    


Hearing this, both of them looked towards the profound entrances.    


They saw Tang Yuanshan with a furious expression, slowly walking over with a crutch.    


Behind him was Tang Yao, as well as Old Butler Liu, who needed someone to support him and was unable to move.    


Fu Zhao looked calm when he saw the father and son from the Tang family, but when his eyes fell on the old man, his facial expression changed instantly!    


Why would this man, who had disappeared for almost twenty years, appear at this moment?    


He was with the father and son of the Tang family!    


An ominous premonition arose spontaneously. . .    


He now understood why Fu Nuan had come to question him. It must be what the father and son of the Tang family had said to her.    


"What day is today? Even Old Butler Liu, whom I haven't seen for many years, has come!"    


Fu Zhao pretended to laugh heartily and said, "Since you have come, you are a guest. I will let the servants serve tea. "    


"No need!"    


Tang Yuanshan glared at the executioner in front of him who did not have any remorse. The hatred in his heart was even greater than before.    


"You're welcome, we're all family. "    


Tang Yuanshan sneered when he heard Fu Zhao's words.    


"Stop pretending to be polite! Fu Zhao, pretend that I don't want to eat this. "    


Tang Yuanshan took out a few documents and slammed them on the table. He scolded, "Do you think no one knows about what you have done? It's completely devoid of conscience! Today, on behalf of the Tang family, I will settle them one by one with you! "    


Fu Zhao clasped his hands behind his back into a fist and said with a solemn expression," You don't know what is good for you! What did you say to my daughter? "    


"If you didn't do anything, why would you be afraid of others telling you?"    


To Fu Nuan, the two of them were in a deadlock. One was her father and the other was her uncle. She did not know that they were at loggerheads. Who should she trust?    


Fu Zhao looked at his daughter and asked her in disbelief.    


"Nuan, you don't believe in Dad?"    


Fu Nuan bit her lower lip and did not respond. Her mind was in a mess and she could not tell right from wrong.    


"Ever since Wanhua passed away, you have been trying to win over the people of Tang Family and buy some shares. If it wasn't for the three shareholders holding on to the shares, I'm afraid the Tang Family business would have become your property long ago! "    


Tang Yuanshan knew Fu Zhao's ambition from the moment the Tang Family changed its name to Yuancheng.    


Fu Zhao responded calmly and said indifferently: "That is just a way for me, as the acting chairman, to ensure the stable development of the company. "    


Tang Yuanshan snorted and pointed to one of the documents. "This is proof that you have misappropriated the company's public funds for many years, engaged in illegal transactions, and other actions that are detrimental to the company. "    


Fu Zhao's expression changed slightly. He glanced at the document from the corner of his eye and remained calm and collected.    


"This is all a trap. As the chairman, the Yuancheng is closely related to my fate. Why would I do such a thing to harm the company?"    


Tang Yuanshan was so angry that he laughed instead. The evidence was there, but this old fox still refused to admit it.    


"You can choose not to admit it, but you can't shirk responsibility for the death of Wanhua!"    


"Tang Yuanshan!"    


This time, Fu Zhao flew into a rage and slammed his palm on the table. The water in the teacup spilled out.    


"Since you are from the Tang family, I will not pursue your rudeness. But if you continue to slander me, don't blame me for being impolite! "    




Facing such a crafty person, there was only one thought in Tang Yuanshan's mind -    


Even if it meant perishing together with Fu Zhao, for the Tang family, for Wanhua, he would not hesitate!    


Tang Yao saw through his father's thoughts and stepped forward to stop him, "Father, calm down. "    


As he spoke, he went to support the trembling housekeeper Liu and walked in front of Fu Zhao.    


"Butler Liu, what happened back then. . . Can you say it again?"    


Liu Ding nodded. In front of Fu Zhao, he told him about his suspicions back then, as well as the fact that he later conducted the medicine test.    


When she heard the "truth" again, Fu Nuan's heart felt like it was being twisted by a knife.    


After Fu Zhao heard it, his expression gradually became dark.    


When she saw her father's reaction, Her heart skipped a beat. She did not dare to think too deeply. . .    


Could it be that all of this was true?    


"Words have no proof, what proof do you have!"    


"The results of the drug test, those medicines from back then. . . I have kept all of these things. "    


Liu Ding had a guilty expression, "Hiding for so many years until you guys found me, only then did I dare to speak the truth. I have let Elder Tang down, I have let Miss Wanhua down. . . "    


Fu Zhao no longer had the indifferent expression from before, but he was still arguing -    


"The medicine was prescribed by the doctor. I don't know medicine, so how would I know what's inside? The medicine was prescribed by the doctor. I don't know medicine, so how would I know what's inside? I just want to make Wanhua better. Is it wrong? "    


Tang Yao cast a disgusted glance at this hypocritical man and said coldly: "Every time you prescribe medicine, you go in person. Do you think that no one will know the trick behind it? The doctor who prescribe medicine for you back then is still alive now. Do you want to hear what he said? "    


Fu Zhao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he panicked.    


That doctor. . . Wasn't he already dealt with long ago?    


"Dad. . . "    


At this time, Fu Nuan, who had been silent all this time, slowly raised her head and looked at her father. Her voice trembled -    


"I will ask you one last time. Does mother's death have anything to do with you?"    


"Nuan. . . Daughter, don't be deceived by this father and son pair! They are coveting the wealth that your grandfather left for you!"    


Seeing that Fu Nuan did not seem to be willing to believe him anymore, Fu Zhao pointed at Tang Yuanshan ruthlessly.    


"I will not admit to anything I have never done! You just want to defeat me and sow discord between me and my daughter, then you and your son can inherit the family business of Tang family!"    


"Fu Zhao, you are slandering me!"    


Tang Yuanshan violently coughed a few times, his heart full of anger.    


"Did I say something wrong? You are unhappy that Wan Hua chose me back then, and the Tang family's business is now in my and Warmth's hands. . . Because in your heart, you are the true heir of the Tang family! "    


" You are talking nonsense! I. . . "    




Hearing the extreme remarks from both parties, Fu Nuan covered her head in pain. She looked at her father who had a ferocious face and no longer had the kind and kind eyes she had in the past. Her entire body felt as if it had been cut by a knife. It was not fatal but it was so painful that she could not breathe.    


She did not care about the shares and property at all. Those things, whoever wanted them, would take them!    


But why. . .    


Why did her beloved father become the murderer who killed her mother?    


At this moment, Fu Nuan had completely collapsed and could no longer bear the slightest blow.    


She was in despair and only wanted to escape from these people. . .    


Her lips were bloodless and every word she spoke was filled with despair. "I don't know who is lying. I don't want to be the sacrifice of your struggle for benefits! If my mother's death is truly intentional murder, I will send that person to prison at all costs, no matter who it is! "    


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