Heaven-defying Phoenix



2A pleasant and pleasant voice sounded out, and it was clear and warm like the sound of a mountain spring.    


Accompanying this voice were countless flower petals that fell from the sky.    


These petals were colorful and had a delicate fragrance to them, causing one to be dazzled by the sight. However, they also seemed to contain endless mysteries, causing one to feel a sense of dread when looking at them.    


The petal finally wrapped around Jiu Tian Xue. When Qin Zheng's palm met the petal, it was like snow encountering a blazing sun, and it unknowingly melted away without harming Jiu Tian Xue at all.    


Even to the extent that a few petals were floating toward Jiu Mu Li with a speed visible to the naked eye.    




Jiu Mu Li felt the hairs on her body standing, an unprecedented life and death crisis accompanied by the petals.    


The petals floated slowly and she could even clearly see the trajectory of the flight. However, she could not dodge at all. The surrounding space seemed to have frozen, causing her body to be unable to move.    


"I will die!"    


Her expression changed drastically. The terrifying spirit energy contained within the petals was at least a hundred times more terrifying than the eruption of the Purgatory Volcano. If she were to be hit by it, she would definitely die in an instant.    


"Damn it!"    


The only thing that could save her now was the glazed palace lamp. If even the glazed palace lamp could not save her, then she would definitely die.    


However, just as her thoughts rose and she was about to take out the glazed palace lamp, she suddenly felt her waist tighten and her entire person fell into an ice-cold embrace.    


A familiar chill, a familiar aura, and that simple and brutal action.    


Jiu Mu Li instantly knew who it was and her thoughts became even more complicated.    


This Evil God is still coming to save me? Could it be that he's not afraid of death? Jiu Mu Li was both moved and anxious.    


She was very clear on how terrifying the person who suddenly appeared was, and whether Qin Zheng's strength could compare to hers or not, she was unsure, and did not know if Qin Zheng's body still had a huge hidden danger that he had not solved.    


The one who saved Jiu Mu Li was naturally Qin Zheng.    


Just as the flower petals appeared, his handsome and sharp face flashed with an unprecedented killing intent, and his body closed in on Jiu Mu Li without hesitation.    


His expression was still cold, his killing intent overflowing, cold and emotionless, his hand grabbing onto Jiu Mu Li's waist, he took the opportunity to extend his hand towards the approaching petal.    


His fingers were white and slender, even a little transparent. They were like sparkling white crystals, and looked even better than the woman's hands. Yet, they easily crushed the approaching petals.    


When all the petals had fallen, a lady dressed in palace clothing stood on the life and death arena, separated her and Qin Zheng by less than three meters, while Jiu Tian Xue, seemed to already be protected by her behind.    


The woman's face that suddenly appeared was bright, and had a mature charm to her, other than that, she looked like Jiu Tian Xue was a few years older.    


"His Highness Duke of Qin, such powerful strength."    


The woman's eyes swept across Jiu Mu Li with a cold gaze, and in the end, landed on Qin Zheng.    


The sudden turn of events happened in an instant. Only now did everyone come back to their senses.    


"Who is that?"    


Many people had their hearts filled with doubt, with this kind of strength, he was definitely not some nameless nobody. Originally, Qin Zheng's actions were already out of everyone's expectations, but now another person had appeared.    


"Are experts so worthless now?"    


Everyone could not help but feel perplexed.    


"Tch, she's someone from the Hundred Flowers Palace. From the way she acted just now, she's definitely someone from the Hundred Flowers Palace."    


Some people recognized the woman's clothing and called out her identity when they contacted her to make a move.    


"Hundred Flowers Palace!"    


Everyone's heart trembled and their faces were filled with disbelief.    


Hundred Flowers Palace was one of the three strongest sects in the Qin Nation.    


All the cultivators of the Qin Nation knew, that in the current Qin Nation, other than the Imperial Family, there were other powerful sects that were not inferior to the Imperial Family, and Hundred Flowers Palace was one of the three strongest colossus present.    


Hundred Flowers Palace only accepted females, all of them were beauties, and many experts were servants of the.    


"Why is someone from the Hundred Flowers Palace here, and why are they involved with Jiu Tian Xue, the wife's daughter?"    


They did not expect Jiu Tian Xue to have such a background. When they thought about the taunting they had given to Jiu Tian Xue just now, many people were filled with regret.    


If only he knew that Jiu Tian Xue had such a deep background, he wouldn't have said so much.    


Jiu Mu Li's heart skipped a beat as well. Thinking back to Jiu Xuan Hua's calmness, she suddenly realized that she had not known who Jiu Tian Xue's mother was until now, but now, she had finally met him.    


However, this woman was too strong, leaving her with no choice.    


"Strength ? in the end, my strength isn't enough."    


Even if the other party was strong, as long as she did not die, she would have a chance. Now, all she needed to do was to wait for Qin Zheng to defeat the other party.    


Thinking about Qin Zheng, she couldn't help but be a little worried. After all, Qin Zheng wasn't able to unleash his full strength, otherwise the hidden danger would be too great.    


"Greetings, Mistress!"    


"Greetings Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Palace."    


Just at that moment, a few aged voices rang out. A few old people who were over the age of ten respectfully greeted the woman and revealed her identity.    


"Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Palace, it's actually her."    


"Damn, Jiu Tian Xue is actually the daughter of the Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Palace."    


Many of the noble young masters' expressions changed, many of them regretting it even more.    


The people of Hundred Flowers Palace were already hard enough to deal with, who would have thought that the woman who jumped out was actually the leader of Hundred Flowers Palace.    


As one of the three strongest sects, how could the strength of their palace masters be weak?    


This kind of person was an existence that they absolutely had to look up to. No matter where they went, it would definitely cause a huge commotion and no one would dare to slight them.    


Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Palace acted as if she did not hear their flattery, she continued to look at Qin Zheng calmly.    


"You crossed the border."    


Qin Zheng coldly spoke, not putting the other party in his eyes at all.    


"Your Highness is indeed wild and unruly, I never thought that he would not care about the other party's identity."    


"Is the Your Highness already so strong? He actually has the strength to challenge the Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Palace."    


"Tsk, Hundred Flowers Palace is nothing. Don't forget what kind of place this is.    


Following Qin Zheng's words, ripples once again arose.    


"When I do things, I will not allow a young person like you to talk too much."    


Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Palace's expression completely darkened. She pointed at Jiu Mu Li and said: "Trash, you dared to kill my daughter, and I order you to kill yourself now. Otherwise, my anger will not be quelled so easily."    


Jiu Mu Li could feel the other party's killing intent, causing her scalp to go numb, as though she had sensed Jiu Mu Li's discomfort. A cold Qi spread to her body, and she immediately felt her entire body lighten.    


Jiu Mu Li sneered, and said: "Your daughter being so shameless, it turns out your mother has taught you well. life and death arena, life and death battle, if Jiu Tian Xue loses, I naturally can kill her! "    


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