Heaven-defying Phoenix



1Was this devilish brat really mistaught, or was he just precocious?     2


When Jiu Muli saw this, a look of surprise flashed past his eyes. Last time, with a quick glance, she felt that this child's personality was weird, and thought that he was affected by the palace's environment, like Qin Zheng, who had a brain problem.    


But looking at it today, it didn't seem like it. Although the other party was indifferent to everything, his bearing was like an adult, causing her to be unable to differentiate between the two.    


It was said that the children of the palace matured early. It seemed that this was the case. After all, the palace was full of deceit. If one did not mature soon, one could only be a short-lived ghost.    


Jiu Muli thought for a bit, then finally found a reason. He stopped thinking about it, and laughed: "Little friend, why do you keep wearing such a tight face, it is as if everyone owes you money."    


The boy remained silent, his eyes indifferent.    


Come on, there's no saving the child.    


Jiu Muli sighed in his heart, and said worriedly: "Little kid, big sis is telling you, this palace is not easy, I understand, but don't always have such a bitter and vengeful look, who would like you like such, be annoying, and get bullied, that's simply courting death."    


Even though being cold was very pleasing to the eyes, it was also very dazzling. If one did not even understand this, one would simply be courting death.    


The little boy frowned as if he was impatient. He turned around and was about to leave.    


"Oi, child, are you being too polite? No matter what, I saved you twice. You're just leaving like this, aren't you too disrespectful?"    


Jiu Muli was speechless, but very quickly he saw that the little boy stopped and did not have any intention of teasing him anymore.    


The devilish brat didn't know anything and was ice-cold. Jiu Muli didn't have any interest in anyone else, but seeing how the little guy acted, he hid it from the others and spoke with a bit of lackadaisical tone, "Is there anything that I can help you with? "Looking at you, I don't think your days are going to be too good either."    


The boy's expression was still as wooden as ever, but there seemed to be an indescribable surge of emotions in his eyes. After a flash of light, he coldly opened his mouth and asked: "Do you know medicine?"    


This was the first time the boy had spoken. His voice was clear and clean, but it also carried an indifference that could not be seen from a thousand miles away.    


Heh, he was quite cold. He wasn't bad looking either. When he grows up, he would grow up to be the type that young girls liked. He was born with the innate ability to seduce girls.    


Jiu Muli thought as his train of thoughts expanded. However, his response wasn't slow.    


Although the little boy's question was very sudden, she still nodded and said, "Yes. You need my help. I'll do my best."    


Meeting face to face was fate, and since they had met, Jiu Muli did not feel troubled.    


"I'll see you at Gongquan tonight."    


The little boy spoke coldly. After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, not caring about whether Jiu Muli agreed or not.    


Jiu Muli didn't know what to say for a moment. The little boy didn't even have a hint of courtesy, his words were simple and straightforward, as if he had seen through her. This made her feel weird, but in the end she didn't say anything more.    


Anyway, she didn't have much to do recently, so the Gongquan wasn't too far away from the Jiuhua Hall.    


"Looking at his appearance, he went back to the Gongquan. It looks like his identity isn't ordinary."    


Jiu Muli was deep in thought. She might joke around, but even if she wanted to help, she had to look at others. She did not dare to be a good person, because in this world, good people would only die sooner.    


She thought for a while, but could not figure it out. In the end, she was too lazy to think any further, and headed straight for Jiuhua Hall.    


Without encountering any problems, Jiu Muli smoothly returned to the Jiuhua Hall.    


"Ninth Miss, ancestor, you're back!"    


Just as Jiu Muli entered the door, he heard a sharp voice, and was shocked.    


"Director Chen, why are you so agitated?" She was at a loss as to what to do.    


"Ninth Miss, it is all this old servant's fault. I shouldn't have done anything to take care of you. This old servant shouldn't have let you go to that lousy Purgatory Volcano, it's all my fault for being careless, I didn't assign anyone to do it."    


Director Chen's face was full of guilt, but as he said that, his eyes turned red and tears almost flowed out.    


Jiu Muli felt a little awkward, it was unknown whether she was truly moved or scared. But no matter what you say, Director Chen has definitely been under the greatest pressure these few days. She immediately laughed awkwardly and said: "Head Supervisor, don't say it like that, it's also my fault. I'm too willful."    


He patted Director Chen on the shoulder and said: "But this time, I am not at a disadvantage. Although I am injured, I have been blessed by the misfortune, and my cultivation has improved greatly, and I have found the right medicine, Jiu Tianxue even beat me up, it's great."    


Speaking of medicine, she woke up and disappeared. She could not help but ask: "Right, that Purgatory flower of seven colors, is it with you?"    


"No longer with this old servant, I'm sure His Royal Highness has put it away. This time, it's all thanks to His Highness that you were saved, so don't take such a risk in the future."    


Director Chen said, still with a look of lingering fear.    


"Don't worry, I know what to do. I was worried that the evil spirit would do something to you.    


Jiu Muli laughed, no matter what, this time Director Chen was truly worried for her. If not for Director Chen's quick reaction, it was still unknown whether she would have returned.    


evil spirit, lunatic, nine girls, is it really appropriate for you to scheme His Highness like this? He was indeed pampered. If his highness wasn't angered like that, others would have already minced the meat long ago.    


Director Chen muttered in his heart. He was scared and touched as he quickly replied, "Thank you for your concern, this old servant is fine. I just got scolded, nothing serious."    


The Ninth Miss was great, reasonable and funny. This Jiuhua Hall really couldn't be lacking Ninth Miss, otherwise, his good days would never come back.    


The Director Chen sighed in her heart, but Jiu Muli did not know. She spoke to the Director Chen and went straight to her own room.    


It happened too suddenly at Purgatory Volcano, and after coming back, she was in a coma for three days. When she woke up, she would be in a life and death duel, so she didn't have time to properly organize her gains.    


"Bai Qing is actually not here."    


Jiu Muli didn't see Bai Qing, so she was a little puzzled, but in the end, she did not put it to heart.    


Her battle with Jiu Tianxue had just ended, and she was still not proficient in using Star Soul s. Now, it was the right time to strike the iron while it was hot, to comprehend it better in order to increase her fighting strength.    


Her battle skills were mostly from her previous life, and were not rich, but it was good that they were sharp. Her Star Soul was formed from the stars of the sixth Star River, and it was also the Summon division.    


Two hours later, after she had finished flirting with him, her thoughts became clearer and clearer.    


His strength had increased a little bit, and actual combat was indeed the best method.    


She secretly rejoiced in her heart because the breakthrough was brought about by the python gall. Very suddenly, she was worried that her foundation would be unstable, but now it seemed that it had already been completely stabilized. It even made her feel as strong as she had ever felt before.    


"Very good, let's take another look at this time's harvest."    


Thinking of the rewards she had gotten, she couldn't help but feel a fire burning in her heart.    


The two storage ring Fingers made her smile brightly. Even if there were no other gains, just two of them would be enough, and spatial storage tools were already extremely rare, let alone the extremely powerful storage ring Finger that she used inside.    


As she poured her mind into the storage ring Finger, she felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction from seeing piles of different colored spirit stone that were brimming with spirit energy.    


"Let's see who's the bumpkin now. With this many spirit stone, I can use them for a long time."    


Back then, when Qin Zheng had broken through the fifty-first profound vein, she had only used spirit stone similar to her. Now, she felt that her own spirit stone was not much less than that, and it should not be too short for her to use.    


Other than the spirit stone, the last thing was an unremarkable lotus seed.    


When she held the lotus seed in her hand, she did not sense anything extraordinary about it. Back then, she also held the thought of not leaving any for Jiu Tianxue, which was why she hurriedly kept the storage ring.    


"He appears to be very simple and unadorned. He is merely an ordinary lotus seed. However, how could an ordinary lotus seed possibly remain intact for so long?"    


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