Love Affair: Professor's Hard To Please

C360 He Looks like a Human Skeleton

C360 He Looks like a Human Skeleton

3She smiled faintly and did not answer Ye Qingxuan.    


Ann Zhu became excited and sent an "invitation" to Ye Qingxuan.    


"Prof. Ye, it just so happens that you are here. Let's go to the staff restaurant together at noon. . . "    


Fu Nuan was not willing to have too much contact with Ye Qingxuan outside of work but Ann Zhu did not think too much about it. She felt that Ye Qingxuan's aura was strong and they had more people.    


Ye Qingxuan readily agreed, "The quality of food in the Teaching Hall is not good but it is a big problem. It really needs to be properly rectified. "    


. . .    


At noon, at the teaching staff restaurant.    


The Bone Soup business was still as good as ever. There were many people queuing, which made Ann Zhu very depressed.    


"What's the situation? These people are fine after drinking it? Am I the only one who is so unlucky?"    


Fu Nuan smiled and teased, "Did Lian Jiang raise you too well that your stomach can only digest fine food?"    


"How is that possible!"    


Ann Zhu did not believe this.    


"I got a report from the hospital that the food was not clean and caused gastroenteritis. After thinking about it, the problem could only be caused by the large bone soup. Didn't you say that the taste was very strange? I think you're right. "    


There were a lot of people queuing at the window of the Great Bone Soup. Ann Zhu wanted to go over but was stopped by Fu Nuan at the right time.    


" Let's wait for a while. We will go and confirm after dinner. With so many people, it will not look good if there is a fight. "    


"Alright. . . "    


Ann Zhu stuck out her tongue and turned to the window where the food was served.    


"Wait till I'm full before you talk to him!"    


During the meal, Ye Qingxuan was eating the food on the plate elegantly and Fu Nuan was in a dilemma because of Jiang Yucheng's case and did not have much of an appetite.    


Ann Zhu's stomach was originally not fully recovered and there were only light dishes on her plate. She could not eat it either and kept digging into the dishes on her plate.    


While they were waiting, they also heard something. Someone was talking about the bone soup. It didn't taste as good as before.    


"Look, I'll tell you. Maybe it was because of the fragrance that I added some additives, or I used some unfresh ingredients, so I had to add spices to cover up the taste!"    


Fu Nuan did not comment on the complete picture. She frowned and her gaze was focused on her master who was busying himself behind the window.    


. . .    


When the people in front of the window had dispersed, Ann Zhu could not hold it in anymore and jumped up and walked towards that master.    


"The three teachers are here to drink soup again today?"    


The master smiled honestly and put the towel on his shoulder. "Today's portion of the bone soup has been sold out. If you want to drink it, I will reserve three bowls for you tomorrow. "    


Ann Zhu saw that he was so enthusiastic and her originally aggressive attitude was also somewhat vented.    


He was only a staff member of the canteen and the matter of buying and buying food did not necessarily belong to him. It was better to talk about it properly first and ask about the situation.    


"We're not here to drink soup. " She pointed to the tip of her nose and complained, "After drinking soup for two days, my gastroenteritis has flared up. The hospital's examination report says that I ate unfresh food. . . This bone soup of yours is the most suspicious!"    


When the master heard this, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He said nervously, "Teacher, you can't speak carelessly. The ingredients here are all fresh. There has never been a situation like what you said. "    


Was he trying to shirk the responsibility just because he said "impossible?"    


Ann Zhu said in a heroic manner. If you are not guilty," Ann Zhu said. Let us see your ingredients with our own eyes. "    


"This. . . "    


The master scratched his head awkwardly, "Our ingredients were prepared on the same day. We used them all at once. There's nothing left. "    


Ann Zhu still wanted to say something but Fu Nuan pulled her sleeve to signal for her to calm down.    


Ye Qingxuan said, "If there are no leftover ingredients, then there should be some leftover food, right?"    


The canteen master sighed helplessly.    


"If you must see it before you can feel at ease, then watch. "    


He poured out the leftover soup from the bottom of the pot, revealing the ingredients at its bottom. It looked like some common seasoning. There was nothing special about it. There was also some bone dregs and meat dregs.    


Ann Zhu leaned closer and sniffed. There did not seem to be any strange smell.    


"Ms Fu, Prof. Ye, smell it. "    


Fu Nuan did as she was told and took a deep breath. The taste of the soup was indeed not strange but. . . For some reason, from the first time she smelled this big bone soup, she did not like it.    


She quickly pulled away and shook her head at Ann Zhu.    


"Strange, strange. . . "    


Ann Zhu muttered softly but still did not believe it. Seizing the opportunity when her master was not paying attention, she rushed into his workroom.    


She did not believe that she could not find it!    


Fu Nuan saw this and immediately followed. It was not good to make a big deal out of this matter.    


Ye Qingxuan also followed in.    


"Hey, you guys. . . "    


The Great Bone Soup Master helplessly followed behind them, "The workshop does not allow outsiders to enter. . . "    


However, no one paid attention to him.    


. . .    


The dining hall's workspace was very spacious. The stove and chopping board were neatly arranged and looked spotless. With so much attention to details, it did not seem like the ingredients would not be fresh.    


However, the deeper they went, the more an unpleasant smell came over. The three of them all smelled it and frowned.    


Finally, Ann Zhu found the "culprit" in an iron bucket.    


She endured the disgust and pointed at the thing in the bucket while covering her nose.    


"What is inside you? It's disgusting. It stinks! You even said that the ingredients are fresh. How long has it been? "    


"It must be that the new acolyte is slacking off and stuffed the trash can under the stove. . . "    


The master chuckled, but it was obvious that he was shirking responsibility.    


The three women came closer and saw that there were several bones inside. There were still some raw meat residue on it, as if it had been put there for a few days. There were some insects and flies crawling on it. . .    


"Are you sure this is pig bone? Why don't I look like it?"    


Fu Nuan curiously took a closer look when she heard him. In the next second, she was so disgusted that she almost vomited on the spot. She quickly looked away and took a deep breath.    


Ann Zhu looked at that master again and said discontentedly, "And look, how long has it been since this trash was left here. Can the food be hygienic?"    


The master smiled and repeatedly apologized, "Sorry, sorry. It was our negligence. Such a situation will definitely not happen in the future! Three teachers, you. . . "    


Everyone was well aware of the last sentence that had yet to be said. He wanted them to remain silent and give them a chance to change.    


The master looked honest and honest, and his face was full of sincerity. He looked at the three of them expectantly.    


"Alright, alright. Consider it my bad luck. I won't drink this soup anymore. . . "    


Ann Zhu muttered in a low voice. Finally, she said something to the master.    


"In the future, pay attention to food problems and environmental hygiene. "    


Fu Nuan, who was listening to Ann Zhu's' lecture 'by the side, pulled out a smile and knew that Ann Zhu had a sharp tongue but a soft heart.    


But that bone. . .    


Fu Nuan's gaze once again fell into the bucket and looked at her heart that was in a panic.    


Was this really pig bone? It did not look like it at all.    


"Ann Zhu, I'm a little uncomfortable. Let's go back. "    


Ann Zhu nodded. It was quite disgusting. Those who did not know would think that it was human bones!    


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