Heaven-defying Phoenix



3"Let's go. I need to go deeper in. You have to be careful next."    


Lou Chongxiao's cultivation exploded out, bringing Jiu Muli with him, they quickly flew far away.    


At the same time, in another direction, the group of cultivators from the Seven Stars Sect were extremely agitated.    


Chang Tian was their senior brother, the legend of the Seven Stars Sect, although his cultivation had not reached perfection yet, he was still respected like a god. Never would they have thought that after testing with Lou Chongxiao, he would end up with such a crushing defeat, causing them to feel miserable in their hearts.    


"Brother Tian, that Lou Chongxiao …"    


Seeing that she was not willing to give up, Shui Rouxing's face was filled with worry. She wanted to say something but she was also unable to understand what Lou Chongxiao had actually done.    


"Lou Chongxiao!"    


Changtian's eyes were filled with indignation, but he soon said in a low voice, "He cut off his cultivation and resumed his cultivation!"    


"What!" Shui Rouxing's face changed drastically, as he said in disbelief: "With my cultivation, will he still be able to live?"    


Cutting off cultivation base was the same as crippling cultivation base. The higher cultivation level a cultivator had, the greater the damage they would suffer. Even if they survived, it was the same as being a cripple. How could they cultivate again?    


This was simply challenging everyone's nerves!    


"Every realm has twelve levels, and that's the pinnacle, and is also the strongest. There are records of it in the sect, but very few people were able to do it. Back then, I was together with him to scout a place in the secret realm, and we found out that there was a secret method that could allow a person to cut off their own cultivation and cultivate anew.    


As Changtian spoke, the unwillingness in his heart deepened. The secret technique was obtained by both of them, and he knew it too. It was just that he did not have the courage to try it out.    


Because that secret technique was too dangerous, almost to the point of death.    


Due to the limitations of the Upper Sky Realm, there were very few people who could rely on their own body to cultivate to the Great Perfection Stage. This was not only because of the limitations of the technique, but also because of the limitations of their bloodline.    


Just as Shui Rouxing and the other cultivators of Seven Stars Sect were curious about what Lou Chongxiao had done, Jiu Muli also asked this question.    


"It's just a cripple and a retraining. It's no big deal."    


Lou Chongxiao's answer was very simple, but it still gave Jiu Muli goosebumps.    


"Why did you think of wasting your cultivation to rebuild it?"    


Jiu Muli really couldn't understand what the eldest senior brother had done.    


However, when Lou Chongxiao told her to go all out, and to cultivate every stage to the maximum, she went silent.    


She had also trained to the Great Perfection Stage in each of her stages, so she was well aware of how terrifying they were. However, she still couldn't help but sigh at her eldest senior brother's courage.    


"Senior brother, you really are a god! You dare to try?! Have you not crippled the profound vein?" Jiu Muli could not help but suspect, one must know that if one's cultivation was crippled, even profound vein would be crippled.    


"I have a secret technique. The profound vein will not be crippled, but it was indeed close to death. What, you want it too, I'll tell you this, it's impossible for me to pass this secret technique to you, otherwise Master will beat me to death."    


Lou Chongxiao stared at Jiu Muli vigilantly, his face revealing a strange expression.    


His junior's battle power was truly heaven-defying. However, he was very worried that the other party would ask for this secret technique. Just like him, if he chose to cultivate it again, he would be in big trouble.    


"No need."    


Jiu Muli shook her head. Seeing Lou Chongxiao's cautious look, she was speechless.    


"Alright, let's meet up again in the future. I need to explore deeper. Remember, you have to take the initiative and get what you want. Don't touch what you want. I feel like the item here belongs to someone."    


Lou Chongxiao warned her. The mysteriousness of the Blood Evil Secret Realm had always been a mystery of the Three Mortal Heavens, but most people thought that there was a spirit in this place.    


"I know."    


Jiu Muli nodded her head, she was also feeling helpless, and in this deep part, even if she wanted to snatch, she couldn't with her current strength. After all, with her strength, normal cultivators at the first or second level of Star King Stage wouldn't be afraid, but those at the fourth level or above would definitely not be her opponent.    


Lou Chongxiao left very quickly, coming and going like the wind, his actions did not hesitate at all.    


"Little Lamp, is there anything else I can use here?"    


In the following time, Jiu Muli kept asking the glazed palace lamp, but unfortunately, the Little Lamp fell into silence again and did not give any hint.    


The Blood Evil Secret Realm was very big, the dusky world seemed endless. Along the way, Jiu Muli also delved deeper and deeper, and there were a few castles she passed by. Unfortunately, these castles were all blocked by the barrier, so she had no way of breaking through them.    


Time trickled by, and in the blink of an eye, a day had passed. During this day, Jiu Muli had visited many different places, and also encountered many cultivators.    


"Six days left."    


Jiu Muli strolled amidst the mountains, silently calculating the time in his heart, feeling quite helpless.    


The day was peaceful, with no opening of any castle. It was peaceful to the point that it was somewhat scary, and the harvest was very little, he basically did not come across any good heaven and earth treasures, and even Jiu Muli did not obtain any spirit herbs.    


"Looks like I'll have to go deeper in."    


With nothing to do, Jiu Muli finally hit the road. He activated his movement technique and quickly rushed deeper.    


Compared to the outer ring, the deeper one went in the secret realm, the denser the blood fiend aura became. Gradually, Jiu Muli could feel that even his own Star Soul was being suppressed.    






Suddenly, the roars of the beasts rose and fell like thunder.    


"What's going on?"    


Jiu Muli stomped his feet, and finally found a mountain. When he arrived at the mountain peak, he raised his eyes to look around, and his heart fiercely throbbed a few times.    


In the distance, under the dim sunlight, the blood-red aura surged like boiling water in a mountain range. Accompanied by the rise of this bloody aura, a magnificent castle that was filled with dazzling light from the earth fire gradually emerged from the ground.    


This castle was vast and domineering, like a palace flowing with magma. Crimson flames shot into the heavens, illuminating the vast skies.    


It was huge, almost comparable to a small mountain. It was majestic, like a royal palace of heaven and earth, and an ancient aura swept out, causing the entire secret realm to tremble incessantly.    


Surrounding the palace, there was a gigantic barrier, and at the same time, a group of gigantic demonic beast s, were bombarding the barrier nonstop.    


"It's him!"    


Jiu Muli was shocked, both his eyes staring wide.    


She was too familiar with this palace, it was hard to forget about it. It was the same strange palace she met in the Fire Cloud Cave.    


At that time, Nine-colored Lotus said that there was something very important inside the palace, but when she went over, the palace flew away. Who would have thought that today, in the Blood Evil Secret Realm, they met again.    


"Little Lotus, come out and explain, is that the palace you saw before?"    


Jiu Muli summoned his Nine-colored Lotus without hesitation.    


"Ah! Big sister, this is it! This is it! Quickly go over there! There's what I want!" Nine-colored Lotus replied with an anxious tone.    


"Don't be impatient."    


After confirming that the palace was right, Jiu Muli's heart sank, and his expression became ugly.    


Because in this short period of time, another ten or so demonic beast with extremely terrifying auras had appeared within the roiling blood aura.    


"How could there be a demonic beast in this Blood Evil Secret Realm!?"    


Her expression turned ugly, because the demonic beast s were surrounded by an evil Qi, making them look extremely berserk, just like the evil Qi in the entire Blood Evil Secret Realm.    


He never thought that a demonic beast would appear today. And from the looks of it, it seemed to have been assimilated by the Evil Qi of the Blood Evil Secret Realm, and completely lost all reason.    


The demonic beast did not go to other places, but instead kept on charging towards the fiery red palace. Unfortunately, around the palace, with the barrier blocking them, they were unable to get past the lightning lake.    






Very quickly, after a long battle, the demonic beast became even more furious and started to kill each other again. The injured demonic beast became the victor's food.    


This scene was extremely bloody and filled with endless killing.    


Soon, beams of light streaked across the sky!    


It was a few modifications, and Jiu Muli saw a young man in dragon robes, who looked like a king. This was what she had heard, that in the entire Blood Evil Secret Realm, the person with the highest cultivation was Crown Prince Feng Lan.    


Other than that, she had also seen the cultivators of Seven Stars Sect, as well as those who had entered the secret realm before her.    


"Looks like there's been a big change."    


Jiu Muli felt that there was something strange going on, and after hesitating for a while, she decided to go over to check it out, but as a precaution, she released the Blacky.    


Master, good master, you finally thought of me, wuu …    


The moment Blacky came out of the pet bag, she wailed in grievance. Her face was covered in tears, as if she was grieving after smelling it.    


Black lines straight out of Jiu Muli's forehead. Not bothering to explain anything, he grumpily said: "Shut up, go and scout out out the way, and see what the hell is going on. Otherwise, just stay in the pet bag for the rest of your life."    


"Ah, master has given the order, this little one will not refuse it even if I die."    


Blacky rolled his eyes. Then, with a shake of his wings, he turned into a streak of black light and quickly disappeared into the distance.    


Jiu Muli followed closely behind, but his speed decreased a lot. The palace was very strange, and the barrier was also very powerful.    


After an hour, Jiu Muli was only halfway there when the Blacky flew back and told Jiu Muli that outside of the palace's barrier, there were layers of demonic beast surrounding the area within a hundred mile radius. If any cultivator dared to come near, they would definitely be attacked by them, and dozens of them had already died under the claws of the demonic beast.    


"What about the other cultivators? What are their plans?" Did you see eldest senior brother? "    


Jiu Muli raised her eyebrows, she had seen this scene before, the person she cared about the most was the cultivators of Seven Stars Sect. With Chang Tian around, if her eldest senior brother was not around, she would most likely be harmed.    


"The other cultivators are all standing far away. They plan to wait for the demonic beast to finish killing each other before attacking together."    


It did not hide anything and informed Jiu Muli that Crown Prince Feng Lan had already decided to join hands with Changtian and the others in the Seven Stars Sect. He even planned to join forces with other cultivators to attack them later.    


"Then what about the barrier?"    


Jiu Muli was shocked, facing such a huge army, joining hands was inevitable, but it was just that with the barrier, it would not be so easy to destroy it.    


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