Heaven-defying Phoenix



1Feng Li looked at Cloud Phoenix Fairy's panic-stricken eyes, but his heart was not happy at all. This pain, compared to the pain that Jiu Muli had endured, was not worth mentioning at all.    


"Listen up, if it wasn't for the fact that I've been in The Divine Realm for so many years, I would have killed all of you today!" Feng Li looked at Cloud Phoenix Fairy in disdain, then suddenly let go of her hand and threw her to the ground.    


Just as the priest was about to bend over to help him, Feng Li turned his head and looked at him with those deep and warning eyes of his.    


Under Feng Li's sharp gaze, the Priest did not dare to move even an inch.    


Feng Li sneered and turned his head, continuing to drag his divine sword and slowly walk in the great hall.    


The wind in the great hall fluttered Feng Li's clothes, causing his back to appear indistinct and indistinct.    


"Feng Li..." Cloud Phoenix Fairy reached out her hand towards Feng Li's defense line, her tears blurred her vision, but she no longer had the thought of standing up to chase after him, because she knew that she would never be able to do so no matter what.    


Feng Li's back figure was so ethereal and the last thoughts in Cloud Phoenix Fairy's mind also disappeared.    


She didn't want to lose any news of Feng Li and wanted to know his whereabouts, but even after using all of her spiritual energy s, she was still unable to determine his whereabouts.    


From the moment they parted in the great hall, it was as if Feng Li had disappeared. Whether it was in the The Divine Realm or the human world, the Cloud Phoenix Fairy had no way of sensing his existence.    


Ever since he had seen Feng Li's sinister gaze on the Temple, the Priest had always been unsettled. He had always felt that there seemed to be another power awakening in Feng Li's heart, and some things were already outside the range of his knowledge and control.    


In order to receive any kind of change that might occur in the world, the Priest had sealed himself away and cultivated to increase his own divine power.    


The priest had isolated himself for three hundred years and when he came out, his daughter, Cloud Phoenix Fairy, was the first to come out to receive him.    


After a simple confession of his father's and daughter's feelings of longing, Cloud Phoenix Fairy revealed the confusion that had plagued his mind for three hundred years.    


"Father, it's been three hundred years, and I actually haven't been able to sense Feng Li's existence …" But before the Cloud Phoenix Fairy could finish speaking, the priest interrupted her in a hurry.    


Cloud Phoenix Fairy had initially been nervous, thinking that Yun Che would not want to hear him mention Feng Li. Thus, when he saw his father's reaction was so huge, he was very shocked.    


Cloud Phoenix Fairy looked at the Priest in puzzlement, nodded, and before he could speak further, he saw the Priest's brows were knitted tightly, his eyes filled with panic.    


The priest extended his finger to make divination. After a moment, he frowned and muttered, "Crap."    


The priest turned around and asked Yun Huang, "In the three hundred years that I have been cultivating, have there been any strange events in the world?"    


Seeing the priest's nervous face, Yun Huang pursed her lips and thought seriously.    


"Father, for the past three hundred years, there has indeed been a strange occurrence in this world." Cloud Phoenix Fairy tried his best to recall the news he heard all these years. Suddenly, he remembered something with his mouth agape.    


"Father! No one knows when, but a new force has been born in this world, and it is also the new force of the third party on the continent. Only then did Yun Huang remember about this strange matter. In the past three hundred years, no matter how big of an event she had heard, as long as it had nothing to do with Feng Li, she would automatically stop it.    


The Cloud Phoenix Fairy continued: "Oh right, in the near future, the Evil Emperor's grand ceremony will be held, I wonder who he is."    


"I heard that for the past three hundred years, the position of the Evil Emperor has never changed, but he has never revealed his true identity, so no one knows of his true identity. In recent years, his power has been flourishing with menace, and that's why a grand ceremony was held on the auspicious day of his selection to announce his identity." Cloud Phoenix Fairy suddenly thought of something and added.    


Hearing Cloud Phoenix Fairy's description, the priest knew that the situation was not good.    


"Could it be …" The priest turned around, thinking about the logic behind it but not daring to come to a conclusion.    


The priest turned around and said, "The ceremony has been sealed. Would you like to invite The Divine Realm?"    


"Not really." Cloud Phoenix Fairy shook her head, she could not understand yet she was angry.    


No one had ever dared to look down on the The Divine Realm like that, but now, the Evil Emperor was brazenly fighting against the The Divine Realm. This was equivalent to making things difficult for the The Divine Realm in front of all the living things in the three realms.    


However, what Yun Feng could not understand was that their The Divine Realm had never met the Evil Emperor, nor was it possible for them to form enmity with him, and why would the Evil Emperor target the The Divine Realm in such a way.    


After listening to Cloud Phoenix Fairy's description, the priest's face immediately changed.    


Sure enough, the priest helplessly shook his head and sighed, "As expected …"    


Seeing that the priest seemed to know the reason, Cloud Phoenix Fairy could not help but ask, "Father, what exactly happened? Who exactly is this Evil Emperor? "    


The priest originally wanted to blurt out Feng Li's name, but the moment the words were about to leave his mouth, he swallowed them back.    


Thinking about how Yun Huang had been searching for Feng Li for so many years, if she let Yun Huang know that the Evil Emperor was Feng Li at this moment, she would probably rush up to Feng Li's sealed ceremony without a care.    


Since Feng Li did not invite The Divine Realm, it naturally meant that Feng Li had always been brooding over the incident with Jiu Muli three hundred years ago, and he also bore a grudge with the The Divine Realm.    


If Yun Huang suddenly appeared, he was afraid that if he angered Feng Li, his life would very possibly be in danger.    


Looking at Yun Feng who was still bitterly searching for Feng Li, the priest really couldn't bear to tell this news to Yun Feng.    


With his thousands of years of experience in the The Divine Realm, he knew that Feng Li, being able to become a strong Evil Emperor, being able to command the power of third parties, and allowing them to rise up strong, was definitely not the Feng Li from before.    


Thinking about the last thing Feng Li said when he left the Temple, that made him shiver. He had ample reason to believe that the current high and mighty Evil Emperor Feng Li was very possibly a ruthless person who surpassed him in terms of strength.    


The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, these were the laws and truths that had persisted in this world for tens of thousands of years.    


Seeing his eyes flicker with a strange expression, Cloud Phoenix Fairy curiously asked: "Father, what's wrong? What do you want to say?"    


While the priest was hesitating, Cloud Phoenix Fairy continued to ask, "Could it be that the origins of the Evil Emperor is really so mysterious that even you, father, have no way of knowing?"    


"Mm …" Rather than explaining so much to Cloud Phoenix Fairy, it was better to just admit that he did not know.    


This way, Cloud Phoenix Fairy could also lose his curiosity and hope, and could be considered to have done everything he could to protect her.    


Hearing the Priest say that, Cloud Phoenix Fairy felt that it was a little boring, so he did not pursue further, waiting for the chance to continue searching for Feng Li.    


When he finally managed to get ahold of Cloud Phoenix Fairy, the priest heaved a sigh of relief.    


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